Any good books on education from Ayn Rand?
Posted by Slytherin 9 years, 5 months ago to Ask the Gulch
Her books have a lot of lessons woven into them. Any particular work or subsection of it that covers education directly? I have only read her fiction work and it at best hints.
Also, all her work on general free market principles applies to education just as well as any other industry.
The Comprachicos from The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution.
Further, one might check out Montessori schools, of which Rand was quit impressed. My grandchildren went to a Montessori school up until high school, which they entered better prepared and further ahead than if they had been in a public school.
"For a presentation of the essentials of the Progressive nursery schools' theories and practice—as contrasted to the rationality of the Montessori nursery schools- I refer you to "The Montessori Method" by Beatrice Hessen in The Objectivist, May-July 1970."
Recommended as the best book on the Montessori method was Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook by Maria Montessori, 1914
A free ebook download is at
Also recommended (and sold) by The Objectivist was Joan Beck's How to Raise a Brighter Child, 1967
A lot is taught and written about the Montessori method in its name but often different in method or quality.
It's based on his lecture course Philosophy of Education at
The free web version is at, already cited by khalling elsewhere on this page:
- Listen at
- Download from
- Edited written version "Education" in Objectively Speaking: Ayn Rand interviewed, ed by Marlene Podritske and Peter Schwartz, 2009
There are additional answers to miscellaneous questions on education in the section "Epistemology and education" in Ayn Rand Answers: The Best of Her Q&A, ed by Robert Mayhew.