Open and shut proof that Paul Krugman cares not a whit for facts...

Posted by WDonway 11 years, 8 months ago to Entertainment
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I happened, just now, to be checking a Google reference for the spelling of "Ellsworth" as in "Ellsworth Toohey." And I found this 2010 NYT Column by Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman. He offers what he says is the very best thing he ever read about Ayn Rand.

Readers, it is hardly necessary to say this, and hardly necessary to point out Krugman's vicious disregard for facts, but I know hundreds of Objectivists and Krugman's statement is evidence, utterly, that Mr. Krugman can say nothing true even about obvious, concrete level reality--never mind theory. The ONLY thing he means is that Objectivists oppose the interventionist-welfare state, while Krugman advocates its steady and potentially unlimited accretion of power over the individual. What is striking is that Krugman says this is the best thing he has read and it bears NO relationship to reality. He doesn't care. He just doesn't care. And that frightening? In the context, I can tell you exactly: as frightening as Steven Mallory's nightmare about being trapped in a room with a brain-rotted, drooling monster... But wait...I slander Mr. Krugman. The title of his column is "I'm Ellsworth Toohey!" Let no one say that Mr. Krugman has never spoken a true thing.

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