I'm Janice...Need the Gulch Commnity

Posted by jvmitch63 9 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...and it has taken me a lifetime to find it. Though it is online for now, hope to find one in real time as I do not fit into the status quo of societal norms, never have.

I found Ayn Rand through a friend, Mark, who read her in highschool. Lucky him. Atlas Shrugged has most definitely gave me reason for my cynicism towards the government, financial stability and the "American Dream" which is not real but made by the government for us to become its slaves. I'm losing my home to a short sale, need to find some kind of job with benefits so I can get the mental healthcare I need, and I would like the company & job reflect my morals and values for what is right for me. Also a place to live that is in a community of like minded people...aka a real Galt's Gulch. Co-housing and co-living are becoming a popular idea, saw something online about it in San Francisco. I'm in my 50's wonder if I could live with so many under one roof or a development. The condo has been a disaster.

Does any of this make sense? I would appreciate guidance in my learning of Ayn Rand's works and her philosophy. Honestly, I've been searching a lifetime for my individualism as well. My uniqueness. My love for myself and for my life.

Any help...as long as it's not overbearing I will listen but forcing it down my throat I will turn away from you and the group quickly. I need a place where I'm accepted for who and where I am at this moment. In a state of chaotic life changes and no where really to move to to get out of it. Yes, brought it on myself but I was wrangled into believing in the dream of owning a home...yes bought 2007 just as the market was falling. When I read that part in AS, my mouth dropped.

I knew then that finding Ayn Rand and her philosophy will help me find myself and my place.

Thank you
Janice aka Jan

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 6 months ago
    Welcome, Jan. if you are like me, you will find a real sense of belonging in the Gulch. You will learn here, but that will only be part of the benefit of the Gulch. Enjoy talking to people who think like you do!
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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years, 6 months ago
    Hi Janice, welcome! Besides reading, I highly recommend finding a local group if you have one near you so you can have discussions in person. That was invaluable for me. You can ask for people here in your vicinity or you can use other tools like Meetup. Best wishes on your journey to a better life! It is possible and you can make it happen.
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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 6 months ago
    Jan welcome and may I suggest that you read all of Rands works. All of it, slowly so you do not get overloaded. This blog is a good place to get clerification when you need it. Don't expect it all to make sense right away. I have been at this for nearly 40 years and I am still learning. Also read Galts oath carefully and ask yourself if you take that oath will you really mean it and accept the consequenses.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      I think I have all but two, the one on capitalism and another i can't remember. I'm reading philosophy: who needs it, which is almost done and then dig into the Intro to Objectivity. Atlas Shrugged opened my eyes as well as We the Living. Thank you all for the welcome.
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