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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years ago
    I imagine if a school in the #4 example sent a letter home to the 20% and said "please send money to cover your son Johnny and 8 of his friends", that would be a school that would make Karl Marx proud, right? Honestly, why does this get turned into a slam on Ayn Rand? You'd think the criticism whould be on the teachers who clearly don't care there's not enough parental funding to go have their fun, but that's not going to stop them from having their day of non-teaching. They're not doing this out of any value-for-value commitment - it's pure alle über mich.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    The comments in the article clearly demonstrate the author has no grasp of Objectivism, the writings of Ayn Rand or the functioning of schools in a free republic or democracy. the may not even know the difference been a Republic and a Democracy.
    To address the schools in order.
    #4. A Middle School Where Field Trips Are for the 20 Percent Who Can Afford Them
    I missed many a school field trip because my parents’ couldn’t afford it. My wife missed all of hers from first grant until fifth. I don’t think either of us was harmed. We learned that sometimes you don’t get what you want and if possible work hard and get what you need/want. It is not a crime to be left out of a field trip.

    #3. A Low-Income School Forced Parents to Pay for Graduation Tuxedos
    When I was in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades my parents had to buy the text books I used in school. Forget the tuxedo, they purchased text books for two children and had two at home. They didn’t complain they just bought the books and went on with life.
    If you know a tux is expected at graduation, the save your money and rent one for the day. If you have to buy it, see if you can get one from the class ahead of you.

    #2. An Elementary School Charges Fake Money for the Bathroom
    The charge was for use outside of scheduled time. Charges for unusual access to different things is common in our society. Following a schedule is a necessary skill to learn and an appropriate skill for all youngsters. Following a schedule teach discipline and planning.
    I know there are emergency situations, especially with younger children and schedules cannot always be kept. Exception can be made and usually are.

    #1. Schools Are Turning Lunch into Actual Class Warfare
    Taking lunches away from children is not a good thing to do. However if they cannot pay and the parents have been told the child’s account is overdrawn or at 0, the school should not provide a lunch. If the parents have not been informed, then the school should provide a lunch, the parents should be notified and the child given a note to the parents explaining that either the child brings money, the parents get the account into a positive state or the child brings a lunch from home.
    This does seem like a heartless thing to do, but it is not my responsibility to feed your child, and that is what giving them lunch after being told (the parents that is) the account is overdrawn is, forced charity.

    In short, I don’t think Ayn Rand would approve or disapprove of the schools. She would have a lot to say about people who are not responsible for themselves and/their children.
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