Ahh, the freedom of obamacare

Posted by KYFHO 11 years ago to Economics
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More money, more leisure time, better healthcare, less worry. Gee, I've been looking at this all wrong. How great it must be to be a statist and actually believe this drivel.
SOURCE URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/arnold-ahlert/obamacare-liberating-the-workers/?utm_source=FrontPage+Magazine&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=c151f467d6-Mailchimp_FrontPageMag&utm_term=0_57e32c1dad-c151f467d6-156801809

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years ago
    In the novel I'm currently reading, the protagonist has been captured and is to be sold as a slave. As the slave carts are driven into the town this is what he hears:

    "I am the Babchenko, the Voice of the King and the First Acuna. Whatever life you had before this day, it has ended. From this point forward, you will have the privilege and absolute security of serving the Andalian Empire.

    "You no longer need to fear going hungry. You will never heave to sleep in the cold again. All of your needs will be provided for by the generosity of the King. You need not fret or worry over the future because you no longer bear the burden of responsibility for your life. The King will carry that weight for you. You are free."

    "So many misguided souls make bad decisions-decisions that lead to ruin for themselves and their families. You no longer need to fear your own ignorance for you will be guided by the infinite wisdom and benevolence of the King........."

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  • Posted by ktrae910 11 years ago
    I am liberated FROM government interference in my medical care.

    Twice I was coerced into the government medical care system by the threat of loosing my children if I didn't apply and accept their care. My family, in their concern over my brain tumors supported the government interference. Twice I was 'forced' to undergo 12+ hours of surgery that did nothing but prolong the problem and add unimaginable pain in my life.

    Even though the above was coerced upon me, I have continued to speak against government interference in my life and in other's lives.

    My youngest 2 children, now 21 and 15, and my oldest child, now 26, have witnessed my refusal to lay down and consent to having my life dictated by government bureaucrats and stand by my side backing up my refusal to consent to bureaucratic over medication that serves no purpose.

    I am a functional producer in society with minor deformities caused by tumors doctors could not fully excise. I have voluntarily given up freedoms in which I pose a danger to society. I no longer drive because I have impaired vision due to tumor growth near my optical nerve. I don't provide sole care for my grandchildren due to the danger of seizures.

    I refuse the medication because the medications I was prescribed left me lifeless and mindless. After stopping the medications and refusing medical care, I was able to continue to run my own business for two and a half years until my sight became a danger.

    I currently help homeschool my grandchildren and do freelance work from my computer to support myself and my youngest daughter.

    This is called being personally responsible for your life and your actions.

    I am liberated. I am a producer. I am an artist. I am a parent. I am a grandparent. I live the life God has given me to the fullest extent possible. I give to the charities in which I believe. I do not partake in any part of the statist mindset. My experiences have helped me pass this on to 3 of my 5 children.

    Besides converting my other 2 children away from the statist mindset, my only goal in life I haven't achieved is finding a real "Galt's Gulch" where my children and grandchildren can live a free and productive life.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    The two Times (New York and L.A.) have the right approach. Pretend the bad news doesn't exist and it will go away. Millions of jobs lost, The people are liberated.
    Those "journalists" have lost their minds. They should hire someone to go find them or at the very least keep them from looking like complete blithering idiots.
    If this country depends upon a free press and an intelligent press (which it does) we could be in for a long rough road the next few years.
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    • Posted by ktrae910 11 years ago
      The press in the US is not free. It is owned by corporations that owe their existence to at least one government agency. To be part of that you must recite the company mantra: Government is good, freedom is bad for government.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years ago
    So, let me get this straight. According to Pelosi, this will free up musicians, etc,. to quit their jobs to pursue their interests? Doesn't this mean we who keep our jobs get to subsidize someone who prefers to bang on a damn drum or spray graffiti on railcars?
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    • Posted by ktrae910 11 years ago
      I guess you haven't taken any art education courses. Graffiti on railcars is a valid form of expressing racial identity (if you can block out the fact that we are really one race, homo-sapiens.). Colleges and universities are the final nail in the liberal coffin. Don't you know that is why they want to extend public education to the 4 year college degree?
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years ago
      She said that!? OMG! OMG! When I was a kid I was a musician and purposely put that on the back burner to go to school and become an engineer. Now who's the dummy? Me.

      I actually feel physical pain in my gut from this kind of statement, this kind of leadership...
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    • Posted by Herb7734 11 years ago
      Calm down. Being a musician is more than just banging on a drum. The arts are as essential to humanity as is science, for without them, we are less than human. By her pronouncements, we recognize that Pelosi is so locked into the left's agenda that it has turned her into an idiot. But let's not let her idiocy cause us to get as blind as she is in our opposition to her.
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  • Posted by littlered77 11 years ago
    When I read articles of this nature, my blood boils. They can only give away when it has been or will be taken from others. The day is rapidly approaching when I withdraw my contribution to this madness.
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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
    This is the perfect set up. When millions of jobs are lost over the next few years; some statist windbag is going to step up and tell us that they are all artists just kicking back to do what they want and that it is a wonderful thing. I'm not sure what is more pathetic: that people get away with saying this type of BS; or that people actually believe it.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years ago
    "A slave is a human forced to work for the needs and wants of other humans." Joseph W Gabriele

    "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject subject to their jurisdiction."

    Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

    When was the 13th amendment repealed? I don't recall. When were the productive convicted?
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  • Posted by squareone 11 years ago

    Will home schooling be our salvation?
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    • Posted by Argo 11 years ago
      Doubtful...home schooled children are now subject to State "inspections" of the home to see that it is conducive to the well being of the child. "The children belong to all of us", now.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years ago
        A good friend of mine runs a home schooling program in a local, yet isolated gated community. I have noticed that even the neocons there have bought the lie that homeschoolers are nuts. Nothing could be further from the truth. Homeschooling is a gift and it is certainly under growing scrutiny from the State.
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      • Posted by ktrae910 11 years ago
        Not every state takes that stance. Right now, there are at least 3 states that aren't subject to state inspections: Texas, Florida and New Mexico.
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        • Posted by $ Genez 11 years ago
          Neither does Oklahoma. In fact, Oklahoma is one of the only, if not the only state where you are guaranteed the right to homeschool your children. You do not have to do ANY reporting or follow any plan of the states. We've homeschooled all of our kids clear thru high school without any issues and with no contact with the state whatsoever.
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  • -1
    Posted by freedomforall 11 years ago
    Oprahmacare, who benefits? Why the people who manipulate government for their own profits. The insurance industry, owned by people like Warren Buffett, and, of course, Wall Street bankers. All those healthy young people who purposely chose not to pay for health insurance because they are healthy and young (and its a waste of money that they could apply toward buying a home, for example) are now forced to be customers of an industry that produces nothing and enriches people who are leeches on the productive.

    Who else benefits? The medical industry, that is, companies who run hospitals, clinics, diagnostic facilities.... and the shareholders of those companies, the usual suspects. Before Obamacare, the medical industry had reduced and inconsistent profits because they treated people without insurance, and sometimes they did not get paid by the less affluent patients who had no insurance. Under Obamacare the medical industry gets paid every time. This makes profits higher and more consistent, at the expense of the poor and lower middle class who must pay for insurance they can't actually afford, and also the middle class who must pay higher rates for insurance than before Oprahmacare.

    Who loses? Every other business and all their employees. All the money going into the cost of health insurance will not be available for buying homes, cars, furniture, appliances, computers, mobile phones, electricity, water, etc. Big businesses will survive by increasing prices and some by taking advantage of their slave laborers in China and other 3rd world countries. Small businesses will lay off people, and some will close, putting many more people out of work than are hired by hospitals.

    Higher costs are the rational result of health insurance, which is a poor solution regardless of the source, government or private companies. When people get sick they are afraid. It's a situation thats out of their control. The medical delivery system has convinced people they should surrender responsibility for their health to "experts." Sometimes this is good advice, but sometimes it is not. Creating a delivery system that has little direct feedback between services and cost of service is a sure way to drive costs (and profits) of medical care higher and higher. Health insurance is a system doomed to failure. As usual government is misguided in forcing it on everyone.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 11 years ago
      Uh. No. The people in the healthcare industry with whom I am in contact are terrified of Obamacare and government control. I think I could start a riot at most medical trade shows if I got up on a table and started chanting, "Get Government Out of Health Care!" Doctors do not want the government to tell them how to run their practices; providers of instruments and services are really aware that if we go in the direction of a closed system, the odds are that most of us are going to be closed out.

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      • Posted by freedomforall 11 years ago
        I agree it's not the local providers like individual doctors and nurses or small businesses that are getting the benefits. They didn't provide the money to get Obama elected.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          You are so right. My daughter works for Kaiser. Management is thrilled with caca. (Yes, I added the extra c to the acronym). The providers within the system are divided. My own (independent) doctor retired early to save himself from this circus. Same for a lot of the independent practitioners.
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