The End of a Free Press?
Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago to Government
So the FCC wants to put in Overseers into news stations to study and evaluate what news is being reported as well as what stories to 'allow'. Goodbye, freedom of the Press !!
Then proceed to report the truth.
Half this country believes that Obama has the authority to circumvent the Congress using Executive Orders.
We have a population of mouth-breathers that don't understand what's going on around them and don't really care. The one's that do care, lack the numbers or resources to do anything.
Find a State that refuses to accept Federal Dollars and move the Producers into it, and maybe you can gain leverage. But, every State is addicted to Fed money.
This is so un-Constitutional that even suggesting it should get the FCC disbanded or re-organized removing the political operatives and control freaks from the payroll.
If they are allowed in the data collected will fall into so many interpretations that any future administration will be free to pick and choose which set of data to follow and misshape policy with. (I hope that is understandable).
Don't want credit twice for the same post. Someone please -1 this comment. Thank you
The modern investigative journalist is the blogger. Bloggers break far more news and in depth investigations than newspapers. The citizen reporter is what will keep the press free.
An unjust law is a law that should be broken after all.
Jail should be a possible when their excuses and explanations are found to be against the best interests of the American public.
Government tends to work in its' own self interest NOT the peoples.
Beware of IRS auditors at your door any day now...
I am making the same point about immigration law punishing children of immigrants who live here their entire life.
But I digress. this is the kind of story now I am at a loss to understand why it isn't being broadcast all over the place. a couple of weeks ago I accepted about 30 or 40 pending friend request on facebook, so I re broadcast such posts from galtsgulch to a wider audience, trying to give an explanation accessible to people who have been mushrooms their entire life.
The principle of freedom of the press (and presumably of speech, in opposing charges of sedition and of seditious libel) goes back to John Peter Zenger in New York in 1734.
Here is a brief article:
They key to maintaining our rights is the jury trial.
Zenger was arrested on orders of the Royal governor after a grand jury had refused to indict him. At his trial (after eight months in prison) his lawyer stopped trying to convince the judge and spoke instead to the jury. The jury returned a verdict of innocent in ten minutes.
There is no authority under the Constitution for Federal control over newspapers, and by extension over material published on the internet. The FCC (which is possibly un-Constitutional) has no authority whatever over newspapers.
Just in case some Federal person wants to turn off parts of the internet, does anyone remember what a BBS is? It's a dial-up bulletin board.
Computers were part of the downfall of the Soviet Union. Previously, a police raid on the publisher of a samizdat (illegal newsletter) consisted of the publisher trying to hold off the cops at the door while his friends ATE the incriminating pieces of paper. With computers, when everything was on 8-inch or 5-inch floppy disks, bending the disks destroyed the evidence.
So, the Press must Suppress certain details and information that could be contradiction to its clients. Therefore, freedom of speech is censored from the get go. This new system is part of those corporations taking over the state, regulating these conditions on a more "official" status. But it´s just comming clean on something that has existed since speech itself was invented, sad to say.
This isn’t a swipe at all press, just some press. More political manure.
spoke about this last September during his
program, as has been mentioned elsewhere.
There is absolutely no need for the FCC to be in the news rooms of any newspaper. Ever. They have no authority there and should be refused admission when they show up.
If they are allowed in the data collected will fall into so many interpretations that any future administration will be free to pick and choose which set of data to follow and misshape policy with. (I hope that is understandable).
Don't want credit twice. Would someone do a -1 on this. Thank you.