May 1 is a fitting publication date for this novel, which became available on Amazon this morning. Meanwhile, my first novel, "The Price of Hannah Blake," is free on Amazon today and tomorrow...
Thanks! I think you might have been the first one, for all I can tell. I appreciate it so much, and would welcome a brief review (or a long one, for that matter) on Amazon, if you enjoy the novel.
Walter, I DO NOT read paranormal/fantasy novels. Once again, I break my own rules to read your novels. The writing is lush, dreamlike. You always put your characters through the paces. Lots of action and surprises on every page. A modern Irving story. I also don't really do much poetry. hmmmm
Thank you, I like the way you characterize the books in so few, but insightul, words. As I think about the structure of the novel, I have one man dealing with three very different, but all strong, women. And, as suggested by the title, there are five child-parent relationships, all strong, somewhat troubled,driven by passion.
I DO NOT read paranormal/fantasy novels. Once again, I break my own rules to read your novels. The writing is lush, dreamlike. You always put your characters through the paces. Lots of action and surprises on every page. A modern Irving story.
I also don't really do much poetry. hmmmm