Plunder And Deceit: Big Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 7 months ago to Books
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Plunder And Deceit: Big Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future
Book Review, 9-1-15
Author, Mark R. Levin Political Science
192 pages ISBN 978-1-4516-0630-0

Covering today’s major political issues, there are eleven chapters including the epilogue. 1. Plunder and Deceit 2. On the Debt 3. On Social Security 4. On Medicare and Obamacare 5. On Education 6. On Immigration 7. On the Environment 8. On the Minimum Wage 9. On National Security 10. On the Constitution 11. Epilogue (A New Civil Rights Movement).

A very easy worthy read that takes on the statists and collectivists, revealing their failed policies and dismal prospects of their governing philosophy. All of the pertinent facts are gathered in one compact book that puts the best arguments at your fingertips. The results and indisputable facts are the best arguments and this book cites some of the best studies and sources. Rand is quoted along with Jefferson, Locke, Montesquieu, Friedman, Tocqueville, Washington, and Bastiat. Should the reader further investigate the writings of these giants they will get the education needed to counter the modern statist propaganda. The unique and superior principles and philosophy of governance of our founding are explored alongside of the current misguided ideologies.

“This book is, against heavy odds, an appeal to reason and audacity. It is intended for all Americans but particularly the rising generation, which is the primary, albeit not singular, target and casualty of the federal Leviathan’s improprieties. It is an appeal to younger people to find personal strength and will to break the cycle of statist propaganda and manipulation, unrelenting emotional overtures, and the pressure of groupthink, which are humbling, dispiriting, and absorbing them; to stand up as individuals and collectively against the strong hand of centralized government, which if left unabated will assuredly condemn them to economic and societal calamity.” Pg. 182

I recommend adding this book to your reading list, your library and sharing it with those that need it.


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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 7 months ago
    OA, the title of your post expresses the most heartbreaking part of what is going on in our country and the world today. I know what is being done to young people, and it is SO wrong.
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