"Obesity is the new face of hunger." (Say again?)

Posted by Zero 9 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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Check out the 5th paragraph.

It's not the story so much - It's the way Orwellian speech has become the new normal.
(But good luck with a grocery store that specializes in unappetizing produce! Ha!)

Wouldn't do to parse out a little praise on our capitalist system.
That uniquely American system that works so well even our poor are fat, wherein PREPARED meals are so cheap and plentiful that cooking has become a HOBBY!

But no, that can't be right.
So now FAT people are STARVING - of nutrients!

Now, I'm not trying to start a food fight here, I'm sure many of you have strong opinions about modern nutrition
(Though I remember a day when meat, bread and potatoes were considered GOOD food and deficiency diseases had not yet faded into obscurity.)

No, my point is just how amazed I am - that we've gone so far down the rabbit hole that saying "white is black" is clever - not creepy.
SOURCE URL: http://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/this-grocery-store-veteran-will-change-the-way-you-think-about-expired-food/ar-AAdOhgA?li=BBgzzfc

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  • Posted by tkstone 9 years, 3 months ago
    I get where you are coming from. The language has been corrupted. It is hard to define exactly but this just doesn't feel right. Very unsettling.
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 3 months ago
    No matter...I'm sure the FDA or the Health Department or the tax people (or all of the above) will be along to shut it down any time now.

    Still, I applaud the effort.
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