The Sequester versus Medicare CUTS(?)

Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Being a spoiled man-child obama is inflicting pain on citizens to punish them for not going against HIS sequestor "cuts?" It's ridiculous, except to the libs, that reducing an increase in a 3.5+ trillion dollar budget by $85 billion will have any serious affects. Afterall, he did get a $15 billion dollar increase in the budget. It's amazing that a lib can enact a law, then go against his own law. They don't know the meaning of shame; therefore, they are incapable of speaking the truth. The title of Chapter 10 in "Surviving Obama Care" says it all "Putting the Screws to Medicare." Why the repubs aren't effectively driving this point home to the American people is very puzzling. Ryan alludes to stabilizing Medicare requires the repeal of obamacare. The people don't get this nuance. Just say it, obama is enviscerating Medicare at the expense of financing obamacare. I would add, because he believes senior citizens are expendable. Socialist truly believe this.

Now let's take Medicare's cuts by obama (obmacare). This is a real cut of $750 (?) billion. Thsi real cut will cause the seniors to really suffer pain while waiting for a doctor. Obamacare is meant to steal from Medicare and enviscerate it. Steal the wealth from the people who had the ability to earned it to the ones that have needs.

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  • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
    Applying for unemployment, the robo message say that " b/c of sequestion, the extended fed benies will be cut by 12.8%." Not that the gov'mt owes me anything, but that's whack what with it being his law.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
      Elucidating further, he destroys the ecomony and not only doesn't create jobs but destroys them [his objective]. That's when he kicks them while they're lying dead on the ground.
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