Krauthammer on Obama's Position on Chemical Weapons in Syria

Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Last night on Fox News, when ask about Obama's stance on the chemical weapons in Syria and obama's red line re-evaluation, Krauthammer responded "What's he doing? He's [obama] treating this like it's CSI Damascus.

As a kid, we liked to draw chalk lines on the sidewalk to dare a person, usually a friend, to cross the line if he wants to fight. Well they always cross the line so you draw another line, etc. This goes on until there's a fight or one kid gives up or we run out of chalk.. Most times it's for laughs but the smaller or less tougher kid usually is the one that gives up.

The USA under obama is that kid. He acts as man-child on many if not all issues. I'm not saying that we should go to war, but that idiot should quit making threaqts he as no cajones to follow through with.

With this kind of vacillation, obama is increasing the risk of war some or many places around the world. Ironic but true.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 10 months ago
    We should stay out of Syria and bring the troops sent to Turkey to 'help' with the refugee problem home. We need to stop putting Muslim Brotherhood/Al Qaeda regimes in power. The U.N. is supposed to be protecting the people of Syria, not the U.S. Not our job. Obama should just go to the golf course and keep his mouth shut for the next 4 years and we might survive. Better yet. Go on permanent vacation to K Bay, the breeding grounds of Hammerhead Sharks and be chum.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
      I agree with your assessment on obama(STFU). But the U.N. will do the same long, drawn out CSI-Damascus investigation.

      I think getting into Syria now is too late; and, especially with such a vacillating CIC. Giving them moral support and non-combative aid is all they should do. Turkey too. Except for his expertise in wrecking the economy (see my Obama and the Cloward Plivin Strategy posting), he and his yes people are clueless as to running the couintry. As a CEO, he would have been fired. What am I saying, in the private sector he wouldn't rise above a mailroom position. Yet I do mailroom employees an injustice; sorry about that. I use to work in one.

      Anyway, if you want to ascertain the depth of the administration cluelessness, I suggest you read "Clueless." It's an eye opener.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 10 months ago
    He's also opening the US up to outside threats, as the myriad despots out there try to prove their own mettle. Why would the opportunity to give us a black eye get passed up? He's a wishy washy backpedaling fool. And the rest of us will pay for his follies, while he holes up in his bunker and rides out the torrent happening above.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
      He'll hole up in Hawaii where he was errr... born. He's like the big kid everyone beat up on the block because they can. This is a perfect analogy for our "fearless or it is fearful" leader. He can't smile his way out of the bind he put himself and, therefore, us in. Ther's only one charm the bad guys respect and that's no charm at all.
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      • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 10 months ago
        Watch the movie "Obama 2016". It is very illuminating.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
          I went to the Amazon site and that made me remember that I did buy the DVR. I thought it'd make a difference in the election but the 47% did it for him. When it's greater than 50%, the fat lady will sing; it's over.

          Anyway, I was sitting on my front steps having a beer when someone drove by and shouted to me I'm going to the movies to see the first showing. He also excitedly shouted "It says no one will vote for him once they see it." Too bad that wasn't so.

          I think they could make a video of him peeing his pants and it wouldn't make any difference to anyone that voted for him. But, wait until their mothers and fathers start dropping like flies when medicare is completely robbed to finance OC (the term "death panels" is subtle but real). I'll not fell sorry for them if I know they voted for him.

          In MA the odds are good that they did vote for bho. I just heard on the radio concerning the upcoming senatorial election for kerry's seat that the D to R ratio is 10. I though it was 2 all this time.

          BTW, three consecutive House leaders in MA have been brought up on corruption charges. They finally said enough; and, put the third one away. Once a judge said to a corrupted rep. who was begging for mercy b/c that being jailed would ruin his livelihood. The judge responded, being in jail in MA has never been a hinderance to a political career in MA. It's true, they even have erected a statue of a crooked mayor at Fanueil Hall.
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        • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
          I can't stand even looking or hearing him. Really, I press the "sound pause" button and do something else until his pic goes away.

          I can imagine what it's about because I read AS. But, I seem to think I saw it though. I guess I conditioned my mind to erase anything I see of him.
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          • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 9 months ago
            Here's a trailer for the movie. You really should watch it. It talks about his anti-colonial passions and his communist upbringing and training. It connects some dots.
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            • Posted by 11 years, 9 months ago
              Yeah, I remembered I saw the movie. I posted that above. I thought the movie would help but apparently the people are blind to his background and unamerican ideologies.

              I probably forgot buying it (as soon as it was released just before the election) because I was so traumitized by the elections results. Did you read Hayek's book, we are not only on the Road to Serfdom? We're about at the finish (us off) line. It's short but to the point read from a person who studied socialism up close and personal. The only hope remaining, and it may not be enough, is a rout of the D's in 2014.
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