Is ObamaCare and other Federal programs the modern version of Project X?

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 6 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I am listening to AS and I am up to the part about Project X. A deadly weapon that is designed to keep the masses in line. I started thinking that today a weapon of that kind may not be necessary. Todays government has a better way to keep the masses in line. The Federal government controls many peoples retirement thru Social Security and now their health care with ObamaCare. The IRS is one of the most feared organizations on earth. Don't try to take the wrong item on a plane or you will be labeled a terrorist. The list of agencies that can turn your life upside down are too many to list here. This government clearly has it's foot on our air hose and can ruin our lives whenever he chooses to do so. A much more subtle but very effective version of Project X.

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