I'm Mad as HELL and I'm Not Going to Take it anymore

Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago to Politics
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It is eerie how books like Atlas Shrugged and some movies (or scenes from movies) can be so prophetic for the current times ! I would love for courageous People to actually rally in DC and scream this so that maybe the prostitutes, uh, politicians know how fed up we are.

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  • Posted by jhthurman 11 years ago
    Here's a newsflash: the poliicians don't care what we think. If you examine their actions over a period of time, it's clear that the decisions they make are based on the wishes of their corporate banker masters, not the people who elected them. Just look at how easily the GOP pushed yhrough yet another round of debt raising this week. Most Ameriacns were opposed, yet it didn't matter did it? Protesting the actions of DC, or even voting (given how elections and candidates are rigged) won't make any difference. History tells us we"re headed for another revolution if we intend to retain any freedom at all. So wake up....Washington doesn't care what you think.
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    • Posted by shopkins0220 11 years ago
      I agree. As much I wish otherwise, Washington does not care what we think and I believe the voting process is rigged. All of these thoughts made me feel helpless and without hope. What can we do? What has been done in the past? Trust God and fight.
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      • Posted by jhthurman 11 years ago
        Well, I don't subscribe to the idea of giving up, even though things CAN sometimes seem hopeless. Remember, our perception of reality tends to be somewhat short-term. By that I mean we tend not to take a longer-term view and acknowledge that nothing stays the same. For example, think back to 1952, when the Korean War was going on and we thought of Korea as a backward, third-world country. Fast-forward to 2014 and look at the power-house South Korea has become! Well, even if America implodes due to the $17+Trillion in debt and socialist leanings of the current leadership, this too will pass. And from the ashes we have a chance to build an even greater country than before, if we just learn from our mistakes. As far as what to do now? Well, you need to look after yourself; your family; and those you care about. You can't control what other people (or vermin politicians) do, but you can control what you do. Get prepared...things WILL get rocky for a while, and those who aren't prepared may not make it through to the other side. And Camp FEMA isn't the answer ;-)
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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 11 years ago
    If you are really "Mad as Hell", then get out in Nov and vote them all out. I say "Reelect No-one". We need to get together and run all the bums out.
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    • Posted by jhthurman 11 years ago
      Actually, throwing the "bums" out won't work because the system is rigged so your only choices are more of the same. For example, when Obama replaced Bush, what changed? NOTHING. Both are merely puppets of the international corporations and banks that own them. If you want change, you need to look up-stream and eliminate the real power behind the puppet politicians. A systematic extermination of these so-called corporate and banker "elites" is what it's going to take to change things for the better. Remember, there's way more of us than there are of them...we CAN prevail, but the action we'd need to take is extreme, and would put us on "their level" morally and legally. I'm not sure enough people have the stomach for it.
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      • Posted by Retired24-navy 11 years ago
        Yes, but if you can find a good leader, unpurchased by big systems, that would be a god pace to start. That's why we, the people, need to start eliminating the deadwood at the poles and get leaers and fighters in to change the flow. Eithor that or nuke DC and start over again, maby at the state level.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 11 years ago
    Maybe we should all FLOOD our Congressmen with the link to this clip. Sure as hell couldn't hurt. I know that I am going to anyway and also send it to the White House.
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  • Posted by strugatsky 11 years ago
    Actually, saying it doesn't do much, nor does it really mean what is said. Complaining is easy; action is something else. Writing on-line petitions to the government or even demonstrating in DC doesn't do anything either.
    There are non-violent actions one can take - stop paying most of the taxes, stop the donations sickness, don't be cowed by the socialists... There are options.
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  • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
    Ayn Rand was right there is no way for them to learn until they live through it.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 11 years ago
      “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” ― Edmund Burke

      "know" in this context means understand.

      It is somewhat amazing that all these self-professed experts on society are so ignorant with regards to all the social experiments tried throughout the ages.

      "But wisdom is justified of all her children." -- Luke 7:35
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  • Posted by Vinay 11 years ago
    My favourite movie monologue ever. The best line is the one that comes just before the mad as hell line---but first, you have get mad. I am a human being and my life has value, goddammit.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 11 years ago
    The politicians on both sides of the aisle are marching to the beat of the Council on Foreign Relations, toward a collectivist utopia. They do not care what we think or if we even survive. I have stopped political contributions to even Republican candidates, as there is not a lick of difference between them - look to our good ole Speaker Boehner as a prime example. Sheriff Joe in Phoenix cares that Obama lied about his citizenship and investigated, while Boehner said he does not give a .... about it. I care. They did not care enough to read Obamacare before or after the vote. They do not care that the light bulbs they mandate give off three toxic gases beside mercury. Power and following the marching orders is all they care about. We are all part of the targeted ones who produce too much CO2. We can vote them out and get another just like them. Thus, the one thing we can do, keep your money from them as much as possible.
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    • Posted by jhthurman 11 years ago
      For over 150 years, the American people have been scammed by the "two-party" system. You'd think in that amount of time, we'd wise up. I too have stopped looking to either establishment party for the answers...they're the problem, not the solution. Yet every time a viable third-party emerges, it's immediately attacked and discredited by the establishment political, corporate and media vermin. As long as Americans are too lazy to educate themselves as to what's really going on (and with the internet, there's no excuse not to) and continue to swallow the MSM lies and crap, nothing will change. It may be that things will have to totally collapse before people wake up. If so, it will be a long, hard climb to get out of the hole we've dug ourselves into. I agree with you that the best route to take in non-participation in the whole establishment mess!
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      • Posted by freedomforall 11 years ago
        And one or both of the 'major' parties pretend to adopt/adapt the 3rd party's ideas... just until the election. Then it's business as usual.
        A consumer strike is about the only peaceful way for the man in the street to make a difference, and that will be very painful to all the people.
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  • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
    Re: SolitudeIsBliss,

    I can certainly understand your frustrations. We have had people doing just what you propose, members of the Tea Party held several rally's in DC and all over the country. Please join them and keep advocating for demonstrations to be held at your state capitol and in Washington DC.

    Their cause is just and they are almost the only organizations that are not liberal sponsored by the extreme left that have been willing to hold rally's from the Conservative Constitutional point of view.

    Fred Speckmann
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    • Posted by jhthurman 11 years ago
      As noted above. the poliicians don't care what we think. If you examine their actions over a period of time, it's clear that the decisions they make are based on the wishes of their corporate banker masters, not the people who elected them. Just look at how easily the GOP pushed through yet another round of debt raising this week. Most Ameriacns were opposed, yet it didn't matter did it? Protesting the actions of DC, or even voting (given how elections and candidates are rigged) won't make any difference. History tells us we"re headed for another revolution if we intend to retain any freedom at all. So wake up....Washington doesn't care what you think, and carrying signs won't cut it...action will.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
        I have to disagree to some extent. They continue to be elected, so to some degree the people doing the voting either approve or are at least ignorant of what they are doing.
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        • Posted by RobertFl 11 years ago
          Their votes were bought with "free stuff".
          there are 3 types of Liberals.
          1. Those that can afford to be liberal.
          2. Those that can't afford not to be liberal.
          3. Those that don't know what it is to be liberal.
          The adults in the room are out numbered by the children, and if they don't go along with what they want, the children will scream, call them names, and kick them out of the room for interfering with their play time.
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          • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
            Y'know what scares the hell out of ME?

            A country dumb enough to elect Obama is probably dumb enough to elect Hillary.

            There, I said it.
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            • Posted by RobertFl 11 years ago
              If the conservatives can't find a proper candidate to put up against her, she will win.
              However, I think Hillary is too old. I think if you look at history, the younger candidate (or younger looking) is the one that will win.
              The "right" candidate needs be younger, tech savvy, a little sassy, have a spine and be willing to take on Hillary without degrading her. I think Rand Paul has that. Rubio, is too young and I think a little too soft.
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            • Posted by freedomforall 11 years ago
              It's amazing that the people have been brainwashed to believe that voting makes a difference, even after the past 55 years of evidence to the contrary.
              It's broken and voting will not fix it.
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      • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
        Re: jhthurman

        While I agree with most of your points, I suspect that you are falling for that old myth about the evil corporation/banker/politician conspiracy. With most politicians it's a simple venal desire for power and they will promise anything to anybody in order to get elected and gather power. The shelf life of an honest politician once they get to Washington is short indeed. Very few politicians, even if honest in the beginning survive for very long. There are a few who have the character to deal with the people in that Washington snake pit. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Scott Walker may be the only ones to who have the necessary character that is needed.

        The moment people use the businessman conspiracy is thrown into commentary on politicians I question their understanding of politics. That's not to say that businessmen don't pursue their business interests by lobbying politicians, but that is their right and it does mean that the citizens need to band together in order to counter those lobbying efforts in order to protect their interests.

        Fighting fire with fire is our only option.

        The citizens of our country need to pay more attention to what our politicians are doing, we need to be more active in discussing politics and not be afraid of that old adage about never discussing politics and religion. Both are subjects that need to be discussed much more.

        This is the year to “Throw the bums out 2014.”

        Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years ago
    I was born in '75, and I heard it was a major recession.
    I've seen this clip before. He says I don't know how to solve the problems of the world, but all I know is first you've got to get mad.
    Sometimes anger provokes people to go out and do something, but his talk sounds like it's aimed at telling people who are already extremely angry that somehow just being angry at the institutions of the world, being what I think of as a heckler, solves problems. You don't have to get on the board of these organizations and fix them. You don't have to create your own organizations to compete with them. Just get mad.
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