I'm Mad as HELL and I'm Not Going to Take it anymore
Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago to Politics
It is eerie how books like Atlas Shrugged and some movies (or scenes from movies) can be so prophetic for the current times ! I would love for courageous People to actually rally in DC and scream this so that maybe the prostitutes, uh, politicians know how fed up we are.
Prostitutes are oppressed Rand-ian capitalists. Politicians are doing the "f*ck"ing do so by taking your money and freedom, which is socialism regardless of Democrat or Republican goals.
Here is an example where liberals seek real freedom.
"Idiocracy" is documentary. If you watch that, you'll see why were all doomed, and destined to a life of nothing more than watching the reality TV show, "Ow! My Balls", and drinking Brawndo.
These people are planning to go to DC. They are going to make demands. Not for a day, not for a week-end, but for however long it takes. If the lead will not work for you, check out Colonel Riley's website patriotsforamerica.ning.com This is an occupation of DC by people who want a restoration to the Constitution. Don't judge until you check into it. And if you think it is a better idea than any other you have seen, heard or investigated, spread the word, even if you don't plan to join.
There are non-violent actions one can take - stop paying most of the taxes, stop the donations sickness, don't be cowed by the socialists... There are options.
"know" in this context means understand.
It is somewhat amazing that all these self-professed experts on society are so ignorant with regards to all the social experiments tried throughout the ages.
"But wisdom is justified of all her children." -- Luke 7:35
A consumer strike is about the only peaceful way for the man in the street to make a difference, and that will be very painful to all the people.
I can certainly understand your frustrations. We have had people doing just what you propose, members of the Tea Party held several rally's in DC and all over the country. Please join them and keep advocating for demonstrations to be held at your state capitol and in Washington DC.
Their cause is just and they are almost the only organizations that are not liberal sponsored by the extreme left that have been willing to hold rally's from the Conservative Constitutional point of view.
Fred Speckmann
there are 3 types of Liberals.
1. Those that can afford to be liberal.
2. Those that can't afford not to be liberal.
3. Those that don't know what it is to be liberal.
The adults in the room are out numbered by the children, and if they don't go along with what they want, the children will scream, call them names, and kick them out of the room for interfering with their play time.
A country dumb enough to elect Obama is probably dumb enough to elect Hillary.
There, I said it.
However, I think Hillary is too old. I think if you look at history, the younger candidate (or younger looking) is the one that will win.
The "right" candidate needs be younger, tech savvy, a little sassy, have a spine and be willing to take on Hillary without degrading her. I think Rand Paul has that. Rubio, is too young and I think a little too soft.
It's broken and voting will not fix it.
While I agree with most of your points, I suspect that you are falling for that old myth about the evil corporation/banker/politician conspiracy. With most politicians it's a simple venal desire for power and they will promise anything to anybody in order to get elected and gather power. The shelf life of an honest politician once they get to Washington is short indeed. Very few politicians, even if honest in the beginning survive for very long. There are a few who have the character to deal with the people in that Washington snake pit. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Scott Walker may be the only ones to who have the necessary character that is needed.
The moment people use the businessman conspiracy is thrown into commentary on politicians I question their understanding of politics. That's not to say that businessmen don't pursue their business interests by lobbying politicians, but that is their right and it does mean that the citizens need to band together in order to counter those lobbying efforts in order to protect their interests.
Fighting fire with fire is our only option.
The citizens of our country need to pay more attention to what our politicians are doing, we need to be more active in discussing politics and not be afraid of that old adage about never discussing politics and religion. Both are subjects that need to be discussed much more.
This is the year to “Throw the bums out 2014.”
Fred Speckmann
I've seen this clip before. He says I don't know how to solve the problems of the world, but all I know is first you've got to get mad.
Sometimes anger provokes people to go out and do something, but his talk sounds like it's aimed at telling people who are already extremely angry that somehow just being angry at the institutions of the world, being what I think of as a heckler, solves problems. You don't have to get on the board of these organizations and fix them. You don't have to create your own organizations to compete with them. Just get mad.