The Objectivist Newsletter

Posted by TheYoung-Capitalist 11 years, 9 months ago to Books
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I have just started to read this book. The volume 1-4 one, and I was wondering how many people have read this and what they have got out of it? My Grandpop thinks it is one of the best books he has ever studied.

Hopefully,I am going to the university of Delaware in the fall and I was going to take a philosophy class; but I was wondering if this book is enough in it's self for a substitute for it. But of course Learning is a life long goal, so your thoughts?

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  • Posted by $ winterwind 11 years, 9 months ago
    With thought of "know your enemy", I would tentatively approve studying Philosophy. You'll hate parts of it. Are you doing it for the degree, or the fun? If all you want is the learning, minor in Philosophy or just pick and choose your courses. It's also very important to find a professor that you trust, early on - not necessarily in the Phil. Dept, but it helps. Such a person can tell you "he's a moron, read this" or "take it twice". And, degree in hand and knowledge in brain, what are the things you want to do then?
    .....says the History major who could have graduated with 5 B.A.'s but didn't want to take the stupid entry-level classes. so also says the person with a partial Masters' Classical Antiquities [ancient languages, art, architecture, literature & anything else that sounded interesting] degree, who got tired of the administrations' excretions.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 9 months ago
    Hi. Some of the essays from The Objectivist Newsletter are reprinted in other Ayn Rand books which I have read. Should you take a philosophy course? Absolutely! How did Ayn Rand develop her ideas? How do they compare to the ideas of Descartes or Thomas Hobbs, or John Locke? Who was Seneca, Plato or Hippocrates? How have ideas changed through the centuries? What is dialectical reasoning? If knowing the answers to questions like these is important to you --get thee to a class! ;)
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