Hi, I'm WillieKriegs

Posted by WillieKriegs 9 years, 5 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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Hello everyone,
I am new to the Gulch and thought I would introduce myself as the site suggests.

My name is Willie Kriegs. I am 28. Never went to college. Except for a few classes in order to get my Associates through the Air Force. I am full time in the Air National Guard as an Aircraft Mechanic and Maint. Scheduler. I have recently, well I guess always just never labeled it, became interested in philosophy. I have recently came to the decision to give up a lot that I was raised on and accept reason as my only faith, contradiction in terms I kno. Very recently I've read Atlas Shrugged and it's made me want even more then I did before. I want to have plenty to offer, I want to be recognized by the men of Atlantis as a value who they'd like to recruit. My goals are to go back to school once my son is grown and I can sacrifice more of my income and more of my time until then I plan to study philosophy on my own and maybe with the help of like minded people. I guess most everyone here is concerned and knowledgable in philosophy but if there are any philosophers among us I would like to talk with you and learn what I can.
Looking forward to great discussions.

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 5 months ago
    Welcome to the Gulch. I haven't studied philosophy but I am a great fan of Ayn Rand. Truth is truth and A is A and it doesn't take a classroom to know that. I look forward to your comments.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 5 months ago
    Welcome sir! . we are glad that you are here, Willie, and look
    forward to hearing your views about the subjects which come up
    here -- and to see what you want to bring up, too!!! . I am retired
    USAF and worked with b52 and kc135 maintenance. . Welcome!!! -- john
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