When ideology trumps self-preservation
Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
Recently, I visited the Holocaust Museum in D.C. Among its multitude of exhibits – artifacts, photographs, films and news publications – covering the birth of Nazism through its demise, along with tens of millions of people and, of course, the concentration on the extermination of six million Jews, was a glaring void. It was so blatantly obvious that there is no possibility of attributing it to an oversight – the museum organizers have simply chosen not to present or even mention that none of the unspeakable atrocities would have happened had the people to be exterminated been armed. And, in many cases, had they not been disarmed by legal government policies. It is a motto of the post WWII Jews to say “Never Again” and yet, they continue to actively support civilian disarmament, even in the face of rising anti-Semitism. It seems that this ideological illness is stronger than even an instinct for self-preservation, leaving the survival of the future generations to formula best employed by rabbits – through quantitatively superior reproduction! How many more Holocausts will it take for human brains to evolve?