Value for value

Posted by Kulord 11 years ago to The Gulch: General
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Hi all, including the powers that be
This is my first post to Galt’s Gulch and may be the last depending on the powers that be.
I am not now and never have been a Moocher. So I object to being labeled one. You say read “Atlas Shrugged” to answer why you charge to not be labeled a moocher, I have read it, many times. And John’s radio speech more than that.
I have been promoting “Atlas Shrugged” for some 50 years out of purely selfish reasons. Best book I have ever read.
Value has to be recognized by all parties in any trade. Paying for not being labeled a Moocher is paying for the removal of a negative which you created. I will not do that. As for insider access to production and cast, etc. I do not need or even want to see how they do what they do. The movies are what they do and those I paid for. (Reviews to be my second post here. (undisguised carrot)) Oh yes, let us not forget the badges… “Badges, we don’t need no stinking badges” (tell me you did not see that coming) especially ones that are not really shiny . (get a web graphics person)… Really?!
I am not saying what you are charging for has no value to everyone. Just not enough value for me.
You have stated that you want us to promote the movies and I will. Again out of selfish reasons. But even so isn’t that of value to you? So who is mooching?
Is there value in posting to and reading Galt’s Gulch? I hope so, have not read enough to tell, but it is ideally reciprocal. I know that unless I think a post has value, I won’t post it.
I hope something can be done about the “Moocher” label so I can continue to post. (small, weak stick)
I love the book and enjoy chatting with likeminded people.
That being said, I welcome all civil comments.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
    The description is a tongue in cheek one. Certainly paying for the value add is your choice. We have many productive guests on this site. You are somewhat demanding before we even get to know you. We 've talked about changing the introduction. Plain fact, people liked leaving it the way it is. Just having a little fun. I like using the term "guest. "
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Tongue in cheek, I think I got that. You think I care how shiney the badges are? Surely glad you tell me it’s my choice. How well acquainted must one be to demand value for value? “People liked!” which people? Have they really read Atlas Shrugged? People elected Obama. I don’t see the fun.
      I prefer the term guest a lot more then moocher. Guest implies that one is welcome. I don’t get that message from moocher. To my mind, moocher is a derogatory term.
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  • Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago
    Hi Kulord. I like you just started posting on here recently and do so as a participant (not moocher). It's a good place to read what other like minded AS fans have to say as well as posting one's own thoughts and getting feedback. Hope you enjoy.
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  • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
    Here is a good objectivist statement."Sticks and stones will break my bones and names will never hurt me." You will probably contribute value, not everyone does. There are many that come in here just to push their agenda.The producer purchase adds perks.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Names don't hurt me, just wrong in my opinion.
      In todays media crazed world, names can and do hurt.
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      • Posted by rlewellen 11 years ago
        I wish you wouldn't let it, The power is in you to prevent it. The only person that determines your value is you. Don't give anyone the ability to make you feel bad. Many people are facing financial challenges including the producers of these movies. Just contribute where and how you can. Internally the only people referred to as moochers are the people that come in here to cause trouble.
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 11 years ago
    Hi Kulord. You are not the first one to object to the terminology. It's ground that's been covered already and I doubt the owners will change things over your post. There is no doubt the label isn't deserved, though I do want to make an aside that I would love it if the owners would allow the group to vote someone into earning a "troll" status. The point system kind of does that now, but that's another imperfection I'm not going to get into.
    There's lots of good content on the site, and one can read it without even creating a user account if that makes you more comfortable. If you want to post content for free and not be labeled a moocher for your troubles, well, I get it. I came to the conclusion this is tongue-in-cheek, same as being labeled 'The Collective'. By the way, paying Producer or non-paying Moocher are just terms that shows up on the membership type screen. Once you're logged in, you're just called a Member.
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 11 years ago
    Welcome to the Gulch, Kulord. I'll give you value that you probably would not get if you were not a member. Check out my website,, and my book, The Golden Pinnacle. One reason people join the Gulch is because they are disgusted by today's culture and what passes for intellectualism in the mainstream media and are starved for analysis, commentary, and culture from a free markets and free minds' perspective. I proud to say that is what my website and novel offer, and they are entertaining and informative. Check out the website and the novel's Amazon page and form your own judgment.
    There are plenty of other members who have worthwhile things to say. I urge you to explore the sight. If you come to a different conclusion, you are always free to leave the Gulch.
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  • Posted by jrberts5 11 years ago
    If you have some extra funds and want to do something constructive with it, my suggestion would be to make a donation to the Ayn Rand Institute rather than spending it to become a producer here.
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