Does Anybody Remember...

Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 3 months ago to Culture
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...exactly what day we lost our collective sense of humor?

It was hilarious to have a Nixon mask, Osama bin Laden was pretty good, but Barack Obama is horribly racist and Caitlyn Jenner is, well, I guess horribly insensitive and misogynistic (who knows if the word even applies).

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  • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 3 months ago
    You forgot Guy Fawkes. Are those Anonymous idiots "funny"?

    Nixon was a famous president, and people made fun of his dishonesty. Bin Laden was a terrorist and a psychotic. Obama will be looked at much like Nixon was (tho I expect for a long long time). Jenner - is someone dealing with a personal psychological issue as best she can. It'd be like someone wearing an amputee costume to get a chuckle out of it.

    The first 3 are a way to put humor into the memory of these people, and as public figures are open game. The 4th is poking fun at a whole group of people that are usually at risk for getting beaten or worse just for dealing with their own personal crap. And saying "smear the queer" is an acceptable practice.

    What galls me - Caitlyn is showing she's a media whore not unlike the rest of her family that begin with the letter "K". Maybe instead of trying to be a media personality, she should learn how to deal with life and it's realities first, and eschew her "in your face" media blitz. She's not doing "her people" any favors at all.
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