Is This Black Monday Crash The BIG ONE? It Doesn't Matter
You may think I'm belaboring the point, and I am, but this is going to be a very big deal, much bigger than any of the trivia, like next year's election, that currently occupy people's attention. It will wreak havoc, and it is not too late to make some common sense preparations.
If I were "king" there would be no further QE. We would phase in spending cuts over a few years a that lead to a budget surplus if GDP kept growing at its current rate. Then during the next expansion, I'd hope to see a little inflation and a nice steep yield curve, signalling time to hike rates. It's easy to be an armchair king / central banker-- probably much harder in the real world.
I actually think monetary and fiscal policy don't affect the economic cycle to the extent policy-makers think it does, but I think a long-term structural deficit is worse than they think it is. Again, this is just from me looking at my little tiny corner of the economy, centered around printed circuit assemblies. I'm keenly aware I'm not an expert.