Welfare Is the Highest Paying Entry-Level Job in 38 States

Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 6 months ago to Economics
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Rand would ask: At whose expense?
No wonder we are going broke. We are taking care of an increasing number of the indolent in our nation and attracting some of the indolent from other nations too. The welfare state is ruining us. Here you can have a better life than most around the world without even lifting a finger.
This is not how you attract the brightest and best, increase opportunity or wealth. This is how you redistribute it and garner votes. The statists do not want us to work... or think for ourselves.
SOURCE URL: http://politicaloutcast.com/2015/08/welfare-is-the-highest-paying-entry-level-job-in-38-states/

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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 6 months ago
    Very good article. i clicked on links to a couple of other articles, and they were good as well.
    What is so sad about this situation is that any young couple today who get married and have a child are actually making a stupid choice from a strictly economic point of view. It's cataclysmic when taking care of yourself and those you love becomes a "stupid" choice.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Hello Mamaemma,
      Indeed and though I do not appreciate the particular welfare recipient's attitude any more than was expressed by the author of the letter linked to in the article, I don't hold them totally responsible for taking advantage of a system designed to ensnare them. The government has the most culpability in my mind. They set the stage.
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    • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 6 months ago
      We all have a choice. We can accept the devil's offer, and take the welfare, or we can eschew that offer, work hard, look "stupid," persevere, and eventually come to that place where we can live a life free of any impediment. It's the classic case of choosing "security" or freedom. No matter who offers you the devil's deal, it's your choice as to whether or not you accept it.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
    OA has said it all.
    Is there anyone outside of this forum who'll listen? It seems to me that more and more people every day have become comfortable with our ever increasing welfare state. It's as if they accept it as the price that must be paid for the largesse of what they perceive as our form of government. Freedom? They haven't a clue.
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 6 months ago
      Herb, I have been quietly going insane watching the idiots in oregon re-elect corrupt crinminals because they are Dumbocraps, and feed the PerPig system and welfare. Between the 2, there is almost no chance any other political philosophy will ever get a chance to correct the mess they have made. I believe the same is true in some other states as well. The ability of free money (well, free except to those who it is taken from) to buy loyalty, is one of the great "unmentionable" secrets all the politicians hold. That is why Carson and Trump are so important, the mold has to be broken before it becomes impossible, and I am not sure that time has not gone by already.
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 6 months ago
      I think that I read or heard someplace that a welfare family of four, if they take advantage of the numerous handouts our government has to offer, can take in more than $40,000 a year. No wonder these moochers are comfortable.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
        $42K and change last I heard.
        Which is why they would be fools to officially take low paying jobs. An ambitious mooch can take a part-time job and earn an additional $20K "under the counter" as it were and have plenty of time to enjoy his long -- very long weekends fishing or golf or you-name-it.
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        • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 6 months ago
          Gosh, was I stupid and taught second graders for far less than 42K for years. I graded papers, worked in my classroom, and did lesson plans on the weekends.
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          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
            Not stupid, just honest. Keep in mind all the various entitlements they had to apply for and keep current in order to get the checks. Let me tell you a true story. When I was newly married I worked at a retail store in an area frequented by "shady" types. One such was a fellow known as "Chinky." He wasn't Chinese but his eyes were slightly almond shaped. (This was way before PC). This was Detroit. He made a living by going to Canada and buying many rolls of quarters. At that time Canadian money was around 70% of American money. He would then buy many rolls of American quarters. He would then re-roll a dollar or two worth of Canadian quarters into the American rolls thus making the difference. I asked him once, "Chinky, that's a lot of work. I'll bet if you worked that hard at a legit job, you'd make even more." You know what his answer was? It was, "What? And go straight?"
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      • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
        Hello Suzanne43,
        “I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
        ― Benjamin Franklin

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        • Posted by $ Suzanne43 9 years, 6 months ago
          Thanks for the quote, OA. I think that I'll make it my email signature. Maybe it will make some of my Liberal acquaintances upset. Notice that I said acquaintances and not friends. I don't have Liberal friends. If I can make one Liberal unhappy every day, I have not lived in vain.
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 6 months ago
        If $40k per year is the extent of your ambition, why all the complaints about the 1%?!? These losers aren't even on the same page as the 1%, yet they demand the same level of respect. What a laugh.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 6 months ago
    The worst program, in my opinion, is AFDC (aka TANF), which subsidizes those on welfare to have babies out of wedlock, and even rewards teenagers who get pregnant with the chance to move out of their parents' home when they're 16.

    The kids thus produced have no role models and no real hope of a future, other than existing on welfare their whole lives like Mommy. (Or crime.) And they are 30% of all births in the US.

    And this is where Obama got most of his voters. It's got to stop before we're overrun, if we aren't already!
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  • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 6 months ago
    Even the appalling numbers presented are not all encompassing. Virginia is listed at number 37 with $14,870 per year in theft-generated funds. That is for a single piglet. However, their litters are usually large. This is a list of thefts that can be collected by a single swine with 3 sucklings (compiled from a detailed questioning of a social worker in VA several years ago. The amounts are likely to be higher today):
    Apartment /housing 1500
    Utilities 400
    Food 400
    WIC 100
    Med 500
    Cable 30
    Cell phone 30
    Home phone 25
    Car repair 50
    Entertainment 75
    Clothes 100
    Child care 1500
    Additional for children 500
    All of the above are tax free/exempt. How stupid does one need to be to work, unless it’s under the table?
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 6 months ago
      In one of the listed states (one near the top) we found out that there is a lot of piglet sharing. The welfare agents are not allowed to show up unannounced, but instead have to make appointments. So you round up all the children you need to meet the number you claim. Your relative in another city borrows your own piglets later for her inflated claim.

      The welfare people are promoted based on how many "clients" they have, so there is no incentive to correct the numbers downwards.

      How to get out of the mess? Bonuses for agents who get people off welfare. No additional money for additional kids. Too many kids? Tough!

      My favorite way out is just to end welfare, cold turkey, because that'll topple the little empires that exist within the scheme. Churches can pick up the slack. What, require someone to hear a prayer to get a bowl of soup? Doesn't bother THIS atheist!
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      • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 6 months ago
        How do we stop someone from stealing? Well, they need to be weaned off stealing; can't just stop them cold turkey! After all our congressmen and senators and presidents are never weaned off the public tit - full salaries for life, not including dividents from the really large thefts.
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      • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 6 months ago
        A way to permanently eliminate welfare is a Homestead Act 2.0, where each family on welfare gets a house and 40 acres to grow food on and make a living. Once they're established, the welfare ends forever. The government owns lots of land all over the country, so there's no need to buy the land and let it lie fallow.
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        • Posted by strugatsky 9 years, 6 months ago
          That would not work. Poor people in America are poor because of their lack of a desire to be rich, not because of a lack of resources. Exactly what you are suggesting has been tried in the Soviet Union after the revolution in the 1918-20's. The ones that didn't want to work drank away their farms and joined the Communist Party to take away the farms of those that worked. Any reason for Amerika to be different?
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    • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 6 months ago
      Excellent point and it directly points to the whole producer/looter problem. politicians produce nothing that cannot go down a toilet, so they MUST use someone elses, I think this is what the vast unwashed masses have failed to grasp. They get all caught up in "he's religious" or "he's for abortion" or "he's for guns" or "he's (your special interest goes here)". They do not realize ALL of them peddle the same drug: our money. I am for a limit of 8 years Federal service, with no retirement, and pay of minimum wage. Provide an apartment building for them to live in when in office, and transportation (maybe a senate/house bus). Then we will see who wants to make America great, and who is after power and money.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
    OA we are not going broke we are broke. The manufacturing base in the usa is at a low because of the government rules etc put on the books say from 1960 on and that has been the driver to send manufacturing off shore. It is not coming back so those who are coming here from where ever only know that they are supposed to have an opportunity to improve themselves in the usa while those who were born here in the ghetto environment have no incentive to work so everyone of them gets something from the government because that is how the government employees want and like it. Your observation is very clearly accurate. I am sure you know the answer to the question.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Hello wiggys,
      No doubt. We are well beyond broke. We are now running out of credit! My manufacturing business is only surviving because there are so few of us left. A large portion off my work now is repairing tools made overseas. I build far fewer prototype tools than I used to and much of my new work is going straight into production. Most of it is military and if it weren't sensitive and kept in the states by law I probably would be out of business.
      When we are all gone who will support the moochers?
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      • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
        My business is also Berry Compliant. I am the only sleeping bag maker left in the country so i receive most all of the SFG orders through GSA contractors that rep me. So we are kindred spirits.
        As for the moochers, when we are gone they will not have anyone left to take from, but the masses may very well take them down.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 6 months ago
    I think that we must define the term:
    "Highest paying entry-level-job".
    If sitting around watching TV, eating McDonald's, drinking my 40 on the stoop and having sex is a "job" then our country is in real trouble!
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  • Posted by broskjold22 9 years, 5 months ago
    A well written exposition. If I can add a comment: It's a contradiction in terms to claim there are those who support the welfare state. Those who receive the benefits cannot support it in a financial sense. Those who work to benefit those recipients cannot support it in a moral sense (how can these who believe in work condone the receipt of benefits for not working?). That leaves those who support it from a moral perspective and who pay the benefits. But the last is impossible because the concept is included in charity. Thus, who is left to support the welfare state? Only those who claim that the moral outweighs the financial? Yes and no, because these are two groups: those who claim it is another's moral obligation to provide for others and those who claim it is immoral to provide financial support to those who have not earned it. The latter: it is clear these would not support the welfare state. The former: it is clear duplicitousness, which is the hallmark of the statists. The crime is perpetrated when those who claim moral support outweighs and/or directs the financial then use confiscated financial assets to provide a "moral service". What "moral service"? The socialists, the communists, the statists believe financial assets should be abolished. What value is financial support to those who believe in its abolition? Would a 1920's abolitionist attempt to show drinking is wrong and that others should not drink by giving each stolen bottle to alcoholics? The carcass on which these political elements feed is the lie of altruism (achieved through coercion).
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  • Posted by BenFrank 9 years, 6 months ago
    Because I am in construction and do a lot of traveling I have the opportunity to speak to many transients and the homeless. They often surprise me with the answers they provide regarding their status. Most suffer from some type of mental illness, some are alcoholics. Many have made poor choices over time that make it difficult to impossible to obtain employment or keep a job. I've asked them why they aren't on welfare. Oddly many look at it as charity and they won't take it, the most surprising answer I received was...I don't want the government in my business. Once you sign up for welfare your life isn't your own and I don't like people telling me what to do. Now when a transient hits me up for a couple bucks, I give if I have it. At least they are honest in the request and it's my choice to hand over some coin.
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  • Posted by eddieh 9 years, 6 months ago
    If you remove the "safety net" these people will fill those much need positions in farming and other fields. My question is how do you convince the gov. to start reducing the welfare payouts? It must be done. but it should be done gradually or the zombie apocalypse will begin
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    • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
      Hello eddieh,
      Hunger is a great motivator. I would rather they were out picking vegetables than trying to eat my brain... I too believe that if the government got out of the welfare business people would fill those positions. Young people need entry level jobs. When I was a teen I wasn't too proud to clean out stalls, feed animals, or bale and stack hay or do any number of agricultural jobs. I also believe, as wiggys does, that the government will not get out of the way as long as there are votes to be bought with our money or credit. It will end some day and there will be great anguish and finger-pointing, but many will still point the finger at the wrong people. The government will have convinced them that it was all the fault of those evil job creators.. the capitalists.
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    • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
      Unfortunately for us the government will not reduce under any conditions the payment to the welfare recipients so as you say the "zombie apocalypse" will begin or as I believe it has already and it has been going on for sometime.
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