Welfare Is the Highest Paying Entry-Level Job in 38 States
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 6 months ago to Economics
Rand would ask: At whose expense?
No wonder we are going broke. We are taking care of an increasing number of the indolent in our nation and attracting some of the indolent from other nations too. The welfare state is ruining us. Here you can have a better life than most around the world without even lifting a finger.
This is not how you attract the brightest and best, increase opportunity or wealth. This is how you redistribute it and garner votes. The statists do not want us to work... or think for ourselves.
No wonder we are going broke. We are taking care of an increasing number of the indolent in our nation and attracting some of the indolent from other nations too. The welfare state is ruining us. Here you can have a better life than most around the world without even lifting a finger.
This is not how you attract the brightest and best, increase opportunity or wealth. This is how you redistribute it and garner votes. The statists do not want us to work... or think for ourselves.
What is so sad about this situation is that any young couple today who get married and have a child are actually making a stupid choice from a strictly economic point of view. It's cataclysmic when taking care of yourself and those you love becomes a "stupid" choice.
Indeed and though I do not appreciate the particular welfare recipient's attitude any more than was expressed by the author of the letter linked to in the article, I don't hold them totally responsible for taking advantage of a system designed to ensnare them. The government has the most culpability in my mind. They set the stage.
Is there anyone outside of this forum who'll listen? It seems to me that more and more people every day have become comfortable with our ever increasing welfare state. It's as if they accept it as the price that must be paid for the largesse of what they perceive as our form of government. Freedom? They haven't a clue.
If the country continues to go down the lib path I feel sorry for you-all. As for me, I'll probably be going somewhere over the rainbow, or I'll be part of the class that needs to be taken care of, whether I want it or not.
Which is why they would be fools to officially take low paying jobs. An ambitious mooch can take a part-time job and earn an additional $20K "under the counter" as it were and have plenty of time to enjoy his long -- very long weekends fishing or golf or you-name-it.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
― Benjamin Franklin
when the people can vote themselves a free ride, they will. -- j
The kids thus produced have no role models and no real hope of a future, other than existing on welfare their whole lives like Mommy. (Or crime.) And they are 30% of all births in the US.
And this is where Obama got most of his voters. It's got to stop before we're overrun, if we aren't already!
Apartment /housing 1500
Utilities 400
Food 400
WIC 100
Med 500
Cable 30
Cell phone 30
Home phone 25
Car repair 50
Entertainment 75
Clothes 100
Child care 1500
Additional for children 500
All of the above are tax free/exempt. How stupid does one need to be to work, unless it’s under the table?
The welfare people are promoted based on how many "clients" they have, so there is no incentive to correct the numbers downwards.
How to get out of the mess? Bonuses for agents who get people off welfare. No additional money for additional kids. Too many kids? Tough!
My favorite way out is just to end welfare, cold turkey, because that'll topple the little empires that exist within the scheme. Churches can pick up the slack. What, require someone to hear a prayer to get a bowl of soup? Doesn't bother THIS atheist!
It does start at the top, doesn't it? One leads by example...
No doubt. We are well beyond broke. We are now running out of credit! My manufacturing business is only surviving because there are so few of us left. A large portion off my work now is repairing tools made overseas. I build far fewer prototype tools than I used to and much of my new work is going straight into production. Most of it is military and if it weren't sensitive and kept in the states by law I probably would be out of business.
When we are all gone who will support the moochers?
My business is also Berry Compliant. I am the only sleeping bag maker left in the country so i receive most all of the SFG orders through GSA contractors that rep me. So we are kindred spirits.
As for the moochers, when we are gone they will not have anyone left to take from, but the masses may very well take them down.
"Highest paying entry-level-job".
If sitting around watching TV, eating McDonald's, drinking my 40 on the stoop and having sex is a "job" then our country is in real trouble!
Hunger is a great motivator. I would rather they were out picking vegetables than trying to eat my brain... I too believe that if the government got out of the welfare business people would fill those positions. Young people need entry level jobs. When I was a teen I wasn't too proud to clean out stalls, feed animals, or bale and stack hay or do any number of agricultural jobs. I also believe, as wiggys does, that the government will not get out of the way as long as there are votes to be bought with our money or credit. It will end some day and there will be great anguish and finger-pointing, but many will still point the finger at the wrong people. The government will have convinced them that it was all the fault of those evil job creators.. the capitalists.
Z Nation rather than The Walking Dead
They were fast and terrifying. I like the end... how they came up with a plan to defeat them came straight from H. G. Wells.