Health insurance canceled. Reason-Did not provide proof of citizenship.
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
My sister in law attempted to use her prescription card today and was told it was not valid. She received the card less than 2 months ago so this seemed strange. My brother called the Insurance carrier and was informed the policy had been canceled because he failed to provide proof of citizenship when he purchased the policy. The person he spoke to said he probably failed to put his Social Security number on the form. No request was sent and he didn't get a letter informing him the policy was cancelled. He asked what he needed to do now and was told he needs to submit the following:
Copy of drivers license
Social Security number
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of most recent W2 forms
Obama became President with less information than this and ObamaCare is probably the reason behind this. What a mess.
Copy of drivers license
Social Security number
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of most recent W2 forms
Obama became President with less information than this and ObamaCare is probably the reason behind this. What a mess.
Crashing the system so that it has to be replaced is what they are doing.
I refused to give up my SSN for my health insurance. I've had the same carrier, albeit with different plans, for decades. Given the artificial barriers they put in place on insurance at the states previously, you had no choices.
Good thing considering Anthem/Blue Cross was hacked in my state
On the merge... Their backup plan for single payer is apparently work the other way for sole provider. Merges on that scale have to be approved by sodom on potomac.
Free to them, the rest of us pay for it.
Which of course also causes them to use the service more driving costs up even faster.
It is a destructive cycle at all levels.
The case this about most recently, is about campaign contributions and limiting what a corporation can say or how much it can contribute. Which means you are limiting what the owners of a company can say. and one would use the excuse a corporation has no "rights" to violate those rights of the individual owners. Practically, unions have never been subject to these campaign laws. I have never understood why Conservatives get behind this movement against the Citizens United case. btw: this is a legal definition of person-not biological.
I could see it if it were a polling place, but insurance is something bought and paid for regardless of citizenship. Or is it? Is this one of the results of Obamacare?
Thanks for the clarification. I have become so sensitized to government intrusion that I get riled if I merely sniff it.
Before there was insurance there was a free market.
In the free market I belonged to a Co-Op (voluntarily without penalties, taxes or restrictions). It cost me 1/43 of what I have to pay now (so that I do not have to sign over my entire estate to the government, but can leave it to those I choose to - my children). For Christmas they sent us all a check dividing up the money that was left over. There were no copays of any kind. The doctor got his check within a week, and I had $2million in coverage (probably about $20million in todays coverage).
The more government has intervened, the worse health care has gotten. I like the Gulch plan the best. No government intervention.
A lot of our current problems in this segment originated in the late 70s - early 80s when HMOs became all the rage.
Expanded the administrative overhead tremendously, driving up cost.
"Low Cost out of pocket" so people use it more, even when not sick enough to go to the doctor prior. Driving up cost.
Shifted reimbursement of the physician to a per service model, meaning more tests, driving up cost.
Now its nearly impossible to find a PPO plan, the insurers don't like those.
Technocrat is right on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have just been reading about popular UK conservative politician Boris Johnson, the current Mayor of London. Some say he wants to be, among other things, president of the US, he was born in New York City.