[Ask the Gulch] Is there a way we can stop the motor in California? Gas prices are going up in California, for no good reason, they're raising minimum wage to $15.00, they're controlling our health insurance/medical... Things need to change and quickly.
Posted by Protagonist_007 9 years, 4 months ago to Ask the Gulch
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money,
that will herald the end of the republic.”
- Benjamin Franklin
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But,
under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program,
until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
- Norman Thomas (US Socialist Presidential Candidate)
I'm a Benjamin Franklin fan.
And I can see that at least the socialists know what they are doing these days--albeit evil.
California = ~ $600,000
Nevada (maybe 100 yards away) = Same house, ~ $1.6 million.
I do sympathize with you, but my feeling is you are caught up in a rush of Lemmings on their way toward "history in the making". They will stop running when everything crashes.
You can petition and lobby the state legislature to make changes which is the use verbal force to attempt to solve without physical force, but I think on most issues we are federally and in the state of California beyond the chance of that being successful.
This leaves you and I with two options. Wait until natural consequences for actions lead to situations where people are forced by those consequences to listen and make changes, or increase the level of force you and others are willing to use to fix things.
I do not think there is sufficient outrage exist to make the required force occur, not yet. It will likely come. I leave with you two quotes from two Frenchmen from closely linked time periods.
"I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all."
- Alexis de Tocqueville
"When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensable of duties."
- Marquis De Lafayette
If you do not know who these two men are, do some research on them and where these quotes come from. Perhaps the answers and the research itself will provide greater clarity to your own answer to the question you pose.
Give the kids an SAT or ACT test and the truth comes out very quickly....
What do I get out of this? Is there a state that is That Much Better than California that it is worth my while to move? Is there any state that can protect me and my employees from the ACA? Is there any state that can keep CPS from grabbing the children of my employees?
I keep looking at Texas, which is large, has a lot of physical resources, is not cold, and has a seacoast (all required criteria to me). West Texas (just W of Austin) is the best place I have found so far...but there are still not Enough advantages for me to go over the threshold and actually move.
Instead, what I am seeing is the "Californiazation" of the rest of the US. Increasingly, the other states are following the path that California has taken. So why move?
Trivia: the windiest city in the nation is Corpus Christi (Chicago earned the title from long-winded political speeches, not from the weather).
'Seacoast' is a requirement because it connects the region to the rest of the world.
So far, it is the only thing that would protect me from the ACA. But there is a snowball's chance in hell that I would get the rest of the company to move there. Texas is possible, CA Sur is not.
I have looked into the idea of commuting from BajaCal to CA and if I am in the US >30 days per year I come under the ACA again. What is more, my management style is 'management by wandering around'...which I would find difficult to do from a few hundred miles away. (I will say that your proponency of Baja has made me think of this again, though.)
It is beautiful there; thank you for the video. I remember taking trips to Baja with my parents when I was younger.
So, I am still trying to get the pieces in place for what to do next...but there is no other country or state that is pulling me towards it (CA is pushing, yes...).
In Ayn Rand’s allegorical novel “Atlas Shrugged” the most productive members of society are vanishing. Their disappearance leaves a vacuum that is rapidly filled by people that have never operated a successful business, met a payroll, or even had a genuinely original idea. The result is the collapse of the economy and the beginnings of a depression that makes the 1930’s look like a tea party.
And now fiction is becoming reality. While there is no clearly identifiable “John Galt” and many of the people that are leaving the state are simply moving to more business friendly locations the impact on California is much the same as that described in Rand’s novel. Businesses are failing at an alarming rate, tax revenues are plummeting, and the burden placed on the state coffers by exploding welfare rolls is crippling. And California is not alone; this same scenario is being repeated all over the country.
In Atlas Shrugged, John Galt said he would “Stop the motor of the world.” Well, in the real world everywhere you look the motor is stopping.
California once led the nation in population growth at one point going over 6 percent per year. Now it has dropped to slightly over one percent. And what is worse is the drop in per capita income. Once a leader in the nation now the state is in the second to the lowest quintile in terms of income growth. This means that most of the growth is in lower income groups which mean little or no new business. This pattern is being repeated up and down the east coast. Not surprisingly the most rapid growth is in states with low or nonexistent tax structures, with Nevada being a prominent example.
For the most part the country is self destructing because of an orgy of self indulgence brought about by colossally incompetent social policies. The current administration is a classic example of machine politics Chicago style. The recent attempt at extortion or blackmail of Senator Kyle from Nevada is a classic example of this practice. Administration officials including four cabinet officers, almost certainly with the knowledge of President Obama, threatened the governor of Arizona with a cut off of stimulus funds if Kyle didn’t stop his criticism of the stimulus process.
The United States in now a debtor nation and is at the financial mercy of countries like China and other Asian nations as well as some very unfriendly folks in the Middle East. And now, even Communist China is viewing the leftward lunge of the United States with considerable alarm. They have a very large investment in American companies and American dollars and they are worried that this investment is in jeopardy. Considering the profligacy of the current and previous administrations this concern is clearly justified.
So, was Ayn Rand a prophet or just an annoying radical right wing kook. Watch the news or read it in those few papers that still exist and decide for your self.
I'm surprised how the media ignores this stuff.
it themselves.--And then it'll be their own fault.--
But maybe then they'll realize the error of their
ways. Unless they try to blame the people in other
states and try to sponge off the rest of us.
Otherwise, you can only tend your own garden.
Of course they are closer to the new mega oil fields in Texas.
The only thing worthy of note is Fifteen Dollars an hour minimum wage and that started in Washington State.
Same Government Party with no recalls.
I've got it! Obama announced he has not decided to abdicate and is still thinking about it.
Maybe California deserves higher taxes at the pump? Could it be? May was the start of the political season for the next President....The corporations are gathering campaign donation funds cause it costs big bucks to buy your votes.
California got what it asked for....
There have been numerous posts in the past with discussions on where else to move ~ the Globalists have also planned on this too: socialist hellholes no matter what country you move too. It is very depressing. Sorry to hear about your situation in Kali.
shrugging-off CA. -- j
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