The only other book that can affect you as greatly as Atlas Shrugged

Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago to Books
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I have quoted from John Ross' Unintended Consequences on occasion and mentioned some of the characters as commentary on news articles here in the Gulch, too.
I know many of you regular visitors here have read Unintended Consequences, but if you haven't then it's time you did.
John Ross' creates a cast of characters that will become friends to you, just as Rand's characters did in Atlas Shrugged. Ross tells a fascinating story and carefully infuses the story with important historical events that were never covered in your public education, but are vital to understand. Ross exposes many of the lies that are used by the media and government every day to convince you to abandon your rights and accept status of a serf.
There is some strong language, and some sexual comments, and strong violence that may be off-putting to some. It could be described as more a book for men than for women, but it is a strong statement for individual rights and against descrimination of all kinds.

If you liked and respected Hank Rearden and Howard Rourke you will like and respect Henry Bowman, the protagonist in Unintended Consequences.
If you have wondered what gun control is really about, this book will provide enlightenment.
Read Unintended Consequences. It is a great read.
Warning: You may lose some sleep because once you start you can't put it down.

The following video review by John Hospers contains spoilers of the plot of Unintended Consequences
John Hospers Compares John Ross's Unintended Consequences and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

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  • Posted by Itheliving 9 years, 7 months ago
    I recall reading this novel a while back. All 863 pages. I believe at the time it was recommended by the NRA due to it's 2nd Amendment tie in. Not sure I can recommend it as I do not remember that much about it. Sorry.
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