The Last of Us (trailer)
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 6 months ago to Entertainment
I don't know how many Gulchers are console gamers, but this game is mind-blowing & ground-breaking. For anyone 'on the fence' about getting it for either PS3 or 4, stop wasting time and get it. It's unlike most video games you've ever played. I'm nearly 4 hours into it. Enjoy.
On another note:
If you enjoy apocalyptic games, I'm presently developing a futuristic undead open-world, sandbox style apocalyptic game for the PC. It will be a 25-40 player environment where survival is the main objective.
Its far too early, but if something like this interests you I'll post here when I have something worth looking at.
Yes, some choice screenshots and some game play previews would be appreciated.
I'm an occasional console gamer, and this game totally got me hooked. It's like playing a movie. There are a couple of things that aren't realistic, but I'd say overall the game is 95% realistic. Just my opinion. The voice acting is totally believable. It won over 200 awards.
Fantastic book.
A 4100 word essay that analyzes the 2013 PlayStation exclusive game, "The Last of Us" from Naughty Dog. Particular attention is given to evaluating the controversial ending and the opposing choices the various characters make, especially the decisions and actions of Ellie, Joel, and Marlene. WARNING: Game spoilers are included throughout the essay. Now with a new addendum critiquing comments by the game's writer.
This essay is for anyone who understands and appreciates freedom, who fights for individual rights and morality, who knows that rational self-interest is the essence of a proper life. This essay is for those people who understand — or want to understand — the actual meaning of the philosophical/political/moral concepts of collectivism, statism, and altruism (a la Comte).
This essay is for those agree that we are not property; that we are not to be used via force by others for their, rather than our own ends. Our lives do, in fact, belong to us. Ignoring that idea has, indeed, led to all the worse atrocities governments and dictators have committed against innocent people across all the ages.
People and civilization have progressed throughout history precisely to the extent that they have abandoned statism, collectivism, and Comte's version of altruism. The evidence is obvious for anyone willing to see. Compare N. vs S. Korea; Hong Kong vs old China; the U.S. vs the U.S.S.R.; West Germany vs East Germany; the West vs the East; on and on.
This essay is for anyone who actually understands that ideas do, in fact, matter, and that ignorance, obtuseness, and evasion are not signs of rationality, intelligence, or accomplishment.
(For an analysis of the DLC, "Left Behind," see "The Last of Us Left Behind by Ellie and Riley"