Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control
Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
I guess the real question now is how this will all play out. Obama is a Socialist and the Republican leadership seems to be willing to give in to his demands far too often. If we have another 2008 type crash I wonder what the reaction will be???
Looks like I may have to wait until the turn of the year before I receive any of it.
I'm thinking it may all go poof in value just before it is handed over.
At least old dino still has his monthly retirement and SS payments.
Uh, not so fast says dino's brain.
That may all go poof also.
Why I've been watching videos on how to skin and cook squirrels.
I'm on the verge of buying a very quiet air rifle toward that purpose.
Propaganda BS.
If anything, the central banks are still managing the economy to bankrupt all their competition and any sovereign state that hasn't taken on enough debt from the central banksters. Trade may be the golden goose that the banksters are planning to decapitate next.
Could be a dead cat bounce in progress though.
Stand 10 economists in a circle and they'll all point in different directions. To quote that great sage Alfred E. Newman: "What, me worry?"
"verse 56 of the Obama Impeachment song (as if sung by Obama to the tune of “Please release me, let me go”)
China’s Yuan is falling free
and tanking our economy.
My grand plan will come to be:
A racial uprising scenery."
Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
for perspective...
ah, forget it....