Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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I guess the real question now is how this will all play out. Obama is a Socialist and the Republican leadership seems to be willing to give in to his demands far too often. If we have another 2008 type crash I wonder what the reaction will be???

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 7 months ago
    I'm about to inherit a yet to be disclosed amount of money along with stocks and bonds.
    Looks like I may have to wait until the turn of the year before I receive any of it.
    I'm thinking it may all go poof in value just before it is handed over.
    At least old dino still has his monthly retirement and SS payments.
    Uh, not so fast says dino's brain.
    That may all go poof also.
    Why I've been watching videos on how to skin and cook squirrels.
    I'm on the verge of buying a very quiet air rifle toward that purpose.
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  • Posted by jimjamesjames 9 years, 7 months ago
    Imagine you are playing Monopoly. Things are going well, property is being bought, houses and hotels are gong up, all proceeding to the rules of the game. Then, one player makes a deal with the "banker" to "borrow" some extra money. And only this one player. The banker loans the player $10,000. What happens to prices? That player drives them up which the other players can't match. But that is not the real problem. The deal with the banker is that if the player "needs" more money, the previous debt will be extinguished and more money will be injected into the system to that one player. The other players, us, are screwed and sooner than later, the game comes to a crashing end. To paraphrase someone, "It is the money supply, stupid."
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
      But what is it that causes the "crashing end"? In the real life game of FEDERAL RESERVE, they just keep printing money until hyperinflation happens. But we are far from that happening right now.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    The problem with china is a simple one; they did not make any effort to build a domestic economy. The communists could only see monies flowing into their coffers from the west without regard for their own population which was used in a way like slaves. Here in the usa we had a domestic economy for over 100 years and we did not need to sell product over seas to live a good life. That selling over seas was a bonus. However our version of communists chose to increase their share of the private sectors pie so the response was for our private sector to go off shore. after 50 years of that activity our own built in economy has deteriorated with less and less production i.e. jobs. all of the fat cats on was street are probably having sleepless nights now. Today i read that Bass Pro has terminated 60 at corporate and at least 6 per store. why lack of sales. a few months ago they negotiated i believe a 2 + Billion dollar loan to be repaid by 2026 I think. this is what you call tip of the iceberg. the crash will happen.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
      I can see how defaulting on loans would result in a crash. I think at this point people havent been borrowing like before- you just cant GET loans anymore. The big loans are intragovernmental ones like with germany and greece. They just print up more money to cover them until hyperinflation happens. Its all kept so obtuse that its hard to figure out what the US federal reserve and government are actually doing. I am very afraid that one day my savings will be wiped out.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
    Author starts by saying the central banks saved the world.
    Propaganda BS.
    If anything, the central banks are still managing the economy to bankrupt all their competition and any sovereign state that hasn't taken on enough debt from the central banksters. Trade may be the golden goose that the banksters are planning to decapitate next.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      I was hoping that was tongue and cheek. Central banks would like to think they saved us. Typical Central Planner mentality.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 7 months ago
        I don't think it's tongue in cheek, based on the (vacuous) content of the rest of the video. He seems to be blaming the Chinese for the entire scenario. Granted they have overstimulated and the stock market overshot, but that has happened repeatedly in the west every time the banksters prime the pumps. At this moment the Shanghai stock markets are still up 82% over the past year.
        Could be a dead cat bounce in progress though.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    I've listened to the video. I've read all the comments. I have been inundated with predictions both on TV and radio. The sky is falling! Er, sorry, the collapse is coming! The sum total seems to be that everyone and no one knows why, let alone when. The old saw:
    Stand 10 economists in a circle and they'll all point in different directions. To quote that great sage Alfred E. Newman: "What, me worry?"
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Economists are wrong more than the average weatherman. I'm concerned that the Fed and other Central banks have little room left to try and prop up the world economies. At some point they have to let the air out of the bubble.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
        Here's the thing: The economic apocalypse is not forthcoming. There will be a burst balloon, and a recovery. There won't be people selling apples on the street corners. There will be some hardship, but there will be a recovery. The poor may become a bit poorer, the rich will hold tight and the middle class will, as usual, get their asses in a sling and bear the brunt of the downturn. Rumors always magnify something bad (remember the swine flu?) and now with social media predictions get more conservative or much wilder. Wilder usually wins out. Based upon my several centuries of experience, this is what will happen. I am not called the W.F. A. for nothing. (World's Foremost Authority.)
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
          I agree that things will just most likely slow down into some sort of long term recession as a result of inflation taking hold. The government will stretch the rubber band farther and farther through more and more regulation so that the people who plan for this sort of thing will be kept from protecting themselves. The financial equivalent of the small town forcibly gathering up all the supplies and rationing them out according to need.
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