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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 4 months ago
    I think it is worth the effort, if for nothing else to let the commie in chief know what we the people think of him and his treasonous acts. BUT, can we get Biden out as well at the same time? I would hate to see the Mouth without a Brain be POTUS for 18 minutes let alone 18 months.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
    They'll spend mucho time and money and in the end get a few mentions on FOX. No, not worth it. In 2012-13 possibly, but he'll be out of office by the time it gets anywhere, if it gets anywhere.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 4 months ago
    It might have been worth doing a few years ago, but
    I think that now, it would be a waste of time,money,
    and effort. It would be better to put that energy into
    defunding things,and stopping the Iran deal.
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  • Posted by Dennis55 9 years, 4 months ago
    I just got the pop up regarding behavior in our comments. I intend no personal attacks but only a strong dislike for the views and programs of the left. Whew-got that out of the way. First-even after receiving a huge mandate just 10 months ago I do not believe the majority of Republicans have the courage to bring about articles of impeachment-AND STAND THEIR GROUND. If they did they would do budget battle and shutdown "non-essentials". No, impeachment might make one feel good-but it's impractical. If successful it would be pointless (given the time frame) and could even give Biden some implied mantle of executive ability. Managing during a "constitutional crisis."
    I think the smart play is to recognize and neuter the biggest threat. Hillary. The Clintons have proven time after time-they can be caught red handed in questionable activities, defended with outright, known perjury and somehow escape justice. Looking ahead we really don't know how "Server-Gate" will play out. If history is any indication-nothing short of an all out-full court press will suffice.
    Again-the biggest threat. I believe most of the Republican 17 could probably beat Biden, Warren, Sanders. Any guess on how they would do against a Hillary that escapes the latest onslaught?
    With time being an issue-eliminate the BIGGEST THREAT."
    Then with some Conservative/Objectivist/Libertarian leadership in both houses and the WH-impeach BHO's legislation. Why waste time on BHO and end up with Hillary?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 9 years, 4 months ago
    It might be...there is always the odd rumor that this creature will seek a 3rd term like roosevelt did...if we see hiltery go down and joey's mental disease reemerge, the people rejecting bernie and hyawatha; then it might pay off. On the other hand...we can't his crap slide either.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 4 months ago
    I do agree with khalling, keeping the government in check, and limited (within some bounds) by the population is important.

    I worry that these antics may simply galvanize some of the middle against the right wing and take away from the next election.

    The thing that worries me about the next election is republicans taking both houses and the oval office. This is a recipe for big government in a different way. Boy do I hope for Rand or Walker.
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  • Posted by Hawron 9 years, 4 months ago
    The house of representatives has to vote for impeachment proceedings and then it goes to the senate for the actual proceedings.

    There is no chance at all that either would happen, Obama has too many allies in both houses and has the Supreme Court stacked with his buddies as well.

    Time & effort would be better spent stopping Obama from being able to use executive power to railroad his progressive plans through over the next year and actually coming up with a decent candidate to challenge whatever ultra socialist candidate will emerge from the Democratic party.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 4 months ago
      The Supreme Court has no say in Impeachment proceedings. Those are strictly a House (Impeachment) and Senate (Conviction) matter.

      But then again, this President has shown that he believes himself to be above the law, and so do several of the Justices.
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  • Posted by RobertFl 9 years, 4 months ago
    No, it isn't worth it. It would alienate the right trying to do so which would defeat the long term purpose. We have control of congress to stop the President from doing whatever.
    It should take less time to get Congress to grow a a sufficiently sized pair, then it would to impeach Zippy
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 4 months ago
    Impeachment can only be done by con-gress. They are worthless looters. The only thing that will make this happen is to remove all support from the Dems and GOP and support an independent in favor of liberty. GOP supporters are responsible for every assault on the Bill of Rights since 1996. No rational thinker should waste his vote on the GOP ever again. (Those who support the Dems have the rational thinking abilty of rocks so don't expect anything from them.)
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  • Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 4 months ago
    We get the leaders that we deserve. We tolerate a corrupt class of professional politicians to represent us at every level. Busy people, producing, managing, parenting ignore the idlers that legislate, regulate and educate our offspring into believing that the answer to bad government is more government. It becomes worse with each generation like a snowball going downhill. We know the futility of fighting it and await Atlas to shrug.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 4 months ago
    The effort is entirely worth it, if for no other reason than to show others that we mean it.
    Unfortunately, like Slick Willie and that poor excuse for an Attorney General, Eric Holder, Barack Obama will simply ride off, untouched, into the sunset.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 4 months ago
    Unless they have a way to put 67 Republicans in the Senate first, any impeachment is a complete waste of time, just as is any bill to repeal ObamaCare.

    The way to see to it that Obama pays the price for what he has done is to ask next year's candidates for a pledge that they will prosecute him.

    #1 on his list of offenses has to be treason, for deliberately creating ISIS and strengthening Iran.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 4 months ago
      Irrelevant. The GOP doesn't want to rock the boat. If you said 67 ethical Republicans you might be right, but the GOP doesn't want ethical Senators, they want those that can be manipulated. There is a 0% chance that the GOP will move toward smaller government and more individual liberty. Same as the democrats in that respect, and that is what matters.
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  • Posted by eddieh 9 years, 4 months ago
    YES, If it can be done we can establish just how crappy a president he was and maybe undo some of the damage he's done. Maybe we can also keep him from getting his undeserved pension for life.
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    • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 4 months ago
      And the life-time protection for him and his
      family and future presidents. He changed the
      law from 10 years to life=time. Wonder what
      THAT will cost! He needs life=time protection?
      What is he afraid of?????????
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 4 months ago
    If any president should be gotten rid officials, Obama is right up there. The debacle of obamacare rollout, snowmen handling, foreign affairs in general. Biden would be better than Obama. BUT it would take forever to get it through congress, it would be cast as historically racist, and just never happen. Too bad
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 4 months ago
    my response to things like this is "persistent squeezing"
    like the anaconda progressives -- they never let up. . yet they
    do pick their battles. . this might be a no-go. . I would, instead,
    push for pressure on our wimps in congress. . we hired them
    to stop BHO ... and so far, they've funded him and stood aside
    while he continues to march away with our freedoms in
    his trophy pouch. . Get Our Senators -- Be Noisy!!! -- j
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