Yesterday, USPS Tells Me To Post My Address Where Police Can See It, Now I Know Why

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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SWAT Raids Wrong Home, Force Small Children Out in the Snow, Blame it on the Family

"After throwing four small children and their parents into the freezing cold, officers tore apart the family’s home, looking for non-existent contraband. Why was the contraband non-existent? The SWAT team basically flipped a coin over which door to kick in, and they chose the wrong one.

Being that the SWAT team tore apart their home, terrorized this family, threatened the lives of their small children, all over being in the wrong house, they naturally paid for the damage and issued an apology, right? Wrong.

According to the lawsuit, they did not apologize, and they told them to fix their own house. After the raid was over, the cops had the audacity to blame their ineptitude on the family by telling them it was their fault for not having the proper numbering on their door!

So turn the rusty gears of the American police state."
Yesterday, I received my First Notice from the USPS on how and where to place my address on my property so that police and emergency could find the correct address. I live in a town of less than 500 so I imagine everybody pretty much knows where I live, but here the the government goes on another CYA Control bunch of nonsense.

Should this make me feel any safer?

And many of you think I should pay attention to populist politics and vote. Hah and BahHumbug.
SOURCE URL: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/swat-raids-wrong-home-force-small-children-snow-blame-family/

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  • Posted by Eyecu2 9 years, 3 months ago
    I am looking forward to reading about the cops making this mistake on a well prepared family. Who kill about 3/4 of the SWAT team before they pull back. Then after it grinds it's way through court the cops have to pay and cover the damages...

    A guy can dream right? I know it would never happen that way. Be another Ruby Ridge or Waco. Since they have total control of the media. No matter what happened the citizens will always be wrong.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
      I think you have to hide anything that could possibly be thought of it twisted into something illegal. That would be cash, valuables, and assets they could "suspect" were derived from drug operations. Imagine what's going to happen when our government is really strapped for cash and goes on a rampage against gold we might have.
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      • Posted by ChuckyBob 9 years, 3 months ago
        My concern is not the pocket change, or trinkets laying around the house. I am concerned that they may follow some of the European governments and confiscate assets directly out of investment accounts.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
          the IRS can and routinely does steal out of bank and investment accounts and then you get to apply for a refund.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
            IRS reminds me if they want a charge and this is under the old Constitution system a signed copy of your income tax return is generally enough. Somewhere in the last twenty or fifty years you made a mistake. No one's perfect but it says when signing you are saying everything on the form is perfect.

            We had a class one time on how to find a reason for detention.

            Decal in the front or rear window (obstructing vision)

            Blue tinted head lights

            Wearing any part of a Class A military uniform.

            Once pulled over you can eyeball the interior of the vehicle. You may not look for a shotgun in the glove compartment. However if the driver was erratic can have a sobriety check etc. Then are responsible for the safe keeping of the vehicle and contents. Which means a thorough and witnessed and video taped search ....

            Think you can drive home with out drifting over the center line at least once?

            This was taught but we were flat out old it better be worth the courts time ....at least in our area it wasn't allowed.

            Finally....warning verbal or written.

            Best way though is radio a head. a radio is faster than any vehicle.

            But take heart and be of good cheer. The incidents of officers breaking the laws is the same as it is for the public one per cent. In a small town with only one officer you havve 99 to one chance.statistically
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      • Posted by DeanStriker 9 years, 3 months ago
        High on the Intruder's list are guns and gold. They also seem to like seizing our cars, trucks & vans. To get any such back is pure hell, mostly costing the dispossessed owner more than the items.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
          I think the bank of the PVC pipe in the backyard can be made pretty safe if you are quiet about it and plant it deep enough and with a good idea where it is.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 3 months ago
            And place a piece of scrap metal a few inches below the surface to confuse them after they run the metal detector over it.

            All joking aside, I have a friend whose parents were jewelers and investors. After a burglary and the loss of several gold coins, they buried numerous gemstone collections and precious metals around their property, but didn't start trying to recover them till his Dad had come down with severe Alzheimer's and his Mother began dementia from the stress of trying to care for his Dad. They'll never be sure they've recovered all of it.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
    A few years back I started hosting a few parties at my home which allowed consensual sex among attendees. The county , under Mormon pressure, raided my house one day to find ANY possible violations of anything in order to harass me. They discovered the septic tank was 200 gallons too small even though 10 years earlier they had inspected and approved it in writing. They forced me to replace it or having the house condemned ($20,000 fix). They broke my gate, destroyed an exterior door and had 20 county multi agency people invading my house hoping to find whatever they could use (they found nothing). I could have easily started shooting them in the dark basement in which they entered. It was a frightening experience which left me zero respect for our local government. I feel safer in my home from common thieves and robbers than from the police. I don't even want police around any more
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
      That is really the rub, isn't it: I am more afraid of the police than of the criminals.

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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
        I think that unless it was something that involved the insurance company requiring a police report, I would just as soon NOT get police involvement.
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        • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 3 months ago
          It's a little worse than that I think, term. If you are the first person to call the police in an altercation, you have a certain advantage in being considered 'the victim who called for help' and hence the innocent/injured party. So, even if you do not have an insurance involvement, you may have to call in order not to be defaulted to guilty.

          And if someone calls in against you; always countercharge.

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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
            If your state has no fault do NOT agree to the investigating officer using it if you are sure you are not in the wrong. First thing the Insurance rates go up because and to quote the lizard, "Since they didn't find any one culpable you could have been at fault."
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
      That's when it is time to elect a chief who will purge the police department. Or disband them and hire someone else to do the job. (Several cities in my area pay the county sheriff or some neighboring town to patrol them rather than have their own police department, it's not that big a deal.)
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
    This happened to a neighbor of mine a few years ago. We have "rural style" mailboxes out at the street, with the house numbers, and they are all on one side, so the mail delivery truck only has to make one pass down the street.

    One night, my neighbor woke up to a yard full of cops, lights flashing and guns drawn. A domestic disturbance call had come from the house across the street.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    I also live in a small town. Not as small as Z's but where the police are pretty familiar, if not with individuals, at least individual neighborhoods. I have had to deal with them on several occasions and always found them to be polite. I was once stopped by a patrol officer whom I thought unjustly ticketed me. He seemed a bit arrogant but it might have been because I was feeling resentful. I later went to court and got the ticket wiped. The officer was there, was courteous and agreed that I might be right. I live in a nice town Just lucky, I guess.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 3 months ago
    While reading here, Old Dino conjured up a vision of Planet of the Apes inhabitants dresses up like SWAT all jumping up and down, wildly waving weapons and going, "Oo! Oo! Oo!" in or about a trashed house.
    Perhaps that would make a good editorial cartoon for a local newspaper at the proper time and place with a caption of "Wrong Address.".
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 3 months ago
    About once every three years my county "offers" the opportunity for us to get our street number easier to read to make it easier for local police and fire authorities. Politely I say no.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
      Government will figure it out and do their inspections one way or another. If they want you they are powerful enough to get you. Just don't have anything they can find to use against you. Might as well let them in before they break everything
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      • Posted by wdg3rd 9 years, 3 months ago
        If you don't have something they can find to use against you, they will still "find" something to use against you. Your word against theirs whether it was in your sock drawer or a cop's pocket.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 3 months ago
          Unfortunately, when they WANT you, they will manufacture something to get you. This is why OJ won his criminal court case. People just believed that the LAPD planted the glove, period. They figured it was done so many times before that it there was a pretty reasonable doubt about it this time.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        The method is already in the new Constitution. Arrests may be made on mere suspicion. No longer any need for probable cause, warrants courts, trials and all that crap.
        Like I said before if I can find it with a Google Search what they have a black out on such stuff once you cross the border?
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
    This militarized policing is beyond out-of-hand. It's beyond populist politics. This obviously is bad policy, and if I just read the Bill of Rights it's clear this is the type of thing the Founders meant to avoid.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
      once again, Patriot Act nullified the Bill of Rights. It' suspicion of not probable cause and the rest of the rights are gone too.

      If i can find that how come you all up in the USof formerly A can't find it?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
        "If i can find that how come you all up in the USof formerly A can't find it?"
        Yes. I agree.

        I have no excuse for our problems, esp when we hold ourselves up as paragons of freedom, but does your country of residence have a better record of respecting rights?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
          It has a bad reputation. But a better percentage of safety. The best way to describe it is north of the border I carry. South of the border I find no need. I no longer subscribe to the name a better place myth.

          I made the move when the rest of the country voted three times to ditch the bill of rights without a whimper yet still continues to cling to that now non-existent document.

          Not only and objective decision but a realistic decision.

          As for rights I've yet to run into any problems worth mentioning as long as I remember two things. I am a guest. Even the former Constitution ceased one inch over the land border and three miles offshore.

          So far of little note but worth mentioning. I've been able to assist in keeping two not guilty people go to jail in a burglary and theft charge situation. Some of the items claimed as stolen and recovered were in fact gifts.

          Small thing but significant. In Florida one would still be waiting for the police to show up.

          In Oregon they would be figuring how to make it a No Fault No Report situation and get back to their restaurant and coffee shop duties.

          Thinking about it I would say the current country has a 100 percent record of respecting rights as long as you remember it's their laws that count and one can hardly give high even low double digit marks to a country that tossed theirs into the ash heap of history.

          Terrorists Two Former USA minus two.

          How do I score?

          When you give up your rights and values in order to defend your rights and values you lose. What's the last time an airplane hit a building? When was the last time you were treated like a felon for the crime of wanting to fly on an airplane?

          Most important. Did anyone stop to think that terrorist activities are not confined to some group of raghead jihadists nor even to a Timothy McVeigh. The new law which calls for apprehension upon mere suspicion and ditched the rest of the former bill of rights using the charge of suspicion of terrorism can be filed against that one percent of law enforcement that bashes in the wrong doors and terrorizes the wrong people and makes them just as guilty as any other terrorist. How many have been charged? Or is there a fear of retribution.

          There are no freedoms when every breath and every step you are no longer protected by the Bill of Rights but subject to the whims of what I call the Directorate of Internal State Security.

          Seig Me No Heils Comrade I do NOT serve the Government Party and refuse to vote for either one of it's two wings at any level. I turn my back on a rigged one party system of government. I am more than fairly sure I earned that right though in the end it wasn't worth the effort.

          So? I live openly and not in fear and pay my mordida to Obeyme and his Protective Echelon. Not enough time left in life to waste it on much else other than voicing my one half cent worth (minus inflation) which I would not do on the other side of the border.

          (Not to mention cost of living, medical, weather and fishing is much better).
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 3 months ago
      If the Founders had foreseen it, the Bill of Rights would spell out things like "no breaking down somebody's door in the middle of the night unless you have good cause to expect armed resistance from that particular home." But from what I've seen of court records from back then, that principle was so obvious that they didn't think they needed to bother.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    It used to be to help the fire trucks and ambulances and all they wanted was the house number on the curbside.

    We had one incident in a town of 1200 told 911 third house on the left. It was the fourth house on the left. The first house used a number from the cross street. In that neighborhood no one had moved in for over twenty years.

    In the cities I didn't know the name of anyone who lived on the same floor in different apartments.

    But these days I would put it up in big neon lights to make sure they knew. But then i don't live in the neighborhoods of the USA any more.

    Too unsafe.

    Taxes to high

    No return on investment

    Up in Oregon the fifteen cent a gallon fuel tax is near three decades old. It was supposed to pay for roads and so forth. I heard the town still hasn't got a stop light at the north end but has one at the south end. Some pigs..... etc.
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