Retired Geologist Predicts Colorado EPA Spill 1 Week Before It Happens: Claims EPA Wants Superfund Treatment Plant
Read the Letter to Editor. Chilling. How many lives and animals are going to be affected by this?
At the end of the letter he pleads for local homeowners along the river valley to test their wells and drainage areas before the catastrophe happens. Why are we just now reading about this?
Hank Rangar Book Three Thriller deals with the EPA. DK just "killed someone yesterday in a scene :)
At the end of the letter he pleads for local homeowners along the river valley to test their wells and drainage areas before the catastrophe happens. Why are we just now reading about this?
Hank Rangar Book Three Thriller deals with the EPA. DK just "killed someone yesterday in a scene :)
The motivation of employees in -not for profit- is different, often it is justifying expansion. This means more jobs and more promotions.
That letter from the geologist (kh,a good find) published before the incident, carries weight.