A Random Thought

Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Just sitting here reading about His Imperial Majesty enjoying a bunch of golf during his well deserved 40th vacation, and it got me thinking: Why do we need full time elected officials? Think about it...the Congress, while not on one of its recesses, basically 'works' a three day week. Couple that with the fact that every other year is an election cycle during which we can expect nothing more than some new names for Post Offices. The Supreme Court calendar is essentially six months long, and the Big Cheese is always off on a golf outing or another vacation. Why we even have no less than four sitting Senators and a strong possibility of a sitting VP off traipsing around the countryside looking for another job.

So my suggestion is this: Make all non-bureaucrat government officials part time. Think of it! We wouldn't have to give them vacations, health insurance or pensions. We wouldn't have to give them an housing allowance or pay transportation costs. To take it a step further, I think we should erect a congressional dormitory where the pols can stay while in Washington. An added bonus might be that the people who would run for the jobs would likely be those who are interested in doing some good and not those whose only interest is what the country can do for them. In other words, let's take a pass on the looters.

Admittedly, this would need to be a grass roots effort. In my wildest imaginings I don't see any of those pogues sitting still for that! But what have we as a nation got to lose? The present system isn't even close to working.

What do y'all think?

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 3 months ago
    Rails, tar, feathers. I'm up for that. To answer the question, it's an excellent idea that will never happen. Since they are so fond of laws, I would agree with a law against running for office when you currently hold one.
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