Dr. Ben Carson's new project

Posted by stargeezer 11 years ago to Government
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Today I received the note given below as a email. I summit it here for your thoughts, not suggesting that you support it financially although I will.

What do you think?

Dr. Ben is a guy who has some solid ideas, but skirts a few issues we may find troubling, such as his weak 2 amendment stand.


Dear Larry,

I’ve got some exciting news to share with you.

My friends at American Legacy PAC just launched an important new project called Save our Healthcare - and I will be serving as Chairman.

Let me tell you a bit more about what we’ll be doing, and how you can help.

When I spoke just feet away from President Obama about the dangers of political correctness at last year’s National Prayer Breakfast, many were surprised.

After all, my background is medicine, not politics.

But it doesn’t take a brain surgeon like me to see that America is facing serious problems. And right now, the number one problem is Obamacare.

Dropped coverage, failing websites, skyrocketing premiums - the list goes on and on.

I wish I could snap my fingers and make Obamacare disappear tomorrow, but we both know that won’t happen.

That’s why we’re launching Save our Healthcare - a national citizens’ effort to hold Washington accountable, re-center the healthcare debate around doctors and patients, and begin to answer the question of “What’s next?” - because real reform is absolutely vital.

Please join me, and sign our petition at SaveOurHealthcare.org.

It is our goal to recruit every American that believes we can do better than Obamacare, and make sure that our message is received loud and clear by every elected official and candidate in 2014.

Please sign up to support this project, and ask your friends and family to do the same.

Dr. Ben Carson
Chairman, Save Our Healthcare
American Legacy PAC
SOURCE URL: http://americanlegacypac.org/landing/saveourhealthcare/index.php?origin=page-l

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
    Not sure that what I see here gives me any hope that this effort will provide the needed changes to save the healthcare system.
    What is needed is cross state boarder purchases, portability, and same tax treatment regardless of how the healthcare insurance is procured. Other than those 3 things, the rest should be left to the private sector.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    Glad to see Dr Ben getting involved. He has a lot to offer and the intelligence and drive to make it happen.
    I am a little biased. I want him to run for President. He would be great.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
      I'm getting more and more leery since he hasn't spoken his stance on gun control yet.
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      • Posted by $ 11 years ago
        He did make one weak statement about banning illegal guns, whatever that means. I was not happy with that and wrote him to say so. I did receive a reply that guns were not a issue he was very familiar with, apart from the impact he saw as a doctor and he really needed time to become educated about them. In my follow up, I offered to instruct him (I hold many NRA certs) and thanked him for maintaining a open mind.

        That was our last correspondence and I've not yet seen a firm statement from him, one way or the other. It is my belief that given the time he will arrive at a good position. So we wait and listen.

        Dr. Ben would be a yes vote from me to mminnick.
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