Alternate history, Scifi & politics OR, A Reading List

Posted by $ winterwind 10 years, 10 months ago to Books
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Have you read S.M. Sitrling's "Change" novels? Distantly related to Ringo's trilogy [which actually is no longer a trilogy] The Council Wars [a couple of the books are There Will Be Dragons, The Emerald Sea]
Also not to be overlooked is Weber & Ringo together writing a quatrilogy [??] which begins with the novel March Upcountry.
Sterling and Ringo are especially useful as well as entertaining, as they take place in societies where there is suddenly a complete drop in the level of technology. In Stirling's, no chemical reaction more complicated than fire will work. It just doesn't. In the Weber/Ringo books, there is very, very little political discussion but the "reinventing technology" theme is excellent.
Oh, how the heck could I forget Eric Flint and the Grantville books? The first one is 1632; the second is 1633, and it diverges from there. A "chunk" of West Virginia is suddenly transferred to 1632 Germany and the Americans decide to invent the United States early. Lots of political theory and history, as well as interesting technological solutions.

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  • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 10 months ago
    Has anybody read 'The Giver"? A friend recommended it, and upon looking it up, I see they are making a movie of it as well. Looks pretty good. Any feedback?
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  • Posted by $ 10 years, 10 months ago
    I've started reading "cozy mysteries" on my tablet and am continuing to read anything with substance on paper - although I do have a copy of Atlas on the tablet. "Cozy mysteries" almost always have a female sleuth, usually engaged in some sort of handwork [embroidery, quilting, weaving] as a hobby or as a job. There are some with character development and engaging plots. There are also some which are pure yecch! [you'll have to add your own italics to that] Those are usually the ones that make you glad you only paid $4 for them!
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