Question about Ms. Rand's theme of Atlas Shrugged
As you know, there conspiracy theories discussing Ms. Rand being the baroness of Phillippe Rothschild and being commissioned to write Atlas Shrugged. One wouldn't think this has much credibility; however, when you think about the nature of the direction leaders continue to push society in terms of culture and government enslavement thereof, you begin to wonder if there is any truth to such a conspiracy. The other side is "why" would the secret society elites have her write such a novel, unless it is a secret roadmap to those who would pick up the idea of "shrugging" and run with it. I am not sure, but I can tell you that often when something quacks and walks like a know the answer.
Just some thoughts and I wanted to get yours. I don't think I have seen this discussed here in the Gulch.
Just some thoughts and I wanted to get yours. I don't think I have seen this discussed here in the Gulch.
"Reason is man’s only means of grasping reality and of acquiring knowledge—and, therefore, the rejection of reason means that men should act regardless of and/or in contradiction to the facts of reality." AR, Philosophy Who Needs It
"PHILLIP ROTHSCHILD ORDERED ONE OF HIS MISTRESSES TO WRITE AN 1100-PAGE BOOK that would describe to all witches how they would take control of the World through the Illuminati: It's called Atlas Shrugged. (By Ayn Rand)"
[do a ctr+f for "ayn" and keep reading.
honestly I'm having a hard time breathing through all the lolz]