Busy week ahead.

Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 10 months ago to Business
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I seriously need to get my backside in gear this week. I've got a ridiculously busy day on Weds - lots of customers, new & existing, to attend to. Looking forward to the challenge. Tomorrow morning (Monday) I've got to get new adverts printed, then spend the rest of the day & Tuesday distributing them to yet more potential customers. I need to be making at least three times what I currently earn by the end of the year. Need a bigger house.

I'm talking about... window cleaning http://sunnywindowcleaning.com - one of the less glamorous jobs in this world. The great thing about it is, while not glamorous, it can earn you a lot of money quickly.

I know a university lecturer who cleans windows part time to assist with his hefty mortgage.

Apart from making fairly easy money from it, I suppose window cleaning is like shrugging for me...

All I ever wanted was a career in music. I've had no success to date but I've written/co-written, recorded & produced about eight albums worth of music in the last decade. I still live in hope. Interested? Check out http://meanderlane.com/music.html for a sample. Albums on sale soon.

I've been holding out for a break for years but I'm not prepared to sell out to the mainstream. By that I mean I would prefer to remain anonymous & just sell tunes to those who like them.

The music industry is a soulless beast these days - & has been for a number of years. It's soul destroying trying to get anywhere in the business. Ah well. Something may come of it yet but I'm not prepared to stay poor, stuck in some dead end job I hate, while waiting - hence self employment.

So it's back to my own self made grindstone - which I quite enjoy tomorrow. Oh & I've got a number of handyman jobs to attend to in the next couple of weeks. Quite enjoy those too but it doesn't pay like the window cleaning.

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  • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
    Not only does window cleaning give you freedom to be the boss of a very easy to run business, the overheads are minimal so it's profit all the way. It's honest but gutsy work but I'd recommend it to anyone with patience, a bucket & a squeegee.

    I've had thoughts of expanding the business & taking on employees but I've thought better of it since it seems the majority of would be employees in my area are lazy & would expect to earn the same as me - despite me being the one who built the business from scratch. I also don't need the headache of having to sort out tax, sick pay & astronomical insurance fees for employees. I honestly don't think I'd be any better off than I am now.

    It's taken many hours of walking the streets, knocking on doors & facing rejection ninety nine times before one person says "yes please." That's where the patience comes in.
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  • Posted by Lucky 11 years, 10 months ago
    For when you take a break-
    I am an owner in, and Chairman of, a strata company (Australian for condo, block of flats).
    I'd like to get the windows cleaned, there are about 75 of them over 3 levels. But, no takers, it seems that health safety environmental etc regulations are now so complex, any sensible approach is illegal.
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    • Posted by flanap 11 years, 10 months ago
      Seems if you cleaned them at night, catching the window cleaner violating code would be much harder.

      Producers don't worry about night and day since they are not waiting for the Nanny office to open.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
      Do you live in Australia?

      I'm quite surprised you've had no takers since a well known brand of window cleaning equipment (Wagtail) comes from Australia.

      If I were you, I'd look up a window cleaning firm which uses the water fed pole system (WFP).

      There's no need for ladders so no H&S risk. They only use purified water to clean the windows so no environmental garbage to worry about.

      I'd like to invest in the system at some point but the full kit is quite expensive. Seeing as I don't like borrowing money, it'll take a while before I'm able to invest in something like that.
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