My New Video on Objectivism...

Posted by bryan_ogilvie 11 years ago to Video
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Hey guys...peace to the Gulch. Been awhile, I know, but recently put a video up on YouTube introducing Objectivism to my readers.

Take a look - it's just 5 minutes or so - and let me know your thoughts. I want feedback as to anything I've missed, or, of course, got wrong. The Objectivist style of thinking, both political and philosophical, is something I'd like to include more in my future writing.

Here's that link once more:

SOURCE URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsM9Oz2_EyI

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  • Posted by KYFHO 11 years ago
    Excellent. A tight synopsis which should spark interest among those new to or that do not know Rand. Just enough info and recommended literature for a start. Am adding your lead to all my emails and posts. If enough people actually begin to think and reason the results will be astounding. I do know the brain is programmed to pretend to know more than it does and to be fixated on what it conceives to be facts, so this is a complex task, but one at time, one at a time.
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  • Posted by Bobhummel 11 years ago
    Brian, Outstanding work sir! Working "We the Living" into piece along with the comments by "puzzlelady" with regards to non-contradictory integration would be great additons. This well is very deep and you have an endless supply of Objective Water to share from Ms Rand. Cheers and good luck
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  • Posted by MikeJoyous 11 years ago
    Hi Bryan:) Not too much to disagree with. As folks here pointed out, you needed to mention "We The Living" which also is made into a motion picture. I'm curious about the central thesis of your book. I'll check out the free chapters you have available. The title of your book is provocative, especially to me. I'm learning about the art of releasing or letting go of the *overpush* associated with wanting to do thing. It is not opposed in any way to the intention to make a change. That's like a traffic cop within one's mind that directs you "here" and "not there." Then you forget about the cop. The problem, as I see it, is when people want something done, and it's not something they are prepared to act upon to achieve, or the wanting is so deeply engrained in the psyche that a person's ability to be objective becomes distorted. The key to this is to *not* want to change a thing. To keep the intention--yes! But the overpush associated with just wanting--that has to go. The process seems very different than what you envision, at least as suggested by your title, Bryan. Well, I'll read your chapters today and tell you what I think. Best always, Mike Rael
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  • Posted by geneligman 11 years ago
    I listened to it, and I like not only what I hear, but your target audience as well.

    Thanks for fighting the good fight...that is for the individual and for the value of thinking.
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  • Posted by 11 years ago
    @ALL: Thanks good people. To be honest I was a bit nervous when I first released it...there's so many negative myths surrounding Rand I thought people would pound on top of me like ravenous Hyenas.

    Thanks for the positive feedback.
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
    just awesome. Quick, covers alot of ground, empowers-perfect! you should fly out and be in the movie on Monday. got ta show up Monday 6 am pacific
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      @kHaling: I *wish* oooh... you don't know how bad I want to come.

      Between work and financial limits though, don't think I can make this one. You're going? If so, I want IN DEPTH coverage from the field ;)
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 11 years ago
    Well done, Bryan. You tackled a deep and complex subject with clarity and simple words for those new to her ideas, and you did it in a comfortable, non-confrontational style. Nice speaking voice, too.

    One thing I think should be emphasized just a little more: the rational mind is based on non-contradictory integration. Its premises are rooted in reality and reason. A lot of people tend to be intransigent (inflexible) about the ideas they hold, but unless those ideas and beliefs are validated by reality, those people are no better than religious fanatics. People are generally unwilling to relinquish their cherished beliefs and assumptions. That's the nature of the mind. The self-discipline to self-correct is what "volitional consciousness" really means. Most people run on automatic pilot. The default position is to assume that one is always right. Hence Ayn Rand's most powerful advice: "Check your premises."
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Mmmmm...yeah exactly. Funny cause I was thinking of something along those lines too.

      In "The Romantic Manifesto" she talks a lot about a person's 'basic premises' which really has a lot to do with your subconscious and limiting beliefs...so going deep in there to self-correct as you say.

      I'm on it.
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  • Posted by Fountainhead24 11 years ago
    Peace to the Gulch too! Watched your video and I think that is gets the message across quite well. What bugs me is the way the philosophy of Objectivism and Ayn Rand herself are misrepresented on the left as well as on the right. I would like to see these distortions exposed as well as the miscreants who perpetrate them.
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