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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
    Obama and his family have been all against cyberbullying, but Obama's statements to the Jewish leaders illustrate just how big a bully he is.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
    It amazes me that Obama's prejudice against Israel, as well as Jews in general is so obvious, and yet, 70% of Jews continue to slavishly support him. And while the rhetoric is milder, the Blacks are worse off under Obama than in the years preceding him, and yet they continue to slavishly follow him. It does prove that image is everything. Truth, facts, honesty doesn't matter.
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    • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 6 months ago
      It always boggled my mind (still does) how so
      many Jews still support him in view of his
      obvious prejudice. Can understand the Blacks'
      adoration, having something in common with
      him, but the Jews? Guess image is all, and
      character meaningless. Too bad...too sad
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 6 months ago
        I could go into a whole dissertation about prejudice, suppression, the promise of socialism, and tradition, but I won't. Let's just say that as a group, with all their sophistication and accomplishments, politically they are still at the turn of the last century.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
      Obama is a very arrogant preacher. The democrats picked him because they felt he could manipulate the populace, which he has. The jews stand up for themselves, as do the russians and even Snowden. Obama hates people who stand up for themselves. HE must be the only one that counts. Maybe its that he is a product of the entitled black culture coddled over the last 50 years? I have to say that I am feeling that way.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
    I just took the time to read some of the article. So according to 0 the Jewish community of the USA and the the nation of Israel are the war mongers here. The fact that Israel has done nothing but defend themselves for all the years of their existence does not enter the brain of 0 why because it is flat like a q-ball. If I recall the more ridges etc. the brain is composed of the more intelligent one is. Imagine being threatened by someone with your life you strike back hard and swift. It is my hope that the congress of the USA will not only reject this deal but will soundly over ride his veto. 0 has continued to demonstrate how utterly stupid he is.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
    Why? They have "the Obama" right where they want him.

    This thing is going to be used for toilet paper.

    We have no interest, necessity, or willingness to "make nice" with Iran. They stormed our embassy and held hundreds of Americans hostage for half of Wimpy's (Carter's) failed presidency.

    There is no need to negotiate with them, yes, at some point we're looking at another land war in the Middle East - but this deal does nothing to stop that, and if anything only better-arms Iran.

    Those nut-jobs have been fighting each other for a millennia over whose flavor of Islam is better. Letting them get nuclear weapons and their money back isn't going to change that...

    We need to stand with our all-weather allies in the region.

    This jackass in the White House is an absolute disgrace. It's why we shouldn't elect people that have never served in the armed forces, you tend to get this crap every time. It's about "honor". Snapping a salute in your 20's, or smoking a joint... which one is the better adult?
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    • -3
      Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
      If we put the money we waste in land wars in the middle east and help for Israel to be in a place they are not welcomed by millions, we could develop alternative energy and forget the middle east
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      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
        We already have alternative energy, we have a generally low-earning populace of at least 50% of the country that can't afford an 'old' gas car, let alone a new electric one.

        The Israelis have as much claim to the land as anyone else, it was Jewish areas long before it was established as a sovereign nation. Personally, I think they should be given credit for co-existence that they do "do" in terms of being the only place a Palestinian can get a job in the Middle East, rather than continuously demonized. They have ample reason to not trust Muslims, I don't either. Past performance is the best indicator of future expectations... we had a saying when I used to do business in the Emirates "The only reason Allah has the sun rise tomorrow is to renegotiate contracts you signed yesterday."
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
          Better than that which still is ready to take over completely in power production we have this brand spanking new huge mutha oil field in SW Texas and it stretches across into Mexico our distant neighbor.'

          So? Do we really need their oil when we're exporting from Alaska and have shut down the anthracite deposits in the western US?

          Just as an issue but side issue what is the impact of those new oil fields on imports? Or is it being sold out of the country and turned into out of the country deposits?

          That same segment of society that can't afford an old gas car can't afford to buy a new engine for those ruined by ethanol. But it is buying a lot of for sale votes in the midwest and enriching the agri-corps.

          Maybe we need a workable energy policy starting with no AF1 fligfhts to dinners in Paris.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
          I have to admit I dont know the real history of Israel, but I thought it was the land of the jews until they were run out probably by muslims a LONG time ago. Then they dispersed around the world. For some reason people in general didnt like the jews and they were persecuted- with that culminating in the NAZI era. After Hitler was defeated, the jews got a bit tired of being not wanted in poland, germany, etc and started to move back to Israel. But Britain was in charge of Palestine at the time (strange in itself...) and THEY gave half the territory to the jews and let them return from wherever they were. The arabs who were there and displaced then hated the jews and that hatred continues to today. Meanwhile the jews are tired of having nowhere to go and be jews (understandable). The problem is that its been over 50 years and the standoff is being enabled by the USA, with no end in sight. At some point, the jews have to make peace with the neighbors of wherever they go, or face extinction. I feel for the jews, BUT there is a limit on how much we can afford to support them just because their religion tells them its "home".
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
            Actually it was a vote of the United Nations this time around. There were two types. De Jure and De Facto. The first means because it was the right thing to do. That was enough to pass the proposal with Russia out of the picture and not present to veto. The second means because they are there. in fact. That's the vote cast by the United States. Never could figure out why Jews supported Democrats either. Demos root philosophy is the same one that ran pogroms and death camps. But then go figure Markx and Engels were Jewish themselves. I've heard several explanations.

            However the last comment is let them work it out with their neighbors. Which means stay out of the way when the ultimate argument is exploded. Unfortunately or fortunately take your pick it became our business when the US policy became stick your nose in and then head for the horizon. Another way of saying depends on whose in power in DC. It sure isn't morals, values and standards.
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            • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
              I am of the mind now that we cant really afford to continue sticking our noses in the middle east. Put our money into becoming free of the oil there, and get out. If they want us to fight as mercenaries, we could entertain that for a fee. This liberating the oppressed stuff is just getting too much. I am tired of working so Obama can fight in Iraq for which we get nothing except the wrath of ISIS for meddling
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                You'll find that those of us who used the De Opresso Liber as the unit motto were rarely used that way by our government. When turned loose to do the job it had a chance of working but that was rarely the case. As for that unit I suggestion the current government as evidenced by the statement of Janet Neapolitano the former head of the protective echelon is far more afraid of them than the reverse. Therefore Obeyme's desire to build them into a force equal or greater in size than the military. No love lost and damn little loyalty there since the unit and the rest of the military took the oath to the Constitution not to Obama. Of course there are the sell outs. ISIS is not some great unbeatable monster that is more hype than reality. But they hold the trump card. The US Government will inevitably fold.The country has no will to win. So why fight and die for a country that isn't worth it when any victory is invariable turned into a loss. Perhaps it isn't your choice anymore. Perhaps a better slogan from the sons and daughters of the nation is "No More Cannon Fodder."
                There is no reset button on the battle field. There are a lot of body bags. Too damn many.
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                • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
                  We the people are manipulated into fighting the wars that our government wants to fight. I am about done with that.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                    Good move. You realize you just divorced yourself from the Republicans and the Democrats. Can't promise there won't be any but as the saying goes if it's worth the effort enough will come forward. If they don't it isn't worth the effort.
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          • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
            I don't think they ever abandoned the area, there has been a Jewish presence there in perpetuity, just not a sovereign nation.

            I think the angst is because the West supported the creation of a Jewish state, but not a Palestine one.
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            • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
              I think its really none of our business. Its time for them to work it out with their neighbors. Why do we have to settle all these issues around the world at our expense?

              We should concentrate on making our own country strong so we have a good life instead of getting tangled up in so many foreign affairs that have nothing to do with domestic security of our country.
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              • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                That's called the isolationism that led to WWI and WWII...

                As the only remaining superpower, it's rather unlikely to be completely closed-off from the world, and to a large extent, our military presence guarantees economic access to markets...
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                • Posted by term2 9 years, 6 months ago
                  It would appear to me that the rest of the world needs the USA more than the USA needs the rest of the world that might not want to deal with us.
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                  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                    that's an accurate statement...

                    all you need to do is survey the nations in the "United Nations" and compare the numbers that are ruled by their people, vs. ruled by a despot. Trust me, we are in the extreme minority... you are talking maybe 30 nations out of the nearly 200 members.
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                • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                  Since we ended isolationism, we have gotten into numerous wars and have precious little to show for it. The presumption is that those other markets have something worth accessing. In the case of South Korea, yes, there is some value there. In the case of the Middle East, there is something of value there, but OPEC played us like a Stradivarius in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Now that oil prices have dipped precipitously again, watch out. History could well repeat itself. The looters have told us for decades about the horrors of isolationism. When have the looters been right about foreign policy before?

                  As for the isolationism and WW1, there really wasn't a significant national interest there. That was largely a waste. Regarding WW2, it wasn't the isolationism that got us involved. It was FDR himself. We knew the Japanese were going to attack. In fact, some people have argued that we invited them to attack. The only surprises were when and where.
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                  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                    Wars yes, and numerous yes, but you are talking 4000 to 50,000 casualties in regional engagements, not 1 million+ dead in a world wide theater.

                    America took more casualties in a typical morning during the Civil War than we did in all of the Persian Gulf, Iraqi, and Afghan wars.
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                    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                      True, but no country would have millions in casualties anymore without using far more deadly weapons. By comparison, how many people in Canada died? Not many. The financial cost is not anything to be trifled with either. We have literally spent more than a trillion dollars fighting against those with far inferior technology and more than that rebuilding them so that they can destroy it again. At some point you have to ask whether US altruism is really worth it.
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                      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                        Hmm... I was deployed to Rwanda and Bosnia during the genocides in each respective location... instead of taking a trip to Toronto and assuming the rest of the world is like that (Canada really just benefits from the US defense of the Western hemisphere), I'd really recommend spending some time in a non-developed country outside of the US sphere of influence and decide if the world would really be better off without us or not.

                        You make the assumption that most people are basically good... but history doesn't show that, in fact, freedom is excessively rare. Some 250 years and a handful of countries out of all of the world's history.

                        Although I would also argue that the cause of our freedom is an armed populace, not exclusively our military might. Invasion of the US is pretty much impossible, even if we didn't have a military.
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                        • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                          Like Ron Paul, I stand for non-interventionism. Isolationism probably is too strong a word. If a country or its citizens affirms Objectivist values, then I will gladly do business with them if they have something of value to offer. Many people from other countries do.
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                        • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                          You have my condolences on being deployed to Bosnia and Rwanda. How many people there appreciated what you did?
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                          • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                            The Bosnians... greatly...

                            The Rwandans... 50% yes, 50% were shooting at us.
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                            • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                              Perhaps it would have been worth it if you had been fighting for Liberland, not far to the north of where Bosnia, Serbia, and Croatia come together
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                              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                                it all depends on who is in the oval. Kosovo with very little in evidence and a lot of waffling before the term genocide came up. Iraq with mass graves. It's like Orwells pigs. Some peoples ragheads are more equal than other peoples ragheads. In the service we don't get to choose which group grabs the brass ring . Above our pay grade. For that you have to see the man, or ask the voters what the hell?? Another reason to get rid of the draft and I mean get rid of it not just hide it away until another slick willie wonka decides to employ it. Enlist or Not enlist is one of the greatest ways to cast a ballot in existence along with regular voting and voting for or against some law from the jury box. But the Balkans came after my turn and before the following generations. /We were all about SE Asia and Latin America and a bit of Africa. Europe was where you went for a vacation at that point in time.
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                        • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                          No, I don't make such an assumption. Freedom is very rare. In those countries where genocides happen, they will happen again when American military leave. Is the American military expected to be there in perpetuity? Only exchange value with those who have to exchange with. I spent some time in East Berlin, long enough to know that totalitarian regimes are not worth investing my time and treasure in.
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                          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                            i may have said this before. My uncle spent 40 years in the Central African Republic AKA Empire. He was both a missionary and a dental surgeon. The medical facility serviced an area with a number of villages. He went back recently as his group had completed both their first written language and translated the Bible and a number of other useful volumes. No one there. The surrounding villages were all dead. Two reasons. Tribal conflicts and AIDs. The few left were living and working at the main HQ for the missions in the capitol. this in a country where the top dog leader spent the entire national treasury on his coronation to Emperor and then was miffed because the Queen of England failed to attend.

                            What to say?

                            It's Africa is the common answer. They really know how to shrug on that continent.
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                          • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                            That's where we disagree, your argument seems to be to disengage from around the world while maintaining a million-person military (camped out at bases in the US?). I make the argument that the difference in cost of posting them at overseas locations vs. posted in the continental US is negligible.

                            We didn't go looking for a fight in Afghanistan, it was likely the most non-US influenced area in the world, the extent of our involvement was selling them the arms they were asking for to fight the Russians with.

                            Withdrawing our presence around the world doesn't suddenly mean that Russia or China will.. Do we abandon Western Europe to Russian influence?

                            Do we abandon the fight against ISIS and tell our Israeli and Turkish allies "oh well"? Turkey is a member of NATO... Jordan is also a close ally, and there is that insignificant seaway called the Suez Canal to consider... How about the Saudis? And we don't do those for free... they generally foot all or most of the tab by the way.

                            As much as I don't like Obama, his tough love strategy with some of these has been fruitful, and it was needed... The Saudis and Egyptians in particular have picked up the fight against ISIS, but the problem and risk is that they just don't have the training and weapons to get the job done before ISIS gets out of control. Maybe they will, maybe they won't... if we led the fight, it would be a certainty, but that drops precipitously with less US involvement. Do you honestly think ISIS would be happy to only rule their little corner of the desert?

                            The bitches that they have against the US is a long and detailed list... starting with the Crusades. Nevermind the Crusades were retaliation for Muslim and Mongol invasions of Europe in decades prior, but that little tidbit is never discussed.

                            The point is, the belief that we can sustain the largest economy on the planet (and still not large enough to employ our population), or that despots and religious zealots would just leave us alone if we're nice to them... is completely dream land.. We are very definitely on the buildup to World War III... that is pretty obvious, what's not entirely known is where the alliances and battle fronts will be drawn yet, but the world is polarizing itself very sharply. Selectively reducing tensions by the elimination of despots and hostile nations has proven generally pretty effective in the post-Cold War world, but in many ways, the world is much more dangerous now. 20 years ago, we knew exactly who are enemy was. We could see them on a map, we saw the red star on their naval vessels, and we could chase them out of the skies over Alaska, Canada, and the Western US while our attack subs could find and follow their boomers at sea. That enemy was very lethal, with one of their dozens of subs carrying some 200 nuclear warheads, yet, we somehow kept the peace for almost 50 years.

                            Now, we can't even pronounce the names of the enemies, let alone find them in their caves very easily. I'd venture to guess that most have never even met an American, but they hate us because we don't pray to Allah or practice Islam.
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                            • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 6 months ago
                              America does not need a million people in its military to project power, nor does it need to project power. With a few thousand from each branch of the military, we could achieve whatever objective we wanted to. The rest of the world can be left to their own problems. We have enough problems of our own. In fact, that was the first premise I had to check. I worked with tritium before I read AS, and realized the magnitude of what I was trying to make safe.

                              I agree they do hate us because we do not practice Islam. We will not change their minds. I have tried numerous times. It has been a waste of breath. Lets the Muslims overrun all nations except the USA, maybe even the US. If it gets to that point, I will have shrugged to my own little paradise.
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                          • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                            Sometimes friendship is worth more than time or treasure. Are the Brits "not worth our time or treasure"? We have a deep commitment to them, and deep ties. How about the French? Or any of Europe.

                            Just because you don't think so, doesn't mean the majority of America doesn't think so... in fact.. you are really in the minority on that.

                            Either way, you are talking about 1-2% of the budget of the United States at the absolute most. Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security is 71% of the budget... if you are worried about time & treasure, that shit needs to go in the trash can.
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                            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                              You were doing fine until you said French. They are not our friends. At All. I'm thinking divide that place up and give it Breton and the rest of bordering countries then turn Paris into a museum. i would not countenance squandering US soldiers on that place again. That is post judice not pre judice for those that know the difference.
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                              • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
                                no reference to being a fan of them, only stating that our ties run deep. They did, after all, provide us weapons against the British during the Revolutionary War. For the most part, they have been fair-weather friends since.

                                You would be surprised though, ran into the French Foreign Legion in a lot of unlikely places overseas.
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                                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
                                  Now that's a different breed of French. They aren't except for the Commissioned Officers. Met them in Tahiti Nui French Polynesia. Also commendable are a unit of the French Naval Infantry - basically Marines. They wear the Cross of Lorraine as their unit insignia. Only ones to go ashore in the first wave on D Day. Good troops. Always exceptions. Victor Hugo and some of the other great writers and artists. I do not count de Gaulle in that select group.

                                  I recall a union meeting in our union school actually. For the weekend they would provide a bus to the local shopping center. Target (Tar Jay if you are from the south but not not Walmart.) the unions would love to get that contract but would kill the golden goose in the process. So I asked why Target if you don't want to go to the other place. After all this country is officially at war they chose the other side. It's a French owned company. I myself after twenty plus years in the combat arms would feel like a traitor walking into an enemy establishment. It got real quiet. the bus later took us to another shopping center. it was however roughly the same distance to Walmart. I took a cab back. i should add the youngest son of the Walton Family now deceased was a Sergeant in US Army Special Forces. Ultralite crash I think it was. Takes all kinds
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                                  • scojohnson replied 9 years, 6 months ago
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
    They only wish he would lay off. But since the Republicans are playing gopher who else is there to stand up to der Fuhrer? So what happened to DOHS. I thought they were supposed to protect Homeland Security? ha ha ha
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  • Posted by gerstj 9 years, 6 months ago
    Oh that is rich, Obama would cheer the destruction of Israel and the killing of millions of Jews along with his co-religionists. Jews who submit to his threat are engaging in the old stick of hoping that the alligator will eat them last.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Not sure where you were going with that? Target is not a French company, it's owned by Dayton Hudson Corporation (also owns Daytons and a string of other stuff) and is based in Minneapolis.

    For the most part, the French have as bad of immigration problems as we do, they have let in waves of Muslims to the point that it stifles their politics... overtly support the US on an action in the Middle East and they burn Paris to the ground. I don't think that in back rooms they have ever wavered in their support of us, but their situation is like an American politician speaking openly about illegal immigration or gay marriage - suddenly the militants are fire-bombing their home, their business, and publicly humiliating them.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
      Down south the call it tar jay and make a big deal out of being foreign owned. Seriously. I got it straight from Target. Should have looked a bit deeper.

      So they have lost control of their country? Time to bring in the Legions. Or is that the face of the future? The error seems simple. Control your borders and let the center take care of itself. Don't control your borders you are no longer a country which also seems a fair appraisal of not only France but the USA both hiding in the back rooms.

      I'll retract the error.
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      • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 6 months ago
        It's worse than that, it's not only a control of the borders issue, they were letting them immigrate in numbers that pretty much make up around 15% to 20% of their population now.

        France, like Japan, has a real problem with procreation... just not enough kids being born, so they were taking in waves of immigration to back-fill the workers retiring. Japan doesn't do that, they are just suffering through a lack of workforce (that is destroying their economy).
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
          I checked out the other European countries who had done the same thing. They didn't call it reject or eject just re-patriation. Since they couldn't really move them over the border most provided one way tickets back to where ever. Apparently they were listed as some kind of Bracero Green Card workers except perhaps for France.

          What it seemed to boil down to in essence is they don't want them but don't want to pay the cost of repatriating them back to ....

          Seems like they are still behind the rest of Europe which leaves a sort of open untreated sore.

          Someone forgot to tell them they could subtract the costs by adding them to border duty of imported goods or subtract from any foreign aid. Mmmmmmmm wait a minute. Does France give any other country foreign aid?

          Found no evidence of that.

          they are good on sort of funny ha ha war memorials though. Most commemorating losses. Something we started learning how to do ourselves in the last century.

          Yup Tarjay is HQ'd in Minnesota. How about that.

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 6 months ago
    They did the same thing for the Suez Canal Crisis, plural multiple - in the fifties and sixties. You ought to go through that thing. Looks like a war zone to this day. Complete with monuments dating back to World War One. That being those many years ago it isn't contemporary but it involves the same party.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 9 years, 6 months ago
    I warned my liberal, Christian parents about who Obama was in 2008. I put it into terms they would understand, even though I don't believe in the source. I told them he was the anti-Christ.

    They voted for him anyway, because they think I'm just a right-wing extremist.

    After his re-election in 2012, I told them he would become more dictatorial in the 2nd term because Congress was weak and divided, and Obama had no reason to compromise with them.

    I hate being right about this stuff.
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