Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign, Economic Signs, and More Bad Signs

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 4 months ago to Economics
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Well, here's some bad (good?) news for all.

Anyone see any bright spots in the future?
SOURCE URL: http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/2015/08/02/signs-signs-everywhere-a-sign-economic-signs-and-more-bad-signs/

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 4 months ago
    With the help of my grandson, (22) I have been talking to a number of twenty-somethings. To me, they dress strangely, they comb their hair strangely, the girls wear everything too short, but --when I actually talked to these strange creatures, they were pretty sensible. Unlike the Watters World segment on O'Reilly, they were sensible, knew how the government was supposed to work and had reasons for their opinions. I don't know if grandson specially selected this crew or not. I guess they reflect the kind of people he runs around with. I found it an encouraging sign. But jeez, they were a weird looking bunch. I guess I'm old. Now that I think of it, my grandparents probably thought the same of me as I wore pegged pants with a pipped stripe and a D.A. haircut.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 4 months ago
    Aw, c'mon with all this negativity.
    Everything is just peachy keen.
    The salvation of our economy shall but a part of the Presidebt's legacy.
    Just ask O'Pinocchio! He'll tell you.
    And with that happy smile of his too.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 4 months ago
    Hello Zenphamy,
    Bummer... The economy is one spark away from disaster and our present path is headed towards a blowtorch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F54rq...
    What innovation short of Galt's engine could turn the trend? I just learned of O's new directive to reduce carbon emissions by 32%... while other nations will not. I'm still trying to understand how someone that flies all over on AF1 thinks he can dictate carbon emissions without harming those he is suppose to serve. Just one more roadblock in the path of improving the economy...
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  • Posted by vido 9 years, 4 months ago
    Bad sign #1 : complete clown elected twice.
    Bad sign #2 : people are not even laughing dismissively when possibility of having selfish female clown elected right after clown #1's second term end is evoked.

    When only looters are left, the country is doomed, and that is now becoming the case.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 4 months ago
    James Rickards says that he seriously doubts a large enough shift toward fiscal responsibility to avoid the largest crash in the history of mankind. See the book review:


    It's an outstanding read, book is brand new on the market. I was the first one to reserve it at my local library, but I may just buy it.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 4 months ago
    I see nothing especially new or noteworthy in that article. But I'm fascinated to see someone reviving the song -- because while it's a horrible song, it's one I've used for decades as a sort of "litmus test of libertarians." Basically, if the song is played in a room full of libertarians, I typically see three reactions by different people.

    (1) If you simply agree with the song's narrator and want the people who put up all those signs forced to tear them down -- you are a shallow anarchist, not a libertarian at all.

    (2) If you point out that all of the rules on the signs are exercises of valid property rights and thus should be upheld without question -- you are what I call a "property rights libertarian" -- not as shallow as the first group, but still too shallow for me.

    (3) If you agree with the second group that the rules are property rights but would prefer (and campaign, but not for a law) for the harsher ones to be taken down voluntarily, you are like me, a "cultural libertarian."

    I have the impression that Objectivists are mostly divided into groups (2) and (3).
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 4 months ago
    the only thing that is going to be bright in the future is the sun on sunny days. I do not believe for one moment that the economy has done anything but slide down a black hole since the bush boys left office. as we go so goes the world as we are the economic engine of the world. our non working force keeps growing so they have less and less money to spend on anything other than necessities. the signs of destitute are everywhere. when nobody wants to work because there is no longer any benefit and that will take about 5 to 10 years to take place those who function without the use of brains located in dc as well as other capitols around the world will not recognize the error of their ways and otherwise say what happened. we will not have the "men who built america" around to do it again.
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