The Goverment Depends on People's Ignorance.

Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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A workmate who incidentely voted for obama said to me that obama doesn't really seem to want to create jobs. I took this as a cue to enlighten him and show him how correct he is by giving him a two page article describing the Cloward-Pivin Strategy.

I asked him a week later what he thought of the article and he replied that he didn't read it. Two stinking pages and he didn't read it. I guess I'll not suggest that he read "Atlas Shrugged!"

It seems to me that unless you have a politcial proclivity (interest) which most all don't, you just don't care what's going on around you. You just don't want to know "why?"

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  • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 10 months ago
    Hi I'm new here & I agree with you.

    I'm one of this world's armchair politicians. I know how the world should be run & being self employed, I've got a pretty good understanding of how the business world works.

    I have to confess that when I'm not working I spend way too much time on Facebook trying to enlighten loony lefties as to why equality for all cannot work. Needless to say the majority of them aren't self employed so they don't know how the business world works, nor are they interested. They do love signing petitions on & the like in order to undermine Capitalism thus sign away their (& my) liberties though. They have no idea - & many of them choose not to see, that they are digging their own graves.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 10 months ago
      Okay you two, (welcome to the gulch by the way), you are hitting the nail on the head in your assessments of those who just plain don't give a shit about anything enough to research what, how, why things are going in the direction they are. Most don't notice ANY thing. It's an often revisited topic in the gulch....what to do about these idiot. I'll save you some time. lol Stop trying to wake the dead. Know a flicker of light in someone when you see it and talk to that person and hopefully the flicker will get brighter etc... Also, know that those who are brain dead to reality are still a force working against you and your freedoms, even if they don't realize they are a dangerous force it doesn't excuse the fact that they are. If you waste your energy on them at all let them know that you know this fact about them. A lot of us in the gulch have shed friends for that very reason. One more NOT keep quiet. We are beyond caring about people's bogus feeeeelings or possibly offennnnnnnding anybody. Speak loud, speak freely, and speak often...sooner or later someone will ask you questions...and THAT will be the one with the flicker. :) (P,S, wear Atlas Shrugged shirt often too...they invite questions occasionally.)
      We love to share stories of introducing others to Atlas as well, or pictures of "Who is John Galt" sightings etc.
      Again, Welcome to the Gulch!! :)
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      • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 10 months ago
        Thanks, it's good to be here & thanks for the tip. I'm currently conversing with an open minded fence sitter. She tends to hang to the left but she's very open to suggestion. I know she's heard some bad press about Rand (thanks to the left) so I've offered to lend her my copy of Shakedown Socialism. If you're not familliar with the title, it was penned by Oleg Atbashian (see - very funny) who lived in Soviet Russia before emigrating to America (New York) in the 90s. Upon his arrival he was surprised to discover how many Americans were pro Communist ideas. He recalls victimisation by way of vandalism carried out by union members. He explains how union power is beating a path to Communism & further explains the economic disaster it will spell for everyone... If she gets the point & makes the connection between Communism & 'Progress', 'Change', 'Diversity' etc, she'll probably work the rest out for herself.

        I have three Atlas tee shirts which I bought from
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      • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
        I have "Who is John Galt?" bumper stickers on two of my cars. No one has asked what it means yet. But If they haven't read the 800+ page book "Atlas Shrugged" how would they know what to ask? Afterall, my colleague wouldn't even read the 2 page article on the Cloward Pivin Strategy on how to bring the goverment down.

        Read it if you haven't and you'll get it. I did instantly when a colleage gave it to me. Boy did I get it. I read it during the Hillary-Obama campaign. Many have told me she would have been a better president. No way, she's a female obama.

        She declared during her one of her preliminary debates back in 2008 that she calls herself a modern day progressive. Her book "It takes a Village" is socialist propoganda.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 10 months ago
          If they've read the book they wouldn't need to ask who is John Galt. Sometimes people get curious and ask. Not very often suppose, but ya never know. I've had people ask about my shirts before, one that I know actually read the book after I told him about it too. And loved it, of course. :)
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