Getting Used to Being a Child

Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 11 months ago to Culture
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In the "America the Beautiful Coke Commercial" post, Maph said the following:

"Posted by $ Maphesdus 7 hours ago
I thought the ad was beautiful. Anything that encourages diversity gets a plus in my book. "

I don't quote this to make an ad hominem attack on him, his message was just the catalyst that got me to post this.

"Encourages diversity".

Please explain to me why it is Coke's business to "encourage diversity"?
Coke sells a health-impairing, mildly addictive refreshment; THAT is their business.

But, that's not the issue. A real question we should be asking is, "Why is Coke concerning itself with encouraging diversity as part of its advertising campaign?" Obviously they are pandering to someone... to whom?

Why, to Maph, of course. And people with his outlook, whom Coke apparently thinks is a worthwhile demographic to target. Why would Coke think that?

Because for decades the left, in the news media and in government (such as schools) have been singing the praises of diversity... without one shred of evidence that diversity is a good thing in this country.

Quick question, maph, one which Rand has already answered: what demographic gives you the greatest possible diversity? I'll give you a hint; according to her, it's the smallest minority on Earth.

Watch TV for awhile... look in newspapers and magazines... even the previews at the movie theater... everyone, but especially the news media, is telling you how to live your life and what to think.

I'm not talking about something as trivial as drug abuse here (although that will probably hijack the post). I'm talking about the weatherman telling you to bundle up, because it's going to be coooold out there tonight! F* you, weatherman; that's MY call to make.
"The roads are icy, so don't drive even if you have an emergency, just bundle up and stay in your house". Who the hell are you to tell me how to deal with severe weather?

I imagine I'm the only person who gets pissed off at the weatherman, the news anchor, the insurance peddler, the talk show host, the celebrity actors, all talking down to me and lecturing me on what I should do to survive, to prosper, to be a good person, however THEY think I should behave.

But, the real issue is not them trying to tell us how to live, but how inured to it we've all become. We've come to accept it, as if they have the right to lecture us, as if, just because they're a news anchor or a media whore or a politician, they have some superior moral authority over our lives... like a parent.

Think about the endless lectures celebrities, politicians, "news" reporters, and so on have delivered about the evils of tobacco. They could be all, 100%, absolutely true; that's not the issue... the issue is them lecturing us about it. Spending our tax dollars in many cases TO lecture us about it.

The idea that anyone, particularly government, has the authority to steer society, to guide culture, is evil, in my opinion. Cultural changes that come about through popularity, free markets, technological developments, that's one thing. But when the government decides that the future of energy is Green, when the media decide that people must embrace diversity... unacceptable.

I encourage everyone to start looking at the media, at political commentary, and all entertainment, even movies, with a critical eye toward statements meant to encourage or discourage beliefs or behaviors. I think if you do, you'll be shocked at how prevalent it is.

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  • Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 10 years, 11 months ago
    Here's what I wrote Coke:
    Comments: Dear Coca Cola Corp.
    For most of my life I've been enjoying your beverages. Loved Diet Coke and
    later on CF Diet Coke. I may just be one consumer however, as a
    Naturalized citizen (yep, had to take my citizenship test in ENGLISH) I
    have to say I hated your America the Beautiful commercial. As a kid
    outside of the US this song would bring tears to my eyes, I learned all the
    words in English, just as with the National Anthem, other iconic American
    songs, even the Pledge of Allegiance. You should not be changing the words
    of this song to accommodate people who refuse to learn the language of the
    land. I may be 1 consumer but it's 1 less consumer of Coke products.
    Thank you.

    Here's their response:
    Thank you for your email and your loyalty to Coca-Cola over the years, . We greatly value your business and appreciate hearing from you.

    “It’s Beautiful” was created to celebrate Coke moments among all Americans who together enjoy ice cold, refreshing Coke. For centuries America has opened its arms to people of many countries who have helped to build this great nation. “It’s Beautiful” provides a snapshot of the real lives of Americans representing diverse ethnicities, religions, races and families, all found in the United States. All those featured in the ad are Americans and “America The Beautiful” was sung by bilingual American young women.

    We believe “It’s Beautiful” is a great example of the magic that makes our country so special, and a powerful message that spreads optimism, promotes inclusion and celebrates humanity – values that are core to Coca-Cola.

    You can find out more about our ad by going to Journey. I really appreciate your feedback and hope this will keep you as a valued customer of ours. We appreciate your interest in our Company.

    Kalee J
    Industry and Consumer Affairs
    The Coca-Cola Company
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  • Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 11 months ago
    The reasons this happens is that the media, politicians, corporations all follow the agenda dictated by the Bilderberg group, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc. The elite banking families pull the strings and everyone dances to that tune, provides the music for that tune, provides finances for that get the picture.

    The new way of doing things is to decide by consensus, where individual thought is discouraged and thoughts, choices, decisions are steered by meeting leaders or opinion leaders through the Hegelien Dialectic manipulation. In other words, the populace is being fed a load of crap and made to believe that everyone feels that way and then corrals folks into choosing from the choices they preselected for you. If you don't agree initially, then you are made to feel strange, different and sub par if you don't get with the program. This is the essence of the advertising industry.

    The top media companies are all owned by 5 families and/or corporations. The too-big-to-fail banks are owned by 5 families. Meetings to align direction and strategy occur at Bilderberg and Davos meetings along with others.

    I could go on for 20 pages but you get the idea. Do your own research and become informed then tell others in order to wake them up. I use Alex Jones and to stay informed. There are many of these subjects covered in the resources available there. Prepare to have your head explode from the info!
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    • Posted by MattFranke 10 years, 11 months ago
      I used to listen to Jones on shortwave radio on top of the Continental Divide over 10 years ago. I still check in at infowars occasionally. Lots of original source links, videos, and news.
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 11 months ago
    I don't pay much attention to the media and the commentaries; I generate my own ( However, I know the more the Greek chorus howls for diversity based on racial, ethnic, and sexual orientation criteria, the less it wants actual diversity of the one kind that matters: diversity of thought.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years, 11 months ago
    Coke is parroting what kids are innundated with in school, on TV, and in books. They do it because it makes them seem "warm, fuzzy, and familiar" - things to make their customers think they have their best intrests at heart, so when they go to buy a soft drink, they buy from the company with the message they've been innundated with all these decades.
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 10 years, 11 months ago
    You sir, are absolutely correct.
    There are commercials on TV right now whose message is basically
    a) Hey parents - spend time with your kids!
    b) Hey parents - don't forget to tell your kids that drugs are bad!
    c) Hey kids - play outside once in a while.
    I have even seen commercials on PBS that explain proper brushing and flossing techniques - brought to you by your government.

    Do not buy into the deception that they are telling you truth, so it's harmless. It is not harmless. This is conditioning.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 11 months ago
    Someone has to come up with some copy for newscasters to read and to sell pop.

    America is all about e pluribus unum, so diversity seems like a reasonable bet to sell stuff in the US. Companies also use the flag to sell stuff, which seems like bad form, but apparently works.

    The stuff they write like "wear a sweater" is just a way of writing. MAYBE it works b/c it appeals to people's desire to be told what to do, but I really think it's just banter to fill airtime or as a segue. I just ignore it. Wisconsin Public Radio, NPR, and BBC have less of it. I HOPE it's wrong that their audience actually wants someone to tell them what to do.
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    • Posted by gonzo309 10 years, 11 months ago
      Don't forget that by misinforming us about the size of the growing minority (5-10%) that we have to allow for, our society gets corrupted a little more in the name of diversity. It's not just money they're after but control.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 11 months ago
    So people just make topics about anything I say now? Is that how this works?
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      Did you read what I said? I said it wasn't about what you said, but that what you said was the trigger for me to finally get off my ass and write a post about something that's been galling me for some time.

      And if I'm not clear enough, I'm not criticizing your opinion of encouraging diversity, but how our culture has evolved to the point where people *expect* talking heads to lecture them, to talk down to them, to tell them how to live.
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    • Posted by khalling 10 years, 11 months ago
      join the club. This happens to me often (one in particular I remember where it was used to call me a racist). Hiraghm said it spurred him on a post. Better than hijacking my post, right? ;)
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 11 months ago
    To answer your question, Hira, if companies could create customized advertisements specifically for each individual, that would certainly be the most effective method of marketing. Many websites such as Amazon attempt something like this with targeted ads that display the sort of products each individual buyer has previously expressed interest in, though the content of each ad is still standardized. Due to the fact a purely reductionist approach of creating new and unique content for every individual isn't feasible or practical, a reliance on wider holistic patterns must necessarily be employed in marketing.
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