Exit Plan

Posted by KYFHO 11 years ago to News
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Drudge is well known. I find his twitter comment "have an exit plan" intriquing. Do you think it is a general comment for all of us, a coded comment to a chosen few, the military or simply a mindless tweet of the day? By the way, do you have an exit plan?
SOURCE URL: https://twitter.com/DRUDGE

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  • Posted by Grendol 11 years ago
    I asked this question of myself years ago in a slightly different form. Looking around for the things I want in a nation considering my freedoms and rights first. Fundamentally the US still is the place to be. The question among most people in a bad situation is to change the situation by fighting it (rebels in Syria) or leave. What we've got is still better than the rest which is why first generation immigrants still come to the US and do quite well. You do not hear about people emigrating to China. I know an old college dormmate who moved to Australia but that was significantly in part due to his wife being an Aussie. This decision is a tough and personal one, I admire the immigrants who come here and make something of themselves from nothing. If I went somewhere I would want to do the same, but I would want to make sure I wasn't walking away from a fight I could win with better results than what I'd get by walking to somewhere new. Opportunity cost I guess is one way of saying it. We still have elections here without rebellion and genocide, our corruption levels in the day to day levels of in your face government are low as you can actually trust most police to be resistant to bribery, and you can still create a successful business. Remember Ayn Rand's Father's pharmacy business was stolen by the state, the Bolsheviks killed the other communists to secure their control. If the most we are dealing with at the moment is two disfunctional parties who call each other names then we don't have a completely bad situation. ... However ... planning ahead ... with exit in mind is a good exercise. While most plans can be worthless when the action starts, the exercise of having planned is not. There used to be a website called www.freebooter.com that in the pre 9/11 days was pretty useful but due to the concerns of the surveillance state was 'nerfed' a relatively quickly. The fundamentals are the same though, know the law where you go and obey the law, don't be a peacock as that gets both good and bad attention for you-blend in instead, consider a legal name change/adoption of name that is either a local translation of your name or the equivalent of John Smith for your destination of choice as your paperwork will not stand out and be 'unnecessarily delayed' for intimidation and graft purposes, investigate how to make a useful amount of your wealth portable. Find someone who does travel like what Abaco has done and talk with them about both the place and how to travel internationally in general. Then do some homework and travel internationally at least once hopefully to your destination of choice and look around and learn. Don't stay at a resort, see if you can stay local. Reading the history of western europe the safest and wealthiest persons were the international merchants who could mobilize their wealth and family away from conflict to freedom. That point is even in the fiction of the time and I point to the 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Dickens.

    With respect to a "prepper's" mindset of bunkering down, if societal collapse occurs, keep in mind that what works in the 3rd world will work after a societal collapse. Anthropology taught me that location has alot to do with resource availability. Reading 'guns germs and steel' might be enlightening for societal collapse as well.

    Exit planning is interesting, exciting, and educational. Do it ahead as a mental experiment and decide if you wish to carry forward with it. But if what you've got is better than anywhere you figure you can land, I think you should keep fighting. I'm not saying fleeing for The Gulch is bad, but like Dagney, you've got to fight to a point, just learn where and when that point is ahead of time before you are a steamrolled statistic instead of an emigrant.
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 11 years ago
    It would be easy to say that the very word "Twitter" strongly implies frivolity and banality, and anything said on that channel should be dismissed as unimportant. Yet this might be another word that the progressives have co-opted, so it's more important to consider who said it, as your question suggests.

    My first question about this tweet related to the context: was he talking about "love, war, or business"? Did he mean he is selling his online operation? Is he talking about my preparedness for SHTF? And is he addressing only those who follow Twitter? Yeah, I seem to have more questions than answers at this point. Right now I am taking what he said as nothing more than "generally good advice" (which it is, IMO).
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years ago
    I think Drudge means it. And, I think it is good advice. A gentleman I work with was raised in Ecuador and suggested, just a couple days ago, that I go visit. One of my neighbors spends most of her time in her second home in Panama. I see this as a time to consider diversifying with a second homestead elsewhere. It takes real money so it's a challenge for most.
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  • Posted by bassboat 11 years ago
    The problem with an exit plan is that if you were to go to say, Argentina, where would you put your money? No place is safe when the US capitulates. Switzerland could be taken over in hours, no country that you could move to should be trusted with your assets. Now I do not think that the US is on the precipice of failure. I do think that for the foreseeable future one could diversify one's assets in several different countries but leave the lion's share of it here in the states. There is no easy answer if you want to retain your assets because governments will take your money away from you if they need it. Let there be no question of that. An exit strategy like Drudge suggests is at best an escape plan that might suffice for a few years you have to ask yourself what would happen in the country that you move to if the world would fall into a deep depression? Is there a good place?
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 11 years ago
    I think Drudge is referring to economic and society exit. Become self reliant. Physically leaving this country will not solve your problems. If America descends into anarchy, despots and dictators will feel free to do as they wish in just about ANY country.
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  • Posted by Matcha 11 years ago
    Yes. My family, 3 generations, has an exit plan. My husband is a Economist and I have to trust his area of expertise. He was a Professor and ran a business. He says we have crossed a line we won't come back from without going through very hard times. He does think Mark Levin is on the right path. I think younger people have changed and we have lost our culture. I will take my belief in hard work and earning what you have with me and live a life without CNN or FOX.
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  • Posted by mmm2m8r 11 years ago
    My exit plan is the same as it was in grade school. When the nukes were coming--"bend over, put your head between your knees, and kiss your ass goodbye. "
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years ago
    We've not only exited the former insanity, but have viable and profitable follow-up plans as well. For it's not enough just to escape... one has to escape, and then continue to be (or better, increase their capacity to be) a producer.
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  • Posted by TexanSolar 11 years ago
    To survive the impending depression you must leave the cities and be able to sustain yourselves off-grid.

    My solar collector design will economically provide for all of the energy and water requirements for an Off-Grid Home or Community.

    If you can grow your own food. You can be entirely self-reliant. Who needs the Federal Government?
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  • Posted by dreamersmith 11 years ago
    I have often thought that moving to Venezuala made sense...at least I could expect that the government would take over my holdings at some point in time rather than being surprised by the actions as we are in this country.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years ago
    Time will tell, but I think you guys are nuts. If catastrophe strikes, something that injures or kills more people than car accidents, or a secondmajor scandal brings down the US govt as we know it, I'll eat crow. My opinion, though, is you're crazy to give some tweet a second thought.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
      The Drudge Report is a highly influential news aggregate. Many stories break on this site. Lots of the news he collects and features on the site are early reporting of large breaking stories. He 's got lots of contacts out there and is very careful and judicious with words. Time will tell is right
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    • Posted by $ WillH 11 years ago
      Your right. Natural disasters never happen. Hurricanes never hit the coastal regions. Earthquakes never hit the United States. I think Real Foot Lake in Tennessee was not formed what an eathquake hit so hard the Mississippi flowed backwards, rather it was where the Hulk hit when he fell out of that airplane. We have never seen a flood either. People who prepare for things like that really are nuts.

      I am just pulling your leg, but seriously, there are a lot more reasons in having an exit plan that the fall of civilization, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, or total crap hits the fan and Barbra Streisand puts on a concert in your area.
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 11 years ago
        Actually, hurricanes can hit the coast and more, with the help of HAMP, which the Prez was tinkering with when the weather service distanced themselves from it completely, leaving only one agency, the military planes and the Prez to plan the deed. This man will do anything, and would love to be dictator, after which, the really big guys in one world order will snuff him likely, as he is stupid and expendable. The question is, how much harm will he bring to people in his quest to accomplish it. Boorz always said Costa Rica was his exit plan.
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 11 months ago
          But Boortz is living in Naples, FL now. Costa Rica is certainly on my radar screen as a possible exit plan, too. For now, parts of Florida are good enough of an exit plan. If the winds are < 150 mph, everything built here since 1998 will be fine. If that happens, I am taking the insurance money and following through on the exit plan.
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