I'm Duncan Scott, screenwriter for Atlas Shrugged Part III. Ask me anything.

Posted by $ DuncanScott 11 years, 5 months ago to Entertainment
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Long ago, I worked directly with Ayn Rand to edit the movie, "We The Living." Today, I'm honored and thrilled to be writing the Atlas Shrugged Part III screenplay. I'll be returning here at around 4PM ET this afternoon, for about an hour, to answer your questions and read your comments. I look forward to hearing from everyone!


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EDIT 1: Duncan has just logged in and will be on with us for the next hour or so. He told me to let everyone know that he's really pleased to be here and looks forward to getting into it with everyone. Have fun!

EDIT 2: "Thank you very much. I enjoyed everyone's questions. I have to sign off now, but I will check back later and try to address follow up questions as time permits." - Duncan
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1. Read all of the previously asked questions before submitting your own. Your question may have already been asked.
2. Write one question per comment.
3. Vote on questions submitted by others. The most popular questions and comments will rise to the top.

Keep in mind, Duncan has only limited time to spend in the Gulch today and may not get to all of your questions. That doesn't mean he won't be back however so, be nice. :)

Scott (sdesapio)

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A four time Emmy Award winner, Duncan Scott has directed over 140 projects for film, television, and theater, including adaptations of novels by Ayn Rand, the author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Duncan worked with Rand to adapt and re-edit the film version of her book, We the Living, and his production company now owns and distributes the movie. He also conceived and developed The Objectivist History Project, an on-going series of video interviews with the leaders and key thinkers that Rand inspired during her lifetime.

Buy the "We the Living" DVD: http://bit.ly/WeTheLivingDVD
Buy Duncan's "The Birth of Objectivism" DVD Set: http://bit.ly/TheBirthOfObjectivism

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