Global Warming is the biggest fraud ever

Posted by TexanSolar 11 years, 1 month ago to Science
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I Have examined the data used by IPCC scientists to postulate man-caused global warming. It is hopelessly inadequate to substantiate their theory.
The primary source for temperature data from the oceans is weather buoys.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Data Buoy center posts this map showing the current locations and data from all of the 1191 stations deployed. This map is interactive. You can click on any one of the weather buoys and retrieve its data a including latitude and longitude of its location.
Note that almost all weather buoys are located between about 61 deg North Latitude and 19 degrees South Latitude. Large areas surrounding the North and South poles have no data at all.
The preponderance of buoys are located along the coast of industrialized nations and on a narrow strip along the equator.
They have used this meager data to populate an imaginary 5 deg x 5 deg grid with data. This obviously required an extreme amount of interpolation and interpolation to populate this grid. Many of the nodes of this grid are over a thousand miles from the nearest buoy. I addition they have removed biases and corrected for anomalies. This amount of data manipulation is dishonest at best.
Ironically if the deployed buoys were equally they would fill this grid which is about 350 miles between nodes.

I believe the evil intent of this fraudulent theory is to facilitate governmental take-overs of the energy sector of the world's economies. Their agenda is evil.
Presently the government is penalizing fossil fuel burning power plants. Federal monies go those companies in the renewable energy industry whose intent is to feed the Grid.
This places the designers of systems for off-grid applications, like my myself, at a disadvantage.
The most beautiful aspect of solar energy is that God has already distributed it. No need to centralize it and then redistribute it.
It is much easier to design for off-grid than it is to tie in to the grid.

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