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  • Posted by $ WillH 11 years, 1 month ago
    I know there are passionate feelings from many people as it relates to Mr. Snowden, but I must say that he has done us all a great service by letting us know what the NSA was up to. He has managed to expose the illegal activities of the US government without exposing US operatives in foreign countries. The government has not been able to pin a single death to him. I am honestly surprised they have not manufactured one for him.

    The man has a great spirit of determination, and is paying heavily for his convictions. I personally wish him nothing but the best.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years, 1 month ago
    If it is not it is the only intelligence angency in the world not doing so. Some really old info (from the lmiddle '90s) ther are more industeral espionage agents working in the US than any other type of espionage agent. And guess what, most are from our European allies and some of our middle eastern allies as well as the Asian.
    Industrial espionage is done for the say reason traditional espionage is - to save time and money. If it costs you $10M to stean an idea and $100M to develop it, you just saved $90M. Way to go. Never mind that it is illegal in every country in the world, it is done by every country in the world.
    I don't think its right but as they say everybody is foing it so I must also.
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