Marketplace Fairness Act

Posted by BlueNova 11 years, 10 months ago to Legislation
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Did I fall into a chapter of Atlas Shrugged and can't get out. Sometning akin to falling down Alice and Wonderland's "rabbit hole."

Street retailers want the State to collect sales taxes from on-line vendors. Ironically, many of which also do business on-line. Currently, when purchasing a product on-line, a S&H charge is applied. When purchasing a product of the "street" store, a sales tax is applied in most states (45 of 50; or, 52 of 57 if using obama's count). Isn't this leveling already achieved by market forces?. This is all BS and they're quickly, very quickly ramming it through congress. But the unintended consequences (except for obama) is to drive on-line purchasing to firms outside the US causing a further loss in jobs.

While I'm at it, another example of an "Atlas-ism" is more serious because it led to the housing bubble collapse which led to the collapse of the economy which led to the rise of the socilaists. The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. This repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. This act separated the banking firms from the securities firms and their combined services led to looting the economy. The repubs passed this legislation. The dems will pass the former, if they can, with a little help from the repubs.

BTW, the G-S Act was one of the few laws that the socialist Roosevelt administration. created. It was created to prevent another depression. The repeal of the G-S Act is a great example of those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

Congress, both dems and repubs, are looting us and it cannot be stopped. It's frustrating, so frustrating.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
    respectfully, blue I completely disagree.
    1. AIG would not have fallen under the G-S umbrella
    2.G-S was a direct violation of free markets, giving more power to govt
    3. depression=federal reserve(central banking)+legal tender laws+bad social policy(laws)
    4. other countries were not subject to G-S type laws and they did not suffer a depression
    Why financial collapse happened:
    1.Community Re-investment Act gave rise to Fannie and Freddie(not free market institutions)
    2.Federal Reserve policies(central banking is a failed concept)
    3.onerous regulatory policy (SOX) that seriously depleted the number of companies going public. It had the effect of diverting investment from the business sector into the housing sector
    4.really bad intellectual property rules and regulations(businesses slowed R and D)
    5. The fed bailed out banks EIGHT times since 1980
    Here is a great article on point:
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  • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks for the respectful correction. One always continues to learn. Knowledge is Power.
    If I knew that "$22/hr minimum wage" warren was spouting in favor of G-S, I would have taken that as a cue to look deeper. Yes, I'm from MA and still can't believe she got elected. Next markey may get elected. What a duo they'll make. To think that MA is the state where the "Shot Heard Around the World" occurred. What happened to such a courageous state? .

    I've ordered book at the end of the article the "How Ayn Rand's Ideas Can End Big Government." for my Kindle so the learning continues.

    BTW, I only meant to point out the term "Market Place Fairness Act" as being so similar the wording of a lesley mooch regulation. Then I ranted on and showed my ignorance. But by doing that, I learned something and hope to have a good read with the book.

    BTW, I even bought into the Big Lie that the poor caused the collapse by buying houses they couldn't afford. Live and learn.
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years, 10 months ago
      it's ok- Rush and Hannity buy into that as well. I was just thinking about you feel about MA, they are all feeling in CT.
      with every new generation of state schooled and alter-history fed churning out, the votes will be against you, the producer. stay vigilant!
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 10 months ago
        Well, it's done. I'm pulling both of my kids out of the public schools here, because of what my daughter told me her social studies teacher said today. She said that what happened in Boston was terrible, and done by radicals, BUT Muslims are peaceful people. My daughter said she almost laughed in the teacher's face. As I've said before, we have a friend from Iraq, a Christian Iraqi, whose family was persecuted by said "peaceful Muslims" during the Gulf War. She would gladly refute this pandering PC bs being spouted by the idiots in the press!!
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        • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
          Our gov devalue won't release the Islamic jihadists bombers' welfare records. My post to the Boston Paper carrying the article was "It's because it would throw an ugly light on their welfare state agenda."

          I have to agree with your sentiments. The public education system is becoming or largely is now a socialist propaganda machine.

          I have to get this off my chest here, some district in Washington, the state, I think wants to ban the word, among others, penmanship because it contains the word "man." Now it's to be called handwriting. This political correctness BS is freaking me out. I guess they have a serious case of misandry. I never knew there is a word to describe such a sentiment until a homeless man told me. Odd?

          BTW, one superintendant, I cannot remember where, wants to start teaching American history from 1875 on. I saw her speaking on a video to this effect so I know it its true.
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      • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
        Speaking to a like-minded conservative, I loudly mentioned in a neighborhood breakfast place "It politically sucks to live in MA." Well I don't have to tell you the response I got from the rest of the crowd. Things like "And we're proud of it." Proud of what????

        I'm a contrarian and rablerouser by nature (maybe too much for my own good) and hung up an in your face Tea Party Gadsden Flag on a main street where half of the small city has to pass. It lasted longer than I expected, 2 years until it was taken down and stolen I still carry the TPF decals on each side of my car. Hope my car doesn't get stolen :-)
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  • Posted by flanap 11 years, 10 months ago
    Couple things, with all due respect and such...

    1) S&H costs are not comparable to sales taxes for two reasons:a) sales taxes do not enrich the vendor, but are revenues for the State; b) S&H costs are comparable to your expense to obtain the product from the brick and mortar establishment.
    2) The sales tax push for online is only a benefit for States and the fact that the Federal government is pushing for this is because they get to pilfer more of the States' revenues when they have more revenues.

    This will get signed into law most assuredly, just like other things folks never dreamed would happen like Obamacare and unemployment insurance.

    Follow the money back to the government as that is always where this crap goes.
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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 10 months ago
    One of the two Dem senators (not capitalized on purpose) from my state will be voting against it. We don't have a sales tax and we have a budget surplus. As he said, our people will be forced to support states running at a deficit. Tester is usually lockstep with the party so this was surprising. .
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