Ex moocher with a Moocher account - for now.

Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I discovered & read Atlas Shrugged over a year ago. It changed my life for the better.

I used to spend too much time feeling sorry for myself & moaning about how unfair life is. Then I read Atlas & realised WHY life was so unfair. Now I moan about it even more but with good reason.

Before reading Atlas, I lacked confidence in myself. I was a wage slave; that is, I always found myself in lousy low paid jobs that require no brain power because I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't aspire to be a doctor or an accountant - I wish I did because life would've been easier - I'd have had something to aim for. Anyhow, I've always been good with my hands & good at problem solving, so I went self employed as a general handyman. I know how strapped for cash most people are so I like to come up with inexpensive solutions to possibly very expensive problems. Where possible, I like to use recycled materials when working on someone's property simply because it is more cost effective for the customer. I still pay myself well - I know I'm worth it: but often, material costs are close to zero. I like to do a good job & I have a good reputation. That is why I have customers.

Alas, I have found work to be thin on the ground at times. I've gone 5 or 6 weeks without a phone call. So, I set up a window cleaning round - which pays me really quite well. While I employ traditional window cleaning methods, I've made several improvements which have speeded up the window cleaning process by at least 15%. I worked out how to eliminate time wasted on each job, thus optimising productivity without compromising quality of work. I'm always trying to re-invent the wheel so to speak.

Once again, I have a good reputation - I have regular customers. Being self employed, I can earn in two days what it would normally take a week to earn. Alas, I still don't have as much work as I would like but the quality of my life has improved no end since going self employed. I have Ayn Rand to thank for the inspiration to achieve something, however humble it may seem to many. I earn a better living than many people I know.

I'm married with three kids & three cats. My wife is currently reading Atlas Shrugged.
SOURCE URL: http://generalhandyman.biz

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  • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
    Thanks for the warm welcome. It's nice to be among people who speak the same language.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 10 months ago
      Isn't it amazing how difficult it is to find people who can carry on a conversation about anything important?? I'm discouraged by it everyday (outside of the gulch)...with increasing momentum.
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      • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
        I admit that I can spend way too much time on FB - usually giving a long winded reply to some 'progressive' I've got into a debate with. Alas, they're usually as pig headed as I am when it comes to politics. I'm taking a break from it.

        I get so tired of being the odd one out. I'm a recluse at the best of times - unless I'm working, of course. Most people I know on FB are old friends I don't see very often. Most of them have been suckered by the Left.

        Galt's Gulch (in Atlas) seems like my idea of heaven. This too seems a refreshing change.
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        • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 10 months ago
          We know how you feel. I'd just plain rather be at home all the time and not have to deal with the lot of 'em. Glad that you're taking a break from wasting your energies on the dead. Having a logical conversation is so much more fun.
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