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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
    I think that if the GOP tries to put up 'Mittens' again, it will be the last nail in the coffin.
    I'm sick and tired of choosing between two bowls of crap for breakfast, if ya know what I mean.
    Rand Paul/Gary Johnson would be a ticket I could vote on without much trauma to my conscience. Beyond that, I must confess that I am rather skeptical of most of the other choices.
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  • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years ago
    Compared to what we have now, anything would be a marked improvement, excepting, of course, the Anointed One's hand-picked pantsuited successor, The former president's commander in chief.. Sadly, I could see the people who voted for the novelty of a black president vote for the bad side of Clinton for the same novelty factor - not the "lesser of two evils" or that she's particularly qualified, but "Gee, it'd be cool to have a woman in the white house", just like "Gee it'd be cool to have a black man in the white house". It'd be like electing Liberace because he's Gay. (OK, that he's been dead for years wouldn't likely matter much...)

    Me? If it's a novelty you want, elect someone who is also qualified, skilled, AND was NSA during a nasty part if history - Condi Rice. Otherwise, people need to get their collective brains out of the clouds of sparkle-rainbow fantasy island and elect someone who will make a DIFFERENCE rather thal be kitschy.

    For me? That'd be Rand. All business, I think he COULD reach across the aisle *and* be tough when it's in the USA's best interest, and not a wishy-washy pushover or a Self-entitled leader-for-life wannabe.
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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 11 years ago
    Of any candidate who has ran for the office in 20+ years in either party, Mitt has far more ability to make the country successful.

    There are lots of people who don't like him for lots of reasons that have nothing to do with the office. If anybody has anything they can contribute to that list that is not related to:
    his religion
    his family
    his wealth
    his haircut
    his race/sex/party

    I'd like to hear it.

    These are the usual things he's attacked on, none of which have a thing to do with being president. In the three debates he had with BO there was no question that he wiped the floor with BO in the first and second and the third was at best a tie because of the "Moderator" interfering on behalf of BO. Everything she interjected was proved to be erroneous. Instead of acting as a moderator it was clear she was protecting "her man".

    Mitt has already said he is not going to run and I expect that he won't, but I can assure you that he had been president for the past year, the economy would not be on the verge of taking a terminal nosedive that will make 08 look like a one day correction.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      uh... why not just say if anybody has anything that can contribute to that list that doesn't have anything to do with Romney? I mean, you included "party"... I think that's a very valid criticism.
      He's another big-government Republican establishment politician.
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  • Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years ago
    Mitt Romney seems like a decent man, obviously has a savvy head for business but fails miserable at the Political game hence the flip flop flip flop.
    Hillary - God help us ALL
    Paul Rand - seems too much like his crazy Pappy. Sorry, you do need some taxes, otherwise how do you pay for a Military unless you intend not to have one.
    Gov Walker, WI - don't like the looks of him, sorry.
    Chris Christie - uh no, this country will not elect an overweight person, heart attack waiting to happen.
    Marco Rubio - nice looking but messed up with his gang of 8 and immigration.
    Bobby Jindal - maybe.
    Doesn't seem like We The People have much of a choice and the American voters are just dumb enough to keep putting Marxist/socialist people like Obama/Hillary into office.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    Some of the comments in this thread show why Repbulicans have a problem.
    I don't care as long as it not a conservative (a rephrasing of the statement)
    Don't want a moderate

    With mind sets like those who ever the Dem's nominate will win.

    Consider this, just for the hell of it -- How about Jeb Bush?
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      FINE! Then let the Democrats win fair and square. Give the people what they want, if they want the socialist agenda the Democrats are putting forward.

      Why must we compromise to protect them from themselves?

      "I am not going to say the words that make me the murderer. It's your policies that killed the John Galt Line; it's your interference that's killing this railroad. YOU'RE the assassins."

      Trying to save Taggart Transcontinental, Dagny compromised and compromised with the looters, until the railroad was destroyed anyway.

      The way to beat the looters is to pull a Hank Rearden: "I will not sell any metal to the State Science Institute; at any time, at any price, for any purpose whatsoever."

      Try pouring a ton of steel without rigid principles.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago
    No offense to Mitt, but this is typical republican move...they smell a gain and they roll out a re-tread tire THEY want to see in office and not what the American people are calling for (read in amnesty).

    God we really need a third, fourth, or fifth party to choose from.

    The appropriate RNC choices should be Rand Paul, Allan West, Dr. Ben Carson, Alan Keyes, Mike Lee or perhaps Ted Cruz.

    And no, I do not dislike or have anything against Mormons.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
      When asked about the Republican field, Romney promoted Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee... when asked specifically about others such as Cruz and Paul, he trotted out the usual establishment line that we have to field candidates that appeal to a broad field.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago
        I voted for Mitt because I had no choice. Same when it came to McCain. I'm tired of settling.
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        • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years ago
          I couldn't bring myself to vote for McCain... He was part of the reason I went back to the LP. When they put Palin as his VP running mate, and put her in blind and uncoached/unschooled/unprepped, it was to make sure the anointed one got in. If the RP rins Mitt again (and I *like* some aspects of Romney), it will be because they want Hellory Klinton to be in office.

          That may not be a popular position to state here, but I kid you not, if the RP didn't want to keep throwing the election deliberately to the commun, er, Democrats, tey have a whole BUNCH of young, brilliant, and personable people to put up. And they wouldn't keep putting the same 12 year old hash on our plate and telling us we have to eat it.

          I mentioned Condi Rice before... IF somehow one could get her to run again, I would LOVE to see her as Veep with Rand as the CiC. That has the makings of a dream team...
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 years ago
            Well I had to scrub with brillo after being forced to vote for McCain, I loath that POS. I cannot not vote (exercise my power in government) and took whatever sh*t stuck to the wall (aka whatever the RNC deemed it could slip by the American people).

            Rand/Rice would be fantastic, though Rice strikes me as a Party girl - brilliant just the same. Rand/Carson? Yeah, that would suit me just fine.
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            • Posted by $ Susanne 11 years ago
              I don't know if I could call her a party girl - Successful board member of Chevron (so much so they named a supertanker after her), wanted to be a concert pianist as a child (and can pull off that level of musicianship), good conservative roots, lots of huge experience dealing with the beltway crowd when she served under GWB, and... she's an avid shooter and pro second amendment.
              Downside is I think she got burned out (or just burned) along with the whole GWB cabinet members (not to mention W himself)... it would be an almost impossible task to get her (or any of that group) to set foot inside the beltway again.

              Rand/Carson - that even SOUNDS presidential. And none of the old school RP baggage... Got my vote.
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  • Posted by mminnick 11 years ago
    Copied from another post that I put this on. sorry for any problemsw/
    Governor Romney is an honorable man with insight into ho to make the country more efficient and effective in creating jobs and restoring the economy. That said, there is absolutely no way he will ever win the Presidentcy. The MSM will complete the job of his distructin if he runs again and maybe even if he doesn't.
    He and others like him represent the thing they and the progressives fear most: a truly competent man who knows what needs to be done and is capable of actually doing it, not just offering "Hope and Change".
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