How hard do you work?

Posted by SolitudeIsBliss 11 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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After experiencing all the headaches of running a small business in these challenging times knowing that most of my hard work, sacrifice and profit will not be rewarded but instead taken by force from me and instead given to moochers and looters I've told my husband I'm done. I could work 60+ hrs a week, travel and make my business grow even more but I refuse to.
I will only work enough to meet our needs and no more. I will not Cooperate ! If someone wants a piece of the pie, let them bake !
So even though times are hard and sales aren't what they should be we're surviving but not one more drop of MY sweat is going to go to others.
Hank Reardon:
"I work for nothing but my own profit. I earn it."
"No, I do not want my attitude to be misunderstood. I shall be glad to state it for the record. I am in full agreement with the facts of everything said about me in the newspapers - with the facts, but not with the evaluation. I work for nothing but my own profit - which I make by selling a product they need to men who are willing and able to buy it. I do not produce it for their benefit at the expense of mine, and they do not buy it for my benefit at the expense of theirs; I do not sacrifice my interests to them nor do they sacrifice theirs to me; we deal as equals by mutual consent to mutual advantage - and I am proud of every penny that I have earned in this manner. I am rich and I am proud of every penny I own. I made my money by my own effort, in free exchange and through the voluntary consent of every man I dealt with - voluntary consent of those who employed me when I started, the voluntary consent of those who work for me now, the voluntary consent of those who buy my product!
Just wondering what others think !

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  • Posted by $ WillH 11 years, 1 month ago
    Welcome to the strike! It’s very hard knowing what you can do, but are choosing not to. It will be even harder when the financial screws begin to tighten down a bit, but you will get thru it. I found Ayn Rand really laid out the process perfectly from the description of the first night the strikers would spend in Galt’s guestroom to all those statements on the wall. I think you will go thru this too. I would recommend that you keep posting here if you need support.

    My biggest suggestion is to find something to fill that space and focus your creative spirit. A new hobby, additional time with your family, etc. can really help.
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  • Posted by BradA 11 years, 1 month ago
    Welcome to the strike. Here's my story, a re-posting of my own introduction when I joined GG almost a year ago.

    For the last 10 years or so I have been running a reasonably successful dive bar. And in doing so, I am on strike.

    It's not that the business doesn't require a huge amount of effort to operate profitably; it does. Just ask any other bar owner you may run into. And while I still work hard, I consider this endeavor's contribution back to our moocher society to be minimal, at best.

    You see, like Hugh Akston and his diner, I have chosen NOT to use my skills and training to benefit those who want to reward my efforts by looting me of the fruits of those efforts. Instead, I use them on projects that amuse me and maybe a few of my customers.

    Like Galt, I too am an engineer. I have degrees from MIT. I have patents. I have run more than one multi-million dollar hi-tech company. But no more. I am on strike. When California (and the Feds) sees fit to take more than 50% of what I produce / earn, then I simply stop producing.

    And what I find most depressing is what happened last November. I cannot recall an election where the choice between the producers and the moochers was more stark. And yet the moochers prevailed. We now live in a society where the majority feels a moral right to take what they want/need from the minority without compensation. It's a slippery slope from which I cannot see a recovery. But unfortunately we do not live in Galt's world. Our decline will be more gradual, playing out over multiple generations. But make no mistake, the scales have tipped and the decline has begun.

    And I remain on strike.

    And I pray that my assessment is wrong.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
    Good for you.
    I work physically hard at my "day job", but I'm trying to get myself into a "financially independent" situation (self-employment making enough to pay my bills so I can quit my "day job").

    I was thinking about this the other night. We may be entering the new age of the entrepreneur in America. I foresee a lot of people becoming self-employed in the near future, in order to circumvent government coercion and interference.

    Were I given Obama's pen and phone for a week, I'd transform all employment to "contract labor", abolish withholding tax, and thereby forcing each person to file taxes as a personal business.
    We'd see some changes to the tax code and regulation then!
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    • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years, 1 month ago
      What makes you think that self employment will rid you of the grubment coercion and interference? It won't. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying you will still have to deal with coercion and interference.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
        It won't rid anyone of it, but it will change the nature and amount. They may not dodge all coercion and interference, but they'll gain control and be able to at least in part navigate their way through it.
        I've a ton of "rules" I'm supposed to follow, so that my employer can be in compliance with the government. Self-employed, in the right business, and much of that nonsense would go away.
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        • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago
          Re compliance, I totally get you. Being self employed, I don't (yet) have to deal with Gubmint enforced bullcrap. If I take on employees, I'll have to - and I'll become a victim of legal theft. That ain't gonna happen.
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  • Posted by plusaf 11 years ago
    You remind me of a time many decades ago when my employer sent me to Stockholm to train some sales reps.

    While being chauffeured around by one, I asked him how the Swedish taxes affected him.

    Very simply, he replied: when my boss offers me a raise, I negotiate with him for additional vacation time, instead. The extra cash would disappear in taxes. The vacation time is mine.

    Simple question, simple answer, and an indication of the diminishing returns to a country when workers prefer vacation to raises.

    And that was some time back in the early 1970s!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 1 month ago
    How do you dial it back? Do you raise prices until you have hardly any work, work that earns just enough to subsist? Or do you stop doing any trade show or networking even unless you just want to do it for fun, knowing that business will start to shrink if you don't go out and find customers?

    Business is like an addiction. How do you say no?
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      You don't necessarily have to dial it back but certainly not work additional hours getting new contracts. That in itself will scale the business back. When needed, you go get new customers but in the meantime I'm not feeding the beast at my expense.
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  • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago
    Hello SolitudeIsBliss, I'm from the UK & I'm approaching my 3rd year of self employment. We've got a bunch of idiots in Government (they may as well be Labour) & all we've got to look forward to at the next election is Labour getting the vote. If they do get in, as I understand it, anyone earning over £150,000 will be taxed at 50%. Our economy will become worse than it already is.

    Fortunately, I fly under the radar. I'm the small guy. I make a reasonable income which keeps the wolf from the door. I doubt I'll be owing much tax this year. All that said, I didn't finish work til 11:30 this evening (about an hour ago). The last two nights on the trot, I've worked til gone midnight. It's a matter of necessity & a labour of love - although I'll be bloody glad when this particular contract is over.

    What is it that you do - if you don't mind me asking?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      I manufacture industrial detergents such as car washes, pressure washing, carpet cleaning. It gets harder and harder every year. It's getting to the point where the govt is going to ban shampoos, toothpaste and deodorant LOL.
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      • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago
        I'm a handyman (painter/decorator, carpentry, bricklaying etc) & a window cleaner (big earner). I use Glass Gleam 4 from Titan Labs, for window cleaning - it's an excellent detergent. Do you make something similar?
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        • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
          We do. Mainly a combination of alcohols and surfactants. I love Chemistry. So much fun formulating products.
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          • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago
            Cool. Do you have a website? I'd be interested to browse. I'm always looking to improve my services/performance.
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            • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
              It's currently being revamped to meet GHS requirements (GHS= Global Harmonized System) how's that for a name. All products require a Material Safety Data Sheet and manufacturers have until 2015 to revise all their documentation. We're in the process of rewriting all our documentation.
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              • Posted by JossAmbrose 11 years, 1 month ago
                I take it the cost of compliance & the resulting loss of earnings/customers is tax deductible? If not, it SHOULD be.
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                • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
                  Thanks for the laugh. No, it's at the companies' expense and NOT tax deductible. Just like OSHA compliances and any other trainings required by the govt. They issue their orders and companies must obey at their own expense.
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                  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
                    I have a friend who runs a company that developed software to categorize all the chemical breakdowns of a particular product. There clients are mostly European due to regs passed in the EU that forced companies to show this data for every product sold industrially. This information is then compared to stards for acceptable levels of each chemical compound. It's absurd and ridiculous and incredibly time consuming. Mistakes are easy to make in the compliance and the EU is loving hauling companies into court and fining the daylights out of them
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  • Posted by $ Pabjornedax 11 years, 1 month ago
    There are times when you read a post like this and wonder. Who is (them)? At what point do you start. The government started these programs before I was born, and now use it for control. I just don't know where the starting line is anymore!
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  • Posted by stadler178 11 years, 1 month ago
    Well, I'll admit, I work hard enough to do the job I was hired to do. But no more than that. In a system where everybody's taking, might as well take what you can get. Just don't waste time sacrificing when you're supposed to be trading instead.

    It's a system that works like that old Looney Tunes cartoon with the gangster and his dumb partner, counting out the money: "One for you, one for me, two for you, one, two for me, three for you, one, two, three for me..."
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  • Posted by MikeJoyous 11 years, 1 month ago
    Personally, I think you'd do better to work harder, make more, and put it into gold or survival foods, or solar energy. Anyways, what kind of work are you into? What's the name of your business? Maybe I'd be interested:)
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 11 years, 1 month ago
    I recently turned down an additional job. Not worth my time when taxed at the margin. I prefer to choose if and for what purpose to contribute to others, not have the Regime in D.C. dole it out to their cronies and moochers.
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  • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
    I brought work home to do this weekend but I just didn't have it in me. I see this administration putting more and more people out of work, on food stamps; more and more people looting like the woman from Cleveland shouting about her Obamaphone and how people need to go get their free stuff; the woman in Detroit talking about free money from the Obama stash and it just makes me sick !
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  • Posted by iroseland 11 years, 1 month ago
    The last decade has been the most productive decade of my life. This was because I was willing to get up when most folks were still asleep. I was willing to drive further than most folks. I do a job that most folks can't. I have calculated and taken risks that would give other folks nightmares. I have borne the responsibility for my failures, and been forced to share the results of my success.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      I've worked 70+ hours a week many times. Bring work home on weekends, go in on weekends and catch up on work. Employees don't appreciate it. I realized I was putting in all those hours and stress and falling into a bracket where the govt. was taxing me more. It was a lose lose. Breaks my heart because I love to work. In the Army they called me SSR (super short round) because I could do the work of 3 people. But as you get older you realize you're working so that others can reap the benefits of your hard work.
      As Winston Churchill said: “Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.”
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  • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
    I'm in the Chemical industry and the regulations alone have made it virtually impossible to BE in business. That's not counting all the other new regulations that are being rolled out by the EPA.
    Example: The EPA came to towns in the area and told councils that townspeople were not allowed to wash either their OWN homes or their cars in their driveways as they didn't want the runoff going into the storm drains. I won't even begin to point out all the absurdities of this requirement.
    And look what is being done to the Coal industry. People have worked hard all their lives for generations to lose everything to Govt regulations.
    ENOUGH !
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 11 years, 1 month ago
    I think I have come up with a pretty good business model for myself. After 30 years as a partner in a financial business, we parted ways and I decided to pursue my first love--writing. It is the perfect business. I'm self-published so I have complete control. No employees, just me, so no managerial problems, paperwork hassles or taxes to file. My writing is anti-statist and pro-capitalist (website:, novel: The Golden Pinnacle, on Amazon), so I feel great about what I'm doing. If I sell, I'll be doing well by doing good. People will read me of their own free choice, and like you, solitudebliss, I will be creating my own private Galt's Gulch. Believe me, we're not the only people going "on strike."
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    • Posted by RonC 11 years, 1 month ago
      I discovered another "perfect business", although they are more and more difficult to find. When the housing market collapsed and people were sending keys into the bank instead of payments, we started buying those distressed houses for 30-50 cents on the dollar. We did not flip them. Flipping is just a quick way to invite the tax collector into your business. We made very nice rental homes from the properties the moocher system threw away. We only pay taxes on the "net profit" which of course is reduced by operating expenses, country taxes (laid off on the tenant), and depreciation. The thing that really makes investment real estate a good choice are the tax laws that affect it. Why? Because almost everyone in Congress is a land baron, and they are not going to make laws to hurt themselves.

      As work goes, it was easy. I gave up my life for 20 years at the Post Office and received may wages. Fair enough, that was my bargain. In real estate investment I worked part time for four years and acquired enough properties to replace my postal income. How is that possible? Because on your day job the employer gets the fruit of your labor and you get a wage. Working for yourself you own the fruit of your labor plus what ever wage you choose to pay yourself. At this point, I will let things settle down into a state of normalcy and determine the amount of income tax we will have to pay. Then we may acquire 1-2 more properties to pay our taxes. By directing the income stream from those properties to our quarterly estimates, we create the effect of being retired and enjoying a retirement income, having the rental income that replaced my occupational income, and having the tax burden paid by 1 or two new tenants in additional properties. An old friend once told me focus on income, there's no limit to what you can make. Whereas, you can only cut so much in expenses. If your down to eating rice and beans, you still have to buy rice and beans.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 11 years ago
        They won't at the federal level, but that's not where most property taxes are controlled from. It is at the state and county level, and there you may find a different story. My fear with real-estate is just that these local governments, when revenue begins to decrease, will keep jacking up the real-estate taxes. Gold I can hide. Tough to do with a house sitting on a street corner somewhere.
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        • Posted by RonC 11 years ago
          I have had gold and silver. If you buy low and sell high it's as good as any commodity. It doesn't pay a dividend to hold it. So, I modeled my RE holdings in such a manner that the user/tenant is paying all the expenses, including a profit margin. We get income monthly, I didn't get that from gold. County real estate taxes are equivalent to corporate taxes in that the user really pays the tax. Corporations don't pay tax, customers do. The corp just handles the transaction for the govt. So for my little life it has been a good thing. I think the hardest thing to wrap my head around was modern rents. The last time I paid rent a 2 bedroom was $179/mo. The thought of getting $1000/mo for a thrown away house was beyond me. As it turns out. we have very nice properties and because of how we purchased them our rents are very competative.
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      • Posted by $ sjatkins 11 years, 1 month ago
        Working for yourself you find out what your employer was dealing with - producing something that is valued by customers more than what it costs (wages and so many other costs) to produce and sell it. It is true that you can make more money here if successful. But the work is also broader and deeper than what was good enough to keep a salary as an employee. Not all are cut out for it. Most have spent years training themselves to only be an employee, not an entrepreneur. The unlearning is not easy.

        Great advice indeed to focus on income! Congratulations or finding your way to relative financial freedom.
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  • Posted by $ sjatkins 11 years, 1 month ago
    I think that a person of action and purpose cannot simply stop without harm to themselves. I do not think the world will improve by simply giving up on it. Yes, it may collapse. But when it does there will not be more room for us but less. The majority of those left know little to nothing of freedom or of purpose. The majority of us will not survive it. At least we will not if we do not make a place for ourselves beforehand and it will be difficult even then. To do so will require more work than ever - work to build our type of world away from or after or somehow beside what lead you to this.
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