The Fundamental Choice
Posted by BradHarrington 9 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
Good Morning Guys 'N' Gals:
It is with a tremendous level of sadness that I send this piece along - a piece I wish desperately that I never had to write. Little did I know, at the very time I was sending out my email tribute to the anniversary of Apollo 11 last Monday, that two friends of mine were busy being murdered a few miles away...
With Love,
It is with a tremendous level of sadness that I send this piece along - a piece I wish desperately that I never had to write. Little did I know, at the very time I was sending out my email tribute to the anniversary of Apollo 11 last Monday, that two friends of mine were busy being murdered a few miles away...
With Love,
That is a very nice piece.
I was a toddler when my dad pointed to the radio and said, "Listen to this. This is important." It was coverage of the moon landing. My dad was an aerospace machinist and had helped build the 1st Boeing 747 (I returned to Boeing for my first job after college) and, at the time, was a machinist at Lockheed. I'm old enough to have seen the great America that existed post-WWII. We were a nation bolstered by the hard work required for a great victory. We made stuff. We worked hard. We tried to keep families together. I look at what my folks and their friends accomplished with little education and compare it to my generation and it's night and day. Sad, really.
Agreed on all counts. We have, literally, as a culture, lost our minds. I don't know if we can prevent a collapse. I don't think so... And, the nature of The Crash will determine whether we can ever recover from it. "Sad," unfortunately, is not the word...
Take Care,
I'm sorry for your loss, and the loss to the families of your friends, whose lives were taken without remorse.
Force is mindless, and truly brutes have only that at their disposal.
Sadly, it is the general populace, and specifically those to whom a mind is the most powerful tool, that are too often victims of the brutes.
My sincere condolences to you.
Kind regards,
Thank you... Dwight's service will be tomorrow. It'll be a rough time. Still no leads on the killer - while the cops here in town are busy bragging about how they've corralled dozens of teenage drinkers during Frontier Days. Gumshoes.
Take Care,
I, however, rejoice in the article. If only Colorado Springs Gazette would have had your editorials. How we would have worked to get to meet you personally! Cheyenne citizens are lucky indeed, and I applaud the paper for hiring you. Patriots!
Hey, THANKS!! If you ever get back into a newspaper somewhere, and you have some latitude with what you run, let me know; I'll be happy to turn in copy.
Take Care,
I see the two of you are in the Springs... Hell, that's only a few hours away (I'm in Cheyenne), and Barbie and I find ourselves in Ft. Collins quite a bit due to two of our daughters living there. Maybe we should hook up some time for a meet and dinner. If you two ever have an interest in that, just PM me and we'll go from there!!
Take Care,
Thanks man. I just wish Dwight would have been a little more security-conscious; even a vidcam, while it wouldn't have prevented his murder, would have recorded the event. Shit, he didn't even have that. He ran the place like a small-town business, and that turned out to be a tragic mistake...
Take Care,
If I could upvote this more, I would.
Maybe it's time for some of us young'uns to step up and be the next generation of "authentic Cheyenne."
Ha! We already ARE, actually - 'cause the current crop of fools in town sure don't qualify as "authentic." LOL
Take Care,
Those goons had not that connection.
Yeah, "goons" tend to be rather mindless by definition, don't they? (huge grin) And, ultimately, it is from the default of philosophy from whence they come...
Take Care,
Yet another reason people should exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.
Agreed. Dwight kept a shotgun under the counter but obviously did not have a chance to grab it. He really needed to have had a locked gate as well as vidcams... Unfortunately, he had neither...
Take Care,
Thank you... And yes, you are right. I've experienced it before and it doesn't go away. The sharp edges file off a bit, and that's it. The gumshoes around here, unfortunately, literally "don't have a clue."
Take Care,
A friend today commented on the crimes and drug use that just seem to get worse. Maybe, because the cause is never addressed. The mind and the personal responsibility factor never make the news. It's the flag's fault, it's the gun's fault, it's poverty, it's race.
Sorry, but no, it is the person's fault for not seeing they have a personal responsibility to think, to achieve, and to earn what they have. No one has ever questioned the real causes of the Columbine shootings, just the gun's fault. No, it was outcome based education, psychotropic drugs, and government tinkering online with those boys - all sending them far from reality, reason and thinking. It happens over and over, and the media seems brain dead to it all. As a retired journalist, it was frustrating trying to address reality with an editor into cronyism and quick judgements more than reality..
Couldn't agree with you more on all counts. We are actually breeding our own demise, through tax-supported propaganda camps called "schools." They're child abuse, quite frankly, and they've destroyed our ability to recover from all of it. It does NOT look good, I'm afraid...
Take Care,
I spent 21 years wearing blue and looking such "goons" as you describe them in the eye.
That ended May, 2003.
I have no desire to so much as see that prison again.
Thanks for your service; and no, I won't call it a "sacrifice." I'll thank you, instead, for defending your values. I sure as Hell couldn't do that... (work in a prison, I mean)...
Take Care,
Thanks man - appreciated more than you know.
Take Care,
I am over 70 years old, and have not had so much as a case of the sniffles in over 30 years. I've taken some significant falls in my senior years, without any detectable damage. I appear about 15 years younger than my calendar age. My family history is completely devoid of any instance of cancer, heart disease, or dementia. I have tried to offer myself as an object of medical research, to see what there is about my genetic makeup that makes me so vital, and have failed to raise any interest.
As an engineer, I guess I think differently from medical researchers. If I'm building something, I look first to see what design has been proven successful, and seek to emulate that success. I have been told flatly by medical researchers, "We don't study healthy people." I was staggered by that premise.
With today's ability to dissect genetic structure, it would seem obvious to take apart my genes to find what's working right, and how that might be used to develop a preemptive strategy to make a healthier populace. What I've discovered is that medical researchers aren't willing to buck the tide set in motion by ignorant bureaucrats to give grants to reactive medicine. Money to study dysfunctional, sick bodies takes precedence over the concept of investigating what makes very healthy people that way.
There are protocols for getting some genes to be 'read' or not to be 'read' by the body. It's called epigenetics; Dr Dadamo of has established some supplements to do this but I am not sure it would help mental problems. More research needs to be done in this area.
In Robert Heinlein's "Future Series," he bred longevity by paying people who had long-living family to mate with other people of the same ("The Howard Foundation"). Hell, given the state of "science" today, we can't even pull that one off. LOL
The state of "research" in this country is little more than the sight of pigs slopping at the public trough, as your example eloquently demonstrates. Too bad...
Take Care,
Thank you, and thank you. You are more than welcome.
Take Care,