Cornyn's call-out of Obama's lack of credibility
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years, 1 month ago to Government
It seems that more and more politicians are taking up the cause to she'd light on the dictator O's deplorable attitude to the foundations of the governance of our country.
The despotic behavior of the POTUS is precisely that of a power mad dictator. Lenin, Stalin and Marx are ovomit's ideal role models for governance. He is a traitor and a threat to the sovereignty if this once GREAT NATION!
The despotic behavior of the POTUS is precisely that of a power mad dictator. Lenin, Stalin and Marx are ovomit's ideal role models for governance. He is a traitor and a threat to the sovereignty if this once GREAT NATION!
I wish that lieing to the American people were treated like perjury. Obama would be in jail for his lies to get Obama-care passed. Of course, there would be few politicians not in jail.
I do not believe anything Obama says. He is, like Bill Clinton, a pathological liar.