Deja Vu. Cop Runs Stop Sign, Hits Sober Driver, Dept Covers it Up By Framing the Man for DUI

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago to Government
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Cops in Grand Junction attempted this exact same stunt on 3 of my brothers that had borrowed my automobile to run an errand. The cruiser in a 25 mph residential area, ran the stop sign at such a speed, while chasing a teenager on a motor-cycle, that he shoved my car some 150ft sidewise, only to finally stop against a curb. The car was completely mangled. I was called from the hospital and when I arrived another cop had a nurse ready to draw blood from my brothers. I immediately stopped them by asking to see the blood draw sample they had drawn from their cop. When he admitted they hadn't done so yet, I told them I was calling a lawyer and they would have to wait till he arrived. Two of my brothers were obviously injured but their cop didn't have a scratch. They dropped the issue at that point and within a week, offered a settlement. Of course the driver cop wasn't disciplined, at least publicly.

This is what happens if you give government any level of authority over us and impunity from the laws that govern the rest of us.

The conservative right/Christians have supported this type of government since Prohibition, and continues to want us to be controlled with hero cops instead of recognizing that we are fully capable of making our own decisions about our lives, our bodies, and our rational minds--and don't want or need anyone; politician, government employee with legal impunity, or teachings from an old book to determine our actions and that absolutely NO ONE has a right to ignore our right to life and freedom from harm, particularly those we hire to capture and bring before a judge, those that do actual harm to us.

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