This article ripped from pages of Atlas Shrugged
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 10 years, 12 months ago to Politics
Imagine, you are scrambling to secure freight trains to deliver goods, but govt regulations keep squashing any attempts to do so. Sound familiar?
I smell a rat...
They are also conning farmers into signing future development rights, usually to local agencies, which then resell them to China or other countries. The farmer thinks he can go on as usual, farming until her retires. Wrong. The fine print lets the new owner of the contracts put all sorts of restrictions on him, until it is impossible to farm.
Every decision is a value calculation and trade-off. One of the best vocalizations of this was from Milton Friedman when he spoke about the Ford Pinto:
The decision to veto the building permits for the Keystone pipeline was a decision calculated on one thing and one thing only: political power. Despots will always vote for control over freedom. Tyrants will always oppose the free market and the ability of the individual to seek their own best interest. Of that, history is replete with tragic examples.
One of the more telling indicators, however is that this tyrant, this despot was not only voted into power once but twice. That tells me that not enough Americans care about their freedom to stay informed on the issues and defend their right to pursue their own self-interest. That to me is a terrifying thought and all I can hope is that we wake up and right the ship before it hits the iceberg looming so present in our path.
Of course... there is a LOT of Bakken Crude Tanks going via rail through California... through cities in the central valley (where the tracks run THROUGH the center of the towns)... wonder what the insurance payout would be to the shipper (to indemnify their damages) should one of these trains take out a small town? Hmmm...
Do you mean Joey Biden, or Ted Kennedy? Both?